(n.) Respiration; the act of inhaling and exhaling air.
(n.) Air in gentle motion.
(n.) Any gentle influence or operation; inspiration; as, the breathings of the Spirit.
(n.) Aspiration; secret prayer.
(n.) Exercising; promotion of respiration.
(n.) Utterance; communication or publicity by words.
(n.) Breathing place; vent.
(n.) Stop; pause; delay.
(n.) Also, in a wider sense, the sound caused by the friction of the outgoing breath in the throat, mouth, etc., when the glottis is wide open; aspiration; the sound expressed by the letter h.
(n.) A mark to indicate aspiration or its absence. See Rough breathing, Smooth breathing, below.
Example Sentences:
(1) The 14C-aminopyrine breath test was used to measure liver function in 14 normal subjects, 16 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, 14 alcoholics without cirrhosis, and 29 patients taking a variety of drugs.
(2) The adaptive filter processor was tested for retrospective identification of artifacts in 20 male volunteers who performed the following specific movements between epochs of quiet, supine breathing: raising arms and legs (slowly, quickly, once, and several times), sitting up, breathing deeply and rapidly, and rolling from a supine to a lateral decubitus position.
(3) Four showed bronchodilation after a deep breath, indicating that this response can occur after extrinsic pulmonary denervation in man.
(4) We investigated the possible contribution made by oropharyngeal microfloral fermentation of ingested carbohydrate to the generation of the early, transient exhaled breath hydrogen rise seen after carbohydrate ingestion.
(5) We studied the effect of a 2-hour exposure to 0.6 ppm of ozone on bronchial reactivity in 8 healthy, nonsmoking subjects by measuring the increase in airway resistance (Raw) produced by inhalation of histamine diphosphate aerosol (1.6 per cent, 10 breaths).
(6) Base-line HPV was determined by measuring the change in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) while sheep breathed 12% O2 for 7 min.
(7) Of great influence on the results of measurements are preparation and registration (warm-up-time, amplification, closeness of pressure-system, unhurt catheters), factors relating to equipment and methods (air-bubbles in pressure-system, damping by filters, continuous infusion of the micro-catheter, level of zero-pressure), factors which occur during intravital measurement (pressure-drop along the arteria pulmonalis, influence of normal breathing, great intrapleural pressure changes, pressure damping in the catheter by thrombosis and external disturbances) and last not least positive and negative acceleration forces, which influence the diastolic and systolic pulmonary artery pressure.
(8) A relative net reduction of 47% in lactose malabsorption was produced by adding food, and the peak-rise in breath H2 was delayed by 2 hours.
(9) The most common patient complaint before starting therapy was shortness of breath.
(10) The patient and ventilator work ratios, and the work of breathing quantify factors which may be directly useful to the clinician and to future systems to automate weaning.
(11) Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) receiving supplemental oxygen state that this treatment makes them less short of breath at rest.
(12) When the first recordings of each of infants who died of SIDS, except one who had cyanotic episodes prior to death, were compared to recordings of survivors (six for each case) closely matched for age, gestation, and weight at birth, no differences in breathing patterns or heart or respiratory rates during regular breathing could be demonstrated.
(13) The rabbits were either breathing spontaneously or were ventilated by a phrenic nerve-controlled servorespirator without the use of muscle relaxants.
(14) Possible explanations of the clinical gains include 1) psychological encouragement, 2) improvements of mechanical efficiency, 3) restoration of cardiovascular fitness, thus breaking a vicous circle of dyspnoea, inactivity and worsening dyspnoea, 4) strengthening of the body musculature, thus reducing the proportion of anaerobic work, 5) biochemical adaptations reducing glycolysis in the active tissues, and 6) indirect responses to such factors as group support, with advice on smoking habits, breathing patterns and bronchial hygiene.
(15) For these augmented breaths, tidal volume, inspiratory time, and expiratory time were not different from the next augmented breath occurring in the same run in the steady state.
(16) Eight men and eight women each performed peak oxygen intake tests on a cycle ergometer breathing ambient air and a mixture of 12% oxygen in nitrogen (equivalent to an altitude of 4400 m) in the two experiments.
(17) Although the level of ventilation is maintained constant during eating and drinking, the pattern of breathing becomes increasingly irregular.
(18) We conclude that: 1) the effective capillary PO2 in the fetal brain can be significantly reduced by increasing the distance between non-methemoglobin-laden erythrocytes in capillaries and 2) hypoxic inhibition of fetal breathing probably arises from discrete areas of the brain having a PO2 less than 3 Torr.
(19) He was fighting to breathe.” The decision on her father’s case came just 10 days after a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, found there was not enough evidence to indict a white police officer for shooting dead an unarmed black teenager called Michael Brown.
(20) No change in breathing frequency, minute ventilation, and pulmonary gas exchange was observed.
(v. i.) To snuffle, as one does with a catarrh.
Example Sentences:
(1) A few sniffles and damp cheeks are endearing by comparison.
(2) In this study, we are interested in the character of the mucosa and their changes as affected by long-term injury from the trauma of the inspiratory and expiratory air currents, which, on sniffling or snorting, may reach hurricane speeds.
(3) Though I'm not one to spend January in a hair shirt of self‑denial, I have to say that this week's liquid theme came as a bit of a relief – especially to a household struck down by seasonal sniffles.
(4) So if China gets the sniffles, then the rest of the world should probably keep the tissues handy.
(5) Trump lobbed in: “That makes me smart.” Trump's sniffles distract viewers at first presidential debate with Clinton Read more Had the class clown just admitted on live television, before a global audience of tens of millions, that he has not in fact paid income tax?
(6) Echinacea , a favourite herbal remedy for parents to give children with the sniffles, should not be given to the under-12s , said the Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency last week.
(7) In over half the cases the infants had a cold, the sniffles, or other respiratory tract congestion within two weeks of the date of death, which seems to support the oft-quoted contention concerning the possibility of nasal obstruction which could initiate the fatal apnea.
(8) Trump’s repeated sniffling during the first two debates has also drawn attention, and Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont, was forced to apologise for tweeting a suggestion that it could be due to cocaine use.
(9) They also recorded the severity of their clinical symptoms (runny nose, sniffles, sneezing, postnasal drip, cough and sore throat) on symptom cards.
(10) However, at the less illustrious end of the scale, this surely also means physicians dealing with pest-patients who won't accept that either there's nothing wrong with them or that there is no treatment available, except for their malady to run its course while they sniffle under a duvet in front of a Breaking Bad box set.
(11) Then, right at the end, like a long-suffering, frosty school principal, she decided to expel the ranting, sniffling, whining 70-year-old schoolboy who had not done his homework.
(12) They may indicate a sniffle in the relations between the two countries.
(13) Dr Mark Sonderup, the vice-chairman at the South African Medical Association, told the Mail & Guardian newspaper this week : "I'm not sure we should press the panic button every single time a man of his age has the sniffles.
(14) By the time the service was over their steps were inaudible amid the chorus of sobs and sniffles.
(15) Having always thought of cinema as a safe space, I was ready to cry about five minutes into Nancy Meyers’ The Intern , and then continued wailing and sniffling until the end credits rolled.
(16) Trump hit Clinton on trade and her political record – issues that have helped him draw level in recent polls and may yet dominate the election – but appeared thin-skinned and under-prepared as he sniffled his way through the debate.
(17) And the first lady, Robin Wright’s Claire Underwood, sleeping in a spare bedroom due to a “cold” that is suspiciously sniffle-free, has demanded from her husband a nomination as US ambassador to the United Nations.