(n.) A structure, usually of wood, stone, brick, or iron, erected over a river or other water course, or over a chasm, railroad, etc., to make a passageway from one bank to the other.
(n.) Anything supported at the ends, which serves to keep some other thing from resting upon the object spanned, as in engraving, watchmaking, etc., or which forms a platform or staging over which something passes or is conveyed.
(n.) The small arch or bar at right angles to the strings of a violin, guitar, etc., serving of raise them and transmit their vibrations to the body of the instrument.
(n.) A device to measure the resistance of a wire or other conductor forming part of an electric circuit.
(n.) A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc.; -- usually called a bridge wall.
(v. t.) To build a bridge or bridges on or over; as, to bridge a river.
(v. t.) To open or make a passage, as by a bridge.
(v. t.) To find a way of getting over, as a difficulty; -- generally with over.
Example Sentences:
(1) The role of Ca2+ in cell agglutination may be either to activate the cell-surface dextran receptor or to form specific intercellular Ca2+ bridges.
(2) Data from cases with myocardial bridges show that both fatty streaks and raised lesions are seldom observed in the region distal to myocardial bridge.
(3) which suggest that ~60-90% of the cross-bridges attached in rigor are attached in relaxed fibers at an ionic strength of 20 mM and ~2-10% of this number of cross-bridges are attached in a relaxed fiber at an ionic strength of 170 mM.
(4) Terry Waite Chair, Benedict Birnberg Deputy chair, Antonio Ferrara CEO The Prisons Video Trust • If I want to build a bridge, I call in a firm of civil engineers who specialise in bridge-building.
(5) Brief digestion at neutral pH without reduction produced a molecule in which the Fab and Fc fragments were still linked by a pair of labile disulphide bridges, and the Fc fragment released by cleaving these bonds, called 1Fc fragment, contained a portion of the ;hinge' region including an interchain disulphide bridge.
(6) Acute coronary angiography showed myocardial bridging and total occlusion of the left anterior descending artery in the middle one-third of its course.
(7) These force-generators are identified with projections (cross-bridges) on the thick filament, each consisting of part of a myosin molecule.
(8) Segmental function was diminished an average of 67.8% in "noses" and 46.6% in "bridges".
(9) Gibbs was sent off in the first half at Stamford Bridge for handball, despite replays clearly showing it was his team-mate Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain who illegally deflected an Eden Hazard shot.
(10) Close van der Waals' contacts between the Cys22-Cys63 and Cys51-Cys75 disulfide bridges and the central hydrophobic core composed of the Trp25, Leu46, His48a and Trp62 side-chains are among the distinguishing features of the kringle 2 fold.
(11) The reactivity of the three disulphide bridges of insulin towards sodium sulphite was studied by amperometric titration of the liberated thiol groups.
(12) The cartilage of the concha is a valuable substitute of the bridge and the posterior wall of the external auditory conduct.
(13) It is shown from an analysis of the transient force responses observed after sudden changes in muscle length applied both at full and reduced overlap and during the rising phase of short tetani that these responses can be explained on the basis of varying numbers of cross bridges attached at the time of the length step.
(14) A two-lane, 400m bridge – funded by Jica, Japan's aid agency – coupled with simplified procedures agreed by Zambia and Zimbabwe have speeded up processing time.
(15) The dynamic properties of cross-bridge movement were investigated in glycerol-treated muscle fibers under various conditions by analyzing tension responses to two types of length change.
(16) The first problem facing Calderdale is sheep-rustling Happy Valley – filmed around Hebden Bridge, with its beautiful stone houses straight off the pages of the Guardian’s Lets Move To – may be filled with rolling hills and verdant pastures, but the reality of rural issues are harsh.
(17) It is suggested that a general manner of folding may be a common feature of the heterogeneous population of kappa-chains: one bridge which folds an invariable stretch of the chain, another bridge which folds a stretch that varies from protein to protein, and a bridge at the C-terminus which is the interchain link.
(18) 1-[(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)methyl]-3-(2-chloroethyl)-3- nitrosourea hydrochloride (ACNU) causes chloroethylation of DNA strand followed by cross linking through an ethylene bridge.
(19) Optimal staining of antigen rich tissue, such as frozen sections, with the peroxidase antiperoxidase method required low antiserum concentrations apparently to minimize the binding of both antigen-binding fragments of the bridging antibody to the tissue bound antiserum.
(20) The results provided information on the energetics of actin-myosin-ligand states that occur in the portion of the cross-bridge cycle where MgATP binds to myosin.
(n.) A bundle; a package; as, a truss of grass.
(n.) A padded jacket or dress worn under armor, to protect the body from the effects of friction; also, a part of a woman's dress; a stomacher.
(n.) A bandage or apparatus used in cases of hernia, to keep up the reduced parts and hinder further protrusion, and for other purposes.
(n.) A tuft of flowers formed at the top of the main stalk, or stem, of certain plants.
(n.) The rope or iron used to keep the center of a yard to the mast.
(n.) An assemblage of members of wood or metal, supported at two points, and arranged to transmit pressure vertically to those points, with the least possible strain across the length of any member. Architectural trusses when left visible, as in open timber roofs, often contain members not needed for construction, or are built with greater massiveness than is requisite, or are composed in unscientific ways in accordance with the exigencies of style.
(n.) To bind or pack close; to make into a truss.
(n.) To take fast hold of; to seize and hold firmly; to pounce upon.
(n.) To strengthen or stiffen, as a beam or girder, by means of a brace or braces.
(n.) To skewer; to make fast, as the wings of a fowl to the body in cooking it.
(n.) To execute by hanging; to hang; -- usually with up.
Example Sentences:
(1) The environment secretary, Liz Truss , has stripped farmers of subsidies for solar farms, saying they are a “blight” that was pushing food production overseas.
(2) Truss will tell the Policy Exchange thinktank: "We have seen a decrease in the number of childminders over recent years.
(3) Truss will seek to allay parents' fears of their children being neglected by over-pressed staff, pointing out that the relaxation she proposes still leaves more restrictive ratios than Denmark, France and Germany – three countries often seen as providing high quality care for pre-school children.
(4) Photograph: Mike Bowers 5.48am BST National leader Warren Truss would like to know if the Prime Minister will apologise for banning live exports when she's in Jakarta.
(5) Liz Truss’s £9-per-hour prison officers won’t produce safe, humane prisons | John Podmore Read more When our prisons are at crisis point, amid continuing controversy about incidents such as the recent killing at Pentonville , consider our direction of travel.
(6) They all were – Tatler probably thought it was doing the Conservative party a favour in 2008, when it trussed the rising stars up in Yves Saint Laurent and photographed them looking happy.
(7) But Truss’s move showed that the government did not understand the issue.
(8) But the disarray within the Conservative party over immigration was highlighted again on Sunday when the environment secretary, Liz Truss, admitted that Britain needed EU migrants to fill unskilled jobs in the agricultural sector.
(9) But Truss told reporters in Darwin on Tuesday: “The decision was made by the leadership team which includes the prime minister and I and my deputy [Nationals] leader Barnaby Joyce on the last [parliamentary] sitting Thursday [25 June].” Truss, who is the leader of the Nationals, defined the ban as applying “until serious action is taken by the ABC to ensure the program behaves in a responsible way”.
(10) The junior Coalition party has scheduled a meeting at 8pm in Canberra to select Truss’s successor, putting Barnaby Joyce in the box seat to become leader and deputy prime minister.
(11) Truss will seek to allay parents' fears of their children being neglected by overpressed staff, pointing out that the relaxation she proposes still leaves more restrictive ratios than Denmark, France and Germany – three countries often cited as providing high-quality care for pre-school children.
(12) It had been thought that Miller, who resigned on Wednesday after telling David Cameron her continued presence in the cabinet would be a distraction to the government's work, would be replaced by a woman, such as Elizabeth Truss, the education minister, or Esther McVey, the work and pensions minister.
(13) Elizabeth Truss, environment secretary, said: “Our clean air zones are targeted on the largest vehicles, whilst not affecting car owners and minimising the impact on business.
(14) The deputy prime minister and leader of the Nationals, Warren Truss, said: “Nothing that comes out of Paris will affect or have any impact on the diesel fuel rebate.” George Christensen, a Liberal National party MP based in regional Queensland, said signing the proposed communique would be “madness”.
(15) Since the industrial revolution of the 19th century, towns and cities have been the powerhouses of the UK’s economy, but Truss predicted that the rural economy could be “as productive as towns within 10 years”.
(16) The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, headed by environment secretary Liz Truss, and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), whose chief executive is Lin Homer, continue to refuse to ensure that all their subcontracted staff are paid the living wage.
(17) The new prime minister had “a different program and was not able to accommodate it”, Truss said.
(18) Liz Truss now has the misfortune to inherit the operational disaster that is the direct result of these continued budget reductions and wild swings in government policy.
(19) It’s time the Tory-led government stopped ignoring the overwhelming evidence and got together with scientists, wildlife groups and farmers to develop an alternative strategy to get the problem of bovine TB under control.” Truss’s pledge was well received by farmers at the meeting in Birmingham, where Raymond said 28,000 cattle had to be slaughtered in England last year because of the disease.
(20) Warren Truss has asserted the National party’s demand for a greater share of cabinet positions as the deputy prime minister pushed back at criticism of his secret talks with Liberal defector Ian Macfarlane .