What's the difference between bridled and brindled?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Bridle

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It led on the bridle over the last but come second, called Doctoor.
  • (2) Fanti, who earns $68,000 a year after 24 years on the job and two promotions, bridles at the notion that government employees are overpaid.
  • (3) Blood gutters brightly against his green gown, yet the man doesn't shudder or stagger or sink but trudges towards them on those tree-trunk legs and rummages around, reaches at their feet and cops hold of his head and hoists it high, and strides to his steed, snatches the bridle, steps into the stirrup and swings into the saddle still gripping his head by a handful of hair.
  • (4) The use of various trephine sizes and the use of a bridle suture versus a scleral ring were evaluated by several visual parameters.
  • (5) The middle ear cavity contained a loose mass of connective tissue with few cells, forming sail-like bridles between air-filled spaces.
  • (6) Strength and direction of the bridle can be modified.
  • (7) The newly designed nasal bridle described herein has the advantages of easy and rapid placement.
  • (8) Nick bridles at suggestions that as there are rarely that many lights on in One Hyde Park flats at night, it might mean not many of the foreign buyers actually live there.
  • (9) Santos had bridled at suggestions before the game that Greece’s tactics have not developed since winning the European Championship in 2004 with a watertight defence and set-piece prowess.
  • (10) Beside the boluses for the forestomach of ruminants there are the hollow bridle for horses, the ear swabs (for resorptive application), the ocular (ocusert), nasal, and vaginal forms (for resorptive therapeutic use), the skin transmembrane therapeutic systems (TTS), the pourable (pour-on and spot-on) forms, 'autodas' osmotic mini-pumps, the depot-forms, the implants, the aerosol (inhalational) forms, the 'ear rings' (ear tags) as well as the dewlaps, the rings (for tails, limbs, and ears) and the medicated feeds and liquids, and the intramammary, intrauterine, and other therapeutic forms.
  • (11) Progressive Canadians are especially outraged at Harper’s introduction of controversial anti-terrorism laws ; environmentalists have bridled at a climate change record that includes dropping out of the Kyoto Protocol, while others are frustrated by what they see as Canada’s diminished standing on the world stage.
  • (12) U-shaped bridles snap on the frame front and an adjustable, interlocking strap fits over the bridles and passes under a protective mask sealing area.
  • (13) NSA veterans have bridled in the past at what they consider Obama’s tepid support, but both sides earlier showed support for each other.
  • (14) Even by those standards, the treatment of the Liu family is severe and underscores how the Nobel award embarrassed the Chinese government, which bridles at criticisms of its human rights record and its authoritarian political system.
  • (15) Those who encountered Refn through his hyper-stylised LA thriller Drive might bridle at Only God Forgives, whose fugue-state narrative style, amnesiac and futureless, has more in common with Valhalla Rising, the hallucinatory but only intermittently engaging Viking movie he made before Drive (though parts of it were magnificent, including Gary Lewis's Scottish pagan talking of the barbaric Christians: "They eat their own god; eat his flesh, drink his blood.
  • (16) A newly designed nasal bridle and rationale for its clinical use are described.
  • (17) If you want to see sleaze, just look in the mirror.” He also bridles slightly at the mention of the other phrase that is frequently applied to him – dirty trickster.
  • (18) Brennan bridles at that, saying it would be "a very weighty decision in terms of declassifying that report."
  • (19) These have been more dominated by bridle and adhesions (56%) from which (42%) post operative.
  • (20) Of Rojo’s injury, Van Gaal said: I don’t think he’s available next week [for the visit of Crystal Palace].” When it was put to him that United have only half the amount of Chelsea’s 26 points, the 63-year-old bridled.



  • (a.) Having dark streaks or spots on a gray or tawny ground; brinded.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The brindled mottled mutant mouse, a model of Menkes' disease, has alterations in copper homeostasis which cause, among other sequelae, neuronal degeneration in selected areas of brain.
  • (2) David Brindle is the Guardian’s public services editor Read more • New series: careers in public services • Why there won’t be mass redundancies in the public sector after the election This article is part of our series on careers in public services .
  • (3) Neuropathological and enzyme-histochemical studies were performed on brindled mouse hemizygotes (BMs) and normal littermates at the age of 2 days, 7 days, 11 days and 14 days, together with an investigation of their tissue copper levels.
  • (4) During early development normal and brindled mouse brain use 3-hydroxy-butyrate preferentially to glucose as a source for biosynthetic carbon units.
  • (5) The most extensively investigated mutants are the mottled mice, in particular brindled mice, which have a mutation analogous to that of Menkes' disease.
  • (6) Irrespective of how the low levels of the approximately 48-kDa protein may be related to the basic defect in the brindled mice, the data are consistent with an important role for the approximately 48-kDa protein in intracellular copper metabolism.
  • (7) Brindled mice, which have a genetic defect that affects copper distribution, were compared to their normal brothers.
  • (8) These results suggest that fetal brain abnormalities caused by Trien-2HCl may be due in part to induction of copper deficiency, which is almost equivalent to that in brindled mutant mouse.
  • (9) Decreased copper binding and approximately 48-kDa protein were not simply secondary to the abnormal hepatic and renal copper levels that are found in the brindled mice since although their liver copper levels are low, their kidney copper levels are high.
  • (10) Copper (6 ppm) was administered to pregnant heterozygous brindled and normal mice from 13 to 18 days gestation.
  • (11) Brindled mice from dams on the -Cu treatment were smaller and had lower packed cell volumes than brindled mice from dams on the +Cu treatment.
  • (12) Most of the copper in the cytosol of these fibroblasts is bound to metallothionein (MT), which is elevated in Menkes or brindled mouse fibroblasts.
  • (13) Proteolytically generated fragments of the microfilament anchoring protein brain spectrin were found to accumulate in brindled mouse brain.
  • (14) At the table David Brindle (Chair) Public services editor, the Guardian Sharon Allen Chief executive, Skills for Care Pete Calveley Chief executive, Barchester Healthcare Michelle Dudderidge Director, Hand in Hands Shaks Ghosh Chief executive, Clore Social Leadership Programme Patrick Vernon Project coordinator, Health Partnership Project, National Housing Federation Martin Green Chief executive, Care England Ray James President, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services in England Des Kelly Executive director, National Care Forum John Kennedy Director of care services, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Neil Matthewman Chief executive, Community Integrated Care John Ransford Non-executive director, HC-One Jon Glasby Professor of health and social care, University of Birmingham Bridget Warr Chief executive, UK Home Care Association There was a recognition from participants that there were some great leaders in social care – but that there was room for improvement, too.
  • (15) These data show that female brindled mice have neurochemical abnormalities similar to (if less severe than) the male hemizygotes, that these abnormalities are regionally specific, are most apparent prior to 30 days of age, and are linked to behavioral deficits.
  • (16) Histochemical examinations showed no significant differences in the stainability, morphology and distribution of MAO positive neurons in the brain between normal and brindled mice at the same age.
  • (17) Copper accumulation by normal fibroblasts containing excess MT was examined to determine if the excess copper accumulation phenotype was secondary to excess MT or associated with the primary defect in fibroblasts from the brindled mice.
  • (18) Nucleotide levels were low in spleens from brindled mice.
  • (19) Deficits in oxidative and acetylcholine metabolism occur in the developing brindled mouse, a genetic mutant with a defect in copper homeostasis.
  • (20) In order to investigate the levels of cytochrome oxidase activity in neuronal mitochondria in the brain of the brindled mouse hemizygote (BM), the cerebella and brain stems from 12 pairs of brindled and normal littermates aged 13-16 days were examined.

Words possibly related to "bridled"

Words possibly related to "brindled"