What's the difference between brightly and incandescent?



  • (adv.) Brilliantly; splendidly; with luster; as, brightly shining armor.
  • (adv.) With lively intelligence; intelligently.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is concluded that in the mouse model the ability of buspirone to reduce the aversive response to a brightly illuminated area may reflect an anxiolytic action, that the dorsal raphe nucleus may be an important locus of action, and that the effects of buspirone may reflect an interaction at 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors.
  • (2) They retained the ability to make this discrimination when the coloured stimuli were placed against a background bright enough to saturate the rods.3.
  • (3) There was good agreement between the survival of normally oxygenated cells in culture and bright cells from tumors and between hypoxic cells in culture and dim cells from tumors over a radiation dosage range of 2-5 Gray.
  • (4) Vital staining of neuroblastoma cells with acridine orange produces a bright intracellular red-orange fluorescence most probably due to the occurrence of RNA.
  • (5) Thereafter, donor type cells expressed an intermediate Thy 1.2 brightness; this population then persisted and surpassed the other subsets.
  • (6) It’s a bright, simple space with wooden tables and high stalls and offers tastings and beer-making workshops.
  • (7) The brightly lit ice palaces themselves are stunning, inside and out, and the sporting facilities have been rightly praised by almost all the athletes.
  • (8) The bright lines in the difference image represent the paths along which the filaments have moved and are measured using a crosshair cursor controlled by the mouse.
  • (9) Rats exposed to the bright-light condition suffered a pronounced loss of photoreceptor cells by 10 weeks, and an even greater cell loss by 17 weeks.
  • (10) Even Paul Bright had to get a private charity to fund half his work.
  • (11) There was a uniform decrease in brightness discrimination to either side of the foveal peak.
  • (12) Bright artificial light has been found effective in reducing winter depressive symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, although conclusions about the true magnitude of treatment effect and importance of time of day of light exposure have been limited by methodologic problems.
  • (13) The frequencies of the various anaphase patterns of bright and dim centromere regions were binomially distributed, indicating random distribution of chromatids with respect to the age of their DNA templates.
  • (14) (2) Sequences of brightness steps of like polarity (either increments or decrements) elicit positive and negative motion-dependent response components when mimicking motion in the cell's preferred and null direction, respectively.
  • (15) "Most technologies have their bright and dark side," he replies, buoyantly.
  • (16) Ultrastructural cytochemistry with XRMA is limited by the need to use high-brightness electron sources.
  • (17) Kobani impressed on the Kurds that Erdoğan could not be trusted and that anti-Kurdish feeling continued to burn brightly in the Turkish state.
  • (18) The administration of the drug in Stage 1 improved the acquisition of the initial brightness discrimination and facilitated reversal learning independently of the drug administered in Stage 2.
  • (19) The highest expression was noted in a recurrent plexiform ameloblastoma in which almost 100% of the tumor cells were brightly reactive.
  • (20) Mercaptoacetate, injected in the middle of the bright phase, reduced the latency to eat but did not affect the duration of the subsequent IMI or cumulative food intake in LF rats.



  • (a.) White, glowing, or luminous, with intense heat; as, incandescent carbon or platinum; hence, clear; shining; brilliant.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The fact that it is still used is regrettable yet unavoidable at present, but the average quantity is three times less than the mercury released into the atmosphere by burning the extra coal need to power equivalent incandescent bulbs.
  • (2) The lighting regimen was 14 h light: 10 h dark, supplied by natural diffused sunlight and incandescent bulbs.
  • (3) All plasma porphyrins could be protected for several days from similar photodegradation by performing all blood drawing, processing, and assay procedures under ordinary red-incandescent illumination, and by storage in the dark.
  • (4) There is a normal version of David, but I've seen him before he goes on stage and he somehow has the ability to will himself into something magnetic and incandescent.
  • (5) Daniel Levy, the chairman, was, according to sources, incandescent and there is the firm belief at Tottenham that Chelsea did not truly want Willian.
  • (6) From Bantry Bay to Bucharest, European ceilings today bear witness to a mass hanging signifying the end of the incandescent bulb.
  • (7) When battery operated CDC miniature incandescent and black light traps (with and without light bulbs) were operated with and without CO2, the rank of trap effectiveness for total numbers of female Culicoides variipennis caught was: black light plus CO2; CO2-baited trap without light bulb; black light without CO2; incandescent light plus CO2 and incandescent light without CO2.
  • (8) However, the more recent studies reported here examined acetophenone-UV-B photosensitization, UV-B photoisomerization, and photoreactivation using cloned E. coli photolyase and filtered incandescent light.
  • (9) Standard 75W, 100W and 150W incandescent bulbs will disappear from sale in January under a government plan to switch to environmentally friendly, but often more expensive, eco-bulbs.
  • (10) It is unclear whether China will totally phase out production of incandescents.
  • (11) In the presence of incandescent light, each aggregate develops into a structurally complex fruiting body, possessing a stalk and several sporangia.
  • (12) Campaigners hope China's plan will nonetheless encourage producers – who make 3.85 billion incandescent bulbs a year, an estimated 70% of the world's supply – to shift towards other products, in particular CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) and LEDs.
  • (13) Major observations were as follows: both Kodak and DuPont films produced clinically acceptable duplicates; Kodak film was faster; DuPont film responded better in incandescent photoflood light than Kodak film; clear glass with appropriate light-film distance was the best exposure surface.
  • (14) In the bask of the incandescent, you are prone to believe that human beings are essentially good, that tomorrow will be a better day, that love will triumph.
  • (15) Experts predict that the shift in demand will also cut the cost of CFLs and increase the cost of incandescents globally.
  • (16) The control group was maintained indoors under conditions that do not induce hibernation, including fluctuating temperature of 6-12 degrees C, ad libitum feed, and exposure to natural and incandescent light.
  • (17) A catheter tip oximeter is described consisting of a cardiac catheter containing optical fibers, and incandescent light source, a light detection unit and a processing unit.
  • (18) Lighting and fridges – traditionally the most energy-consuming products in the home – are becoming more efficient, while the phasing out of incandescent light bulbs has brought down the overall contribution of lighting, and is expected to lead to further reductions by 2020.
  • (19) One of the three types of lighting was incandescent.
  • (20) Stability studies indicate that rotenone reacts with animal chow with a half-life of 7--8 days and is photodegraded in incandescent light with a half-life of 0.65 day.

Words possibly related to "brightly"