What's the difference between brilliant and flamboyer?
(p. pr.) Sparkling with luster; glittering; very bright; as, a brilliant star.
(p. pr.) Distinguished by qualities which excite admiration; splendid; shining; as, brilliant talents.
(a.) A diamond or other gem of the finest cut, formed into faces and facets, so as to reflect and refract the light, by which it is rendered more brilliant. It has at the middle, or top, a principal face, called the table, which is surrounded by a number of sloping facets forming a bizet; below, it has a small face or collet, parallel to the table, connected with the girdle by a pavilion of elongated facets. It is thus distinguished from the rose diamond, which is entirely covered with facets on the surface, and is flat below.
(a.) The smallest size of type used in England printing.
(a.) A kind of cotton goods, figured on the weaving.
Example Sentences:
(1) Brilliant, old-fashioned speech, from the days before teleprompters became all-dominant.
(2) Arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical, brilliant – all of that I can handle in Paul,” Levinson writes.
(3) "I have a brilliant staff and we have a duty to serve our readers and will continue to do that.
(4) Belfast in Odd Man Out Released in 1947, directed by Carol Reed Facebook Twitter Pinterest Carol Reed is a brilliant director of cities in films.
(5) Transition of the dye into the carbinol form is in water extremely slow, but is greatly accelerated in the presence of an organic phase, at least for malachite green and brilliant green, but not for crystal violet and pararosaniline.
(6) The prime minister told the Radio Times he was a fan of the "brilliant" US musical drama Glee, preferred Friends to The West Wing, and chose Lady Gaga over Madonna, and Cheryl Cole over Simon Cowell.
(7) Stationary-phase cells of Escherichia coli were enumerated by the pour plate method on Trypticase soy agar containing 0.3% yeast extract (TSYA), violet red-bile agar, and desoxycholate-lactose agar, and by the most-probable-number method in Brilliant Green-bile broth and lauryl sulfate broth.
(8) The resolution was such that at least 30 clear and discrete bands per sample could be observed after staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue.
(9) For quantitative measurement of Coli and Coliform microorganisms five different culture media were used (Endoagar, Hexachlorophene Endoagar, Desoxycholatcitrat Agar, Violet Red Bile Agar and Brilliant Green Broth).
(10) The sensitivity of this staining is about 10,000-fold higher compared to protein-staining with Coomassie brilliant blue.
(11) Cholesterol enrichment enhanced the surface labeling of Coomassie brilliant blue stained bands 1,2,3, and 5, decreased the labeling of band 6, and did not change significantly that of band 4.
(12) Here’s Marie-Josée Kravis, advisor to the New York Fed, accessorizing brilliantly with her snake-effect silk scarf off on a power walk with her billionaire financier husband Henry Kravis, head of predatory investment company KKR.
(13) Gordon Brown, who made a brilliant speech, has shown once again real leadership in finding global solutions to global problems, just as he did at the G20 on finance.
(14) In it he translated Trump’s coarse ramblings into charming straight talk and came up with the phrase “truthful hyperbole”, which captures brilliantly an approach to business and politics in which everything is the greatest, the most beautiful.
(15) The effect of Brilliant Green on motility was studied with Salmonella anatum, S. derby, S. tennessee, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
(16) I look out at this brilliant audience here today, bulging with ideas, and I ask you possibly to solve it.
(17) These proteins were further separated on slab SDS gels and protein bands were excised after Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 staining and used to inject three rabbits.
(18) Experiments performed with Brilliant Blue showed no significant difference among formulations containing either 6.0, 12.0 or 20.0% of NMP.
(19) Climb through the forest and discover some small churches and a brilliant Indiana Jones-esque swing bridge.
(20) CB3G-A and Procion Brilliant Blue (PBB, II), a structural isomer of the Cibacron dye without the sulfonated benzoyl moiety, were attached covalently to Sepharose CL-6B.
(n.) A name given in the East and West Indies to certain trees with brilliant blossoms, probably species of Caesalpinia.
Example Sentences:
(1) Chris Jefferies, who has been arrested in connection with the murder of landscape architect Joanna Yeates , was known as a flamboyant English teacher at Clifton College, a co-ed public school.
(2) A vicious feud playing out within Uzbekistan's ruling family took a new twist on Monday , when prosecutors announced that the clan's most flamboyant member faces charges of involvement in mafia-style corruption.
(3) The other is a flamboyant showman who delights in peroxide mohicans and driving a variety of fast cars – most notably, perhaps, an army camouflage Bentley Continental GT.
(4) Everyone has been part of it, regardless of whether you’re a dirty metalhead or a flamboyant pop fan.” • This article was amended on 1 June 2017.
(5) Borno has always been known for having the most flamboyant and colourful weddings,” she said.
(6) It's very sort of flamboyant, and that's the kind of way I write.
(7) It is in a majestic salon, the walls of which are decorated with flamboyant 18th-century Flemish tapestries with a Tiepolo fresco adorning the ceiling, while the terrace overlooks a landscaped garden.
(8) Most striking was the .50 correlation for females between flamboyant personality disorder scores and visits to the family doctor for mental health reasons.
(9) Wilde, however, with his high earnings and his flamboyance, made of precariousness something aristocratic; he was, if you’ll forgive the coinage, a precaristocrat.
(10) When builders moved in a few weeks ago, it was marked in flamboyant Polish style with a commissioned "dance" for the diggers by director Robert Florczak, whose audacious multimedia Macbeth debuted at last year's Shakespeare festival.
(11) When I was coming out I was watching things like Will and Grace , I thought that was the model I had to aspire to – being rich or flamboyant.
(12) So whether we look at this as criminal irresponsibility or a simple bad run from a flamboyant high roller, we should be able to agree that he didn't provide much of a service.
(13) La Tuta captured: Mexico's flamboyant primary teacher turned drug kingpin Read more In recent days the Mexican government has celebrated the capture of two top cartel suspects: on Wednesday Omar Treviño Morales, the leader of the notoriously brutal Zetas drug cartel, was caught in the northern city of Monterrey .
(14) Arnaud Montebourg, the former economy minister and flamboyant ex-lawyer who had also run on a leftwing ticket, was eliminated in the first round, with around 18%.
(15) Of course there was, and still is, wild hedonism among some of the more flamboyant and brash members of the trading community, but focusing on the outliers is no way to properly judge the majority of the industry.
(16) A jeepney in Manila: US military 4x4s left over from world war II have been converted, often flamboyantly, into the most popular form of transport in the city.
(17) Manchester United ,a club besotted with its flamboyant heritage, could not produce an evening's worth of flawless security.They fell short by seconds and so tumbled out of the Champions League on a 3 -2 aggregate.Sir Alex Ferguson's team had been ahead on the away-goal rule as this match entered its last minute.
(18) In "Sylvia's flamboyant imagination, the EST [electric shock treatment] gear resembled some kind of medieval torture equipment," says Gordon Lameyer.
(19) Kabuki as we see it today - in, for example, Shunkan or The Scene on Devil's Island, one of the greatest in the repertoire - is action-packed, scenically thrilling and histrionically flamboyant.
(20) Extending his charm offensive to Washington DC, the flamboyant finance minister held talks with senior administration officials after meeting IMF managing director Christine Lagarde and attempting to allay fears of an imminent Greek default.