What's the difference between brink and margin?



  • (n.) The edge, margin, or border of a steep place, as of a precipice; a bank or edge, as of a river or pit; a verge; a border; as, the brink of a chasm. Also Fig.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Video games specialist Game was teetering on the brink of collapse on Friday after a rescue deal put forward by private equity firm OpCapita appeared to have been given the cold shoulder by lenders who are owed more than £100m.
  • (2) And now here we all were, gathered together at Maine Road, on the brink of relegation.
  • (3) The orchestrated round of warnings from the Obama administration did not impress a coterie of senior Republicans who were similarly paraded on the talk shows, blaming the White House for having brought the country to the brink of yet another "manufactured crisis".
  • (4) Academisation and a school system on the brink | Letters Read more Perry Beeches has been a favourite of Cameron, as well as former education secretary Michael Gove and his successor Nicky Morgan .
  • (5) Data interpretation confirms the well-known thesis that reproductive health protection is not only of a medical and biological but of very wide interdisciplinary interest when the woman is on the brink of the important for her personally and finally for the society as well decision pro and con real pregnancy.
  • (6) The negotiations in Taba, Egypt, in January 2001 were on the brink of agreement but failed because time ran out, with Clinton just out of office, and Ehud Barak facing almost certain electoral defeat to Ariel Sharon.
  • (7) Standing on the brink of a new decade, Texas physicians have a lot to look forward to.
  • (8) The Brinks Mat gang, some with guns, surprised six security staff as they started the Saturday shift between 6.30am and 8.15am at the warehouse, on the Heathrow industrial estate at Hounslow.
  • (9) Slowing growth, financial fragility, governments teetering on the brink of insolvency and default, and clear signs of a public backlash against the excesses of the rich and powerful: all have created a sombre backdrop to the invitation-only affair.
  • (10) But even if Greece is snatched from the brink of bankruptcy and kept in the euro in the coming days, the cause of promoting solidarity between eurozone nations has been long forgotten.
  • (11) He offerered some hope – "just as mankind had the power to push the world to the brink so, too, do we have the power to bring it back into balance" but not enough for one woman, who concluded: "He sure needs a hug."
  • (12) Not bad for a company which was on the brink of disaster when Jobs returned to it after a 12-year absence in 1997.
  • (13) Reader was previously jailed for a total of nine years for conspiracy to handle stolen goods and dishonestly handling cash, after the £26m robbery at the Brink’s-Mat warehouse near Heathrow airport in 1983.
  • (14) UK unemployment has tumbled to its lowest level since 2008, when the fall of the US investment bank Lehman Brothers brought the global economy to the brink of collapse.
  • (15) And the timing was unfortunate – just as the last round of US-brokered peace talks was on the brink of collapse – even though the project had begun long before.
  • (16) This week a ComRes poll for ITV News focusing on Labour’s 40 Scottish seats found that the SNP had a six-point lead, putting Sturgeon’s party on the brink of winning about 28 new seats and close to becoming the third largest party at Westminster.
  • (17) It seems they want to push us to the brink of Grexit [a Greek exit from the euro], squeeze us to our last drop of blood and breath, in the hope that they can get a little bit more out of us.
  • (18) "In Russia, there is a drastic gap between rich and poor, to the extent that I feel the country is on the brink of civil war.
  • (19) The junior doctors and their employers are heading back to the brink : the first all-out 24-hour strike in a generation is now threatened for next Tuesday, with a 48-hour strike planned for a fortnight later, and a third one in February, if the two sides cannot reach agreement on new contracts.
  • (20) But 10 years of rising prosperity, a health service brought back from the brink, and social norms around women's and minority rights transformed, have not come about by accident.



  • (n.) A border; edge; brink; verge; as, the margin of a river or lake.
  • (n.) Specifically: The part of a page at the edge left uncovered in writing or printing.
  • (n.) The difference between the cost and the selling price of an article.
  • (n.) Something allowed, or reserved, for that which can not be foreseen or known with certainty.
  • (n.) Collateral security deposited with a broker to secure him from loss on contracts entered into by him on behalf of his principial, as in the speculative buying and selling of stocks, wheat, etc.
  • (v. t.) To furnish with a margin.
  • (v. t.) To enter in the margin of a page.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Blood pressure control was marginally improved during the study and it is thought possible that better patient compliance might explain this.
  • (2) Nine of the 12 long-term survivors showed lymph node metastasis and six of the 12 revealed cancer cells at the surgical margins.
  • (3) Fusiform cells were most concentrated along the lateral margin of the subnucleus interpolaris.
  • (4) But that gross margin only includes the cost of paying drivers as a cost of revenue, classifying everything else, such as operations, R&D, and sales and marketing, as “operating expenses”.
  • (5) Photograph: AP Reasons for wavering • State relies on coal-fired electricity • Poor prospects for wind power • Conservative Democrat • Represents conservative district in conservative state and was elected on narrow margins Campaign support from fossil fuel interests in 2008 • $93,743 G K Butterfield (North Carolina) GK Butterfield, North Carolina.
  • (6) Computed tomography (CT) is the most sensitive radiologic study for detecting these tumors, which usually are small, round, sharply marginated, and of homogeneous soft tissue density.
  • (7) Although patients treated with postoperative radiation therapy showed significantly extended survival rates as compared to those receiving surgical resection alone, the glioblastoma recurred within a 2cm margin of the primary site in more than 90% of the patients and conventional external radiation therapy with a doses of 50-60 Gy did not result in local cure.
  • (8) Such margins would be enough to put the first female president in the White House, but Democrats are guarding against complacency.
  • (9) When collateral marginal vessels were eliminated, adjacent arterial blood flow decreased to control levels and venous flow virtually stopped.
  • (10) Measurements were made of the width of the marginal gap for three sites at each of four stages: (1) after the shoulder firing, (2) after the body-incisal firing, (3) after the glaze firing, and (4) after a correction firing.
  • (11) The ruffles of the sub-marginal cells showed different characteristics, being longer and not propagated successively as were the marginal ruffles.
  • (12) Based on review examination of 224 patients 5 years after their ankle fractures, the authors demonstrate a significant worsening of prognosis with fractures of the anterior or posterior tibial margin.
  • (13) Chloroquine concentrations were marginally but significantly higher in venous whole blood.
  • (14) Sialomucin was markedly increased in 17.0 percent of proximal resection margins and 17.3 percent in distal resection margins.
  • (15) The combined prevention of caries was conductive to improved treatment quality which was accounted for by a 1.5 to 2-fold reduction in the rate of disorders in marginal contact with filling material and secondary caries.
  • (16) The dietary information on children with diarrhea came from focus groups with mothers in 3 marginal urban communities, 3 rural indigenous communities, and 4 rural Ladino communities.
  • (17) After 21 days, supragingival and marginal plaque was collected from each subject and assayed for total cultivable microbiota, total facultative anaerobes, facultative Streptococci, Actinomyces, Fusobacterium, Veillonella and Capnocytophaga.
  • (18) Even when combined with a peripheral-acting BZD, such as Ro5-4608, which displayed only marginal antiproliferative activity against human melanoma cells when applied alone, growth suppression of the combination of this peripheral-type BZD with all three types of IFNs was more than additive.
  • (19) Suede sang about life on the margins, in council homes.
  • (20) The most important variable for anastomotic recurrence was mucin histochemical changes at the resection margins according to the Wald statistic value.

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