What's the difference between brooding and rumination?



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Brood

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Some people are lucky enough to have someone to look after them,” Leigh broods.
  • (2) Under resting conditions thoracic skin temperature (Tths) and metabolic heat production (M) were significantly higher in broody than in non-broody hens, indicating a permanently increased conductance of the brood patch.
  • (3) As well as George Dyer, there was the murderer Perry Smith in the Truman Capote story Infamous, the hot-headed mobster child-killer in Road To Perdition, the brooding Ted Hughes in Gwyneth Paltrow’s Sylvia biopic and a belligerent Mossad assassin in Steven Spielberg’s Munich.
  • (4) Testosterone levels dropped at the onset of incubation and remained low through the brooding period.
  • (5) Starting small, with oddly tweaked vocal samples and ominous-sounding piano, the first half is brilliantly brooding, to the point where the first chorus of “I love these streets but they weren’t meant for me to walk” arrives at the 45-second mark just as all the music drops away completely.
  • (6) The other half was brooded on either new or reused litter without paper.
  • (7) These changes suggest that all the food was not being digested by the adult birds during brooding but was almost exclusively regurgitated to feed the squabs.
  • (8) The strains differ in their effects on the sex ratio and size of another female's brood in the same host.
  • (9) From the beginning, her father was determined that his brood – Hodge is one of five – be fully integrated.
  • (10) The X-ray component of dominant lethality in brood 1, representing mostly mature spermatozoa, was negative, indicating a lower than expected lethality induced by X-irradiation in the presence of P element mobility.
  • (11) The effects of tritoqualine and alpha-hydrazinohistidine injected into eggs on the 16th, 17th or 18th day of chick embryo age on hatching time, histamine level and diamine oxidase (DAO) activity in brood's tissues were also examined.
  • (12) T levels increased slightly toward the end of the brooding phase.
  • (13) The three brood Ceriodaphnia dubia test was carried out three nonconsecutive times, each period being separated by the previous one by three weeks.
  • (14) Brooding neonates at 26.7 C for 3 days in Trials 3 and 4 resulted in consistently lower body weights and gain and higher serum corticosterone, thyroxine, total protein, albumin, and globulin.
  • (15) We took a couple of days to brood, and then I spoke to Justin and said I thought I should give in, if I didn't have to have anything to do with the winner.
  • (16) A bookish teenager regarded as the smartest of the Murdoch brood, James endured an awkward adolescence in the public eye and was famously photographed asleep on a sofa at a press conference while working as a 15-year-old intern at his father's old paper, the Sydney Mirror, a picture the rival Sydney Morning Herald gleefully ran on its front page the next day.
  • (17) We have examined the effects of relaxing each of these assumptions and obtained the following results: (1) When broods mature asynchronously the optimum sex ratio is considerably more female biased than the Hamiltonian prediction.
  • (18) Q has upped his gadget game Facebook Twitter Pinterest The brooding and sombre Skyfall scored a few points for post-modern playfulness via its introductory scene for the new Q, in which Ben Whishaw might as well have offered Bond a couple of Netflix vouchers and a year’s subscription to Cosmopolitan for all the wow factor his proffered “gadgets” achieved.
  • (19) One-d-old chicks placed in corners of a 29 x 14 m brooding area dispersed evenly over the whole area in a period of 48 h. 3.
  • (20) In an attempt to identify a minimum prophylactic dose of BCG which would not induce granulomas, cotton rats were treated intraperitoneally with various doses of BCG (10(1) to 10(7) colony-forming units [CFU]) and then inoculated intraperitoneally with one brood capsule of the parasite.



  • (n.) The act or process of ruminating, or chewing the cud; the habit of chewing the cud.
  • (n.) The state of being disposed to ruminate or ponder; deliberate meditation or reflection.
  • (n.) The regurgitation of food from the stomach after it has been swallowed, -- occasionally observed as a morbid phenomenon in man.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The data suggest that major differences may exist between ruminants and non-ruminants in the response of liver metabolism both to lactation per se and to the effects of growth hormone and insulin.
  • (2) In the clinical trials in which there was complete substitution of fat-modified ruminant foods for conventional ruminant products the fall in serum cholesterol was approximately 10%.
  • (3) The different hydrolytic, fermentative and methanogenic activities of these populations ensure the efficient degradation of cell wall constituent in forages (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin) ingested by ruminants.
  • (4) Ruminal digestion (% of intake) of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and hemicellulose decreased linearly (P less than .05), whereas acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestion responded in a cubic (P less than .05) fashion to increasing concentrate level; NaHCO3 improved ruminal digestion of NDF (P less than .10) and ADF (P less than .05), but not hemicellulose.
  • (5) The results of these trials suggest that increasing level of dietary NaHCO3 greatly increases the proportion of time ruminal pH is above critical levels for ruminal protein and dry matter digestion, but does not affect total tract nutrient digestion when 50% concentrate diets are fed.
  • (6) Extents of in situ ruminal digestion (72 h residue) for NDF, hemicellulose and cellulose were lower (P less than .05) for full-head than for late-boot-stage bromegrass.
  • (7) Consistent with the convergence hypothesis, only those sites that specify amino acids in the mature lysozyme are shared uniquely with ruminant lysozyme genes.
  • (8) Each of the primary stress selected isolates was tested in synthetic saliva, rumen fluid simulating the activity in the rumen, rumen fluid followed by pepsin-hydrochloric acid treatment simulating the additional effect of ruminal and abomasal activity, pepsin-hydrochloric acid solution simulating conditions in the abomasum and finally in a trypsin solution as an example of enzyme activity in the gut.
  • (9) It follows from the results that the effectiveness of some antifasciolics on laboratory animals need not always be in correlation with their effect in ruminants - hence it is necessary to verify the results obtained in laboratory animals and to check them on natural F. hepatica hosts.
  • (10) Ruminal lactate concentrations were variable within and among treatments.
  • (11) Data from the literature on the clinical effects of bacterial endotoxins in ruminants are reviewed.
  • (12) The strains of BTV serotype 11 were mild in their pathogenicity for the ruminants as no clinical signs of disease were seen.
  • (13) On defaunation of the rumen to remove ciliated protozoa the concentration of phosphatidylcholine in ruminal digesta falls markedly and becomes lower than that in abomasal digesta.
  • (14) The effect of ubiquitous clostridial infections on ruminants is discussed.
  • (15) Rauschia gen. nov. (type species: R. triangularis) is created for species previously pertaining to Nematodirus parasite of Lagomorpha, and in which the synlophe, very complex, differs from the synlophe of the parasite of Ruminants.
  • (16) When the rate of ruminal epithelial cell proliferation was measured on the basis of 3H-thymidine incorporation into the cellular DNA, butyrate dose-dependently reduced 3H-thymidine incorporation.
  • (17) Ruminal ammonia, molar percentage butyrate, and blood ketones, plasma urea N, and plasma molar percentage butyrate were lower when hay was fed.
  • (18) Breakdown of LP by rumination was calculated from the weight of total particles regurgitated and the proportion of LP in the regurgitated and swallowed remasticated material.
  • (19) Single doses of (15NH4)2SO4 were infused into ruminal pools to determine N kinetics.
  • (20) Nickel did not alter methane production, carcass characteristics or ruminal volatile fatty acid proportions.