(n.) A plant having twigs suitable for making brooms to sweep with when bound together; esp., the Cytisus scoparius of Western Europe, which is a low shrub with long, straight, green, angular branches, minute leaves, and large yellow flowers.
(n.) An implement for sweeping floors, etc., commonly made of the panicles or tops of broom corn, bound together or attached to a long wooden handle; -- so called because originally made of the twigs of the broom.
(v. t.) See Bream.
Example Sentences:
(1) You could easily replicate the biggest threat he faces in the film by slipping off your shoes and taking a broom handle to a greenhouse.
(2) When my floor was dirty, I rose early, and, setting all my furniture out of doors on the grass, bed and bedstead making but one budget, dashed water on the floor, and sprinkled white sand from the pond on it, and then with a broom scrubbed it clean and white... Further - and this is a stroke of his sensitive, pawky genius - he contemplates his momentarily displaced furniture and the nuance of enchanting strangeness: It was pleasant to see my whole household effects out on the grass, making a little pile like a gypsy's pack, and my three-legged table, from which I did not remove the books and pen and ink, standing amid the pines and hickories ...
(3) As Broome describes: “Walter reinvented building from first principles and reduced it to its simplest terms which led to the post and beam frame.
(4) He’s a Nyikina-Mangala man and a traditional owner of this country, about 225km inland from Broome and 86km south of Derby.
(5) Richard Broom, City's admissions manager, says he is working on the principle that asking for an A* has to be academically justified: "We are not going to ask for it just for the sake of numbers of applicants."
(6) In this simple sentiment we can find hope, as we can in the efforts of those cleaning up the debris and ash in bonhomous, broom-wielding posses.
(7) I like the challenges that come with those that thrive in such adverse conditions, and there are plenty: woodland species that make the most of what little sunlight hits the leaf litter; ferns that like dripping cave mouths and cliff faces cast in gloom; and small shrubs that eke out a living under bigger things, such as butcher’s broom ( Ruscus aculeatus ) and fragrant sweet box ( sarcoccoca ).
(8) GRRRR," he guffawed, eyebrows wiggling lasciviously, before being ejected from Booty at 230mph courtesy of a broom and a gallon of budget acrylic nail glue.
(9) They are broom-, club- or long S-shaped, measuring 4-7 mm (long diameter) by 2-4 mm (short diameter) by 1-2 mm (thickness).
(10) Clearly, we may expect some of our new brooms to withdraw from the process in the coming weeks.
(11) Speaking to Guardian Australia in Broome, she says the impact of shutting services will be seen in the local parks in the town, where a significant population of homeless Aboriginal people already make camp.
(12) Piecing together accounts from friends, it appears this steeled Charlie’s resolve to visit his ex-wife and family in Broome, “by hook or by crook”, as one friend said, even though he was still on the end of a very long waiting list for the town’s Aboriginal dialysis clinic.
(13) Mr Hublot Possessions Room on the Broom Winner: Get a Horse!
(14) "People have described UK Methane as a company of two guys in a broom cupboard," she says.
(15) Mr. Hublot Possessions Room on the Broom Best short Aquel No Era Yo (That Wasn't Me) Avant Que De Tout Perdre (Just before Losing Everything) Helium Pitääkö Mun Kaikki Hoitaa?
(16) With traditional grass brooms the opposition party’s symbol, a group of young boys, including one who had no legs, swept to the beat of drums and traditional guitars outside.
(17) She had been sleeping rough in Broome for about two years.
(18) With traditional grass brooms - the opposition party’s symbol - a group of young boys, including one who had no legs, swept to the beat of drums and traditional guitars outside.
(19) Barnett made the comments to PerthNow on Thursday morning, the same time as a meeting of the alliance of WA land councils in Broome.
(20) Charlie’s death is now with the Broome coroner, who is waiting for toxicology, pathology and police reports before deciding on an inquiry.
(n.) A made-up face; a grimace.
(v. i.) To make a wry mouth.
(n.) An implement for washing floors, or the like, made of a piece of cloth, or a collection of thrums, or coarse yarn, fastened to a handle.
(n.) A fair where servants are hired.
(n.) The young of any animal; also, a young girl; a moppet.
(v. t.) To rub or wipe with a mop, or as with a mop; as, to mop a floor; to mop one's face with a handkerchief.
Example Sentences:
(1) Morphometry of photographed semithin sections was realized after whole body glutaraldehyde perfusion with semiautomatic MOP AM 02 and MOP Videoplan.
(2) The workload for two different methods of floor mopping in 11 healthy female cleaners was evaluated by rating the perceived exertion, by recording the ECG and EMG and by video analysis of postures and movements.
(3) These lesions appear to be more easily repaired than the cross-links induced by 8-MOP.
(4) The comparison of the efficiency of mutagenic effects of 8-MOP+light with mutagenic effects of other kinds of irradiations was carried out.
(5) When permeant anions in the bath (Cl-) were replaced with relatively impermeant anions (gluconate, MOPS, propionate, or Hepes), the Po vs. voltage relationship was shifted by approximately -35 mV.
(6) They want disinfectant and mops, they say, and they have only two delivery kits left.
(7) The combined action of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and light with lambda greater than 310 nm on bacteriophages and bacteria results in the formation of the following two types of photo-products in the DNA: monoadducts, in which 8-MOP is covalently bound to a pyrimidine base, and diadducts or cross links, in which the 8-MOP is covalently bound to two pyrimidines from complementary strands.
(8) Consistent with this, 8-MOP has been shown to act as an inhibitor of a component of repair of 254-nm ultraviolet light damage in WP2 but not in AB1157.
(9) Microcoulometric titrations of NADH:nitrate reductase at 25 degrees C in Mops buffer, pH 7.0, showed that the native enzyme, containing functional FAD, haem and Mo, required addition of five electrons for complete reduction.
(10) Two hours after oral administration of therapeutic doses of the drug enough 8-MOP was taken up in vivo by the circulating peripheral lymphocytes to cause significant inhibition of phytohaemagglutinin induced lymphocyte proliferation when the cells were exposed in vitro to UVA irradiation.
(11) Monoclonal antibodies specific for DNA damaged by 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) plus ultraviolet A (UVA) light were used to study adduct formation in human keratinocytes and mouse and rat skin in vivo.
(12) The use of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and UV-A irradiation to inactivate contaminating donor leukocytes in platelet concentrates and to prevent primary alloimmunization against donor class I major histocompatibility (MHC) antigens in mice was investigated.
(13) The sequence of markers in the corresponding segment (mel to purA; 91.5 to 93.5 min) of the E. coli linkage map was shown to be mel--aspA--mop(groE)--ampA--frdA--pur A.
(14) 8-Methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) (currently in vogue for the treatment of psoriasis) is a well-known photosensitizing agent.
(15) The psoralen analogs 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen (TMP), in combination with ultraviolet light (UVA, 320-400 nm), are potent modulators of epidermal cell growth and differentiation and are commonly used in photochemotherapy of psoriasis and vitiligo.
(16) This methodology was applied to 7 substances: 5 known photosensitizers (8-MOP, chlorpromazine, 5-fluorouracil, Vitamin A acid and benzoyl peroxide) and 2 products without any photoactive properties (aspirin and erythromycin).
(17) The pharmacokinetics of 8-MOP were studied in six dogs following intravenous administration of 2 mg kg-1.
(18) A new psoralen plus UVA therapy has been developed in which the 8-MOP-containing blood of cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL) patients is irradiated with UVA light extracorporeally (i.e., extracorporeal photopheresis).
(19) By using APAAP method with MoP in cytologic studies it was possible to diagnose T-lymphoblastic lymphoma in six children before the results of histopathologic examination of the lymph nodes.
(20) Mean residence time of theophylline increased from 10.7, 17.2, and 12.2 hr in the control period, to 20.3, 19.0, and 18.4 hr after 8-MOP.