(1) And when you ask someone who’s passed along some specious “don’t get raped” tips or suggested a self-defense class to a woman concerned about rapes in her neighborhood what they were thinking, they’re likely to respond with something like “Better safe than sorry!” Translation: Even if what I’m telling you to remember is a pile of stinking horseshit, you should still engage in this ritualized expression of anxiety with me, because it makes me feel slightly better about things I can’t control.
(2) I did have another audience which didn't go in for the same horseshit."
(3) With apologies for my vulgarity, this is complete horseshit.
(4) Just drinking whisky, scratching horseshit on to kitchen roll and firing it into the flames.
(5) So in my mind I always thought, to put it in a very nice way, this is horseshit.