(n.) A noisy, blustering fellow, more insolent than courageous; one who is threatening and quarrelsome; an insolent, tyrannical fellow.
(n.) A brisk, dashing fellow.
(a.) Jovial and blustering; dashing.
(a.) Fine; excellent; as, a bully horse.
(v. t.) To intimidate with threats and by an overbearing, swaggering demeanor; to act the part of a bully toward.
(v. i.) To act as a bully.
Example Sentences:
(1) Unfortunately, due to confidentiality clauses that have been imposed on us by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, we are unable to provide our full names and … titles … However, we believe the evidence that will be submitted will validate the statements that we are making in this submission.” The submission detailed specific allegations – including names and dates – of sexual abuse of child detainees, violence and bullying of children, suicide attempts by children and medical neglect.
(2) In platform shoes to emulate Johnson's height, and with the aid of prosthetic earlobes, Cranston becomes the 36th president: he bullies and cajoles, flatters and snarls and barks, tells dirty jokes or glows with idealism as required, and delivers the famous "Johnson treatment" to everyone from Martin Luther King to the racist Alabama governor George Wallace.
(3) It would still need to work with government funded national anti-doping organisations where they exist (though even those considered an example to others, such as UK Anti Doping, are facing swingeing cuts) and bully as well as cajole sports into testing properly with rigour and independence.
(4) "For so long, management kept us down; they've broken us and bullied us," he said.
(5) One hundred days from Rio, Britain’s national cycling team has been thrown into chaos following the sudden resignation of its head, technical director Shane Sutton , as allegations of bullying and discrimination against women and Paralympians accumulated on Wednesday.
(6) Once I’d checked she was OK I said, ‘Stop crying now.’ ” So it’s about managing emotions: ‘I’m going to need you to get a grip.’” “If you’ve got interesting points to make about the devaluing of serious words like bullying and depression, why make them in a way that sounds like you’re ridiculing people who are suffering?” I ask.
(7) How, we might ask, can homophobic bullying be tackled when implicitly sanctioned by the school’s own literature?
(8) But 30 minutes before takeoff on our private jet – like a top-end Lexus limo with wings – actress Rosamund Pike has heroically stepped in for the year's hot meal ticket: an El Bulli supper, pitch perfect for a selection of rare champagne, devised by Adrià with Richard Geoffroy, Dom Pérignon's effervescent chef de cave.
(9) This is the latest rejection for an irrational bully whose brand is increasingly toxic.” Referring to earlier controversial comments made on the US campaign trail, Salmond also said of Trump: His behaviour and comments are unlikely to attract the votes of many Mexican Americans or Muslim Americans.
(10) "If I thought he was a bully or if I thought he was homophobic then I would take him off," Cooper told MediaGuardian's Radio Reborn conference in central London.
(11) Dean, who started working at the flagship A&F store on 11 June last year, told the tribunal: "I had been bullied out of my job.
(12) Extensive research among the Afghan National Army – 68 focus groups – and US military personnel alike concluded: "One group sees the other as a bunch of violent, reckless, intrusive, arrogant, self-serving profane, infidel bullies hiding behind high technology; and the other group [the US soldiers] generally views the former as a bunch of cowardly, incompetent, obtuse, thieving, complacent, lazy, pot-smoking, treacherous, and murderous radicals.
(13) More like this: • Five reasons why the Ref is not fit for purpose • Struggle for top research grades fuels bullying among university staf f • Measuring impact: how Australia and the UK are tackling research assessment Enter the Guardian university awards 2015 and join the higher education network for more comment, analysis and job opportunities, direct to your inbox.
(14) In 2007 a fresh-faced MP spent two days at the home of a Muslim family in Birmingham and then wrote boldly of how it wasn’t possible to “bully people into feeling British: we have to inspire them”; “you can’t even start to talk about a truly integrated society while people are suffering racist … abuse … on a daily basis”.
(15) "We should oppose the practices of the big bullying the small, the strong domineering over the weak and the rich oppressing the poor."
(16) Someone, somewhere, must stand up to the bullying, hectoring hypocrisy of Cameron's "localism" act and his henchman, Pickles, in full "screw democracy" mode.
(17) The report detailed several instances of bullying by pupils.
(18) The assessment of bullying in schools comes after police figures indicated that young people were the victims of 10% of faith hate crime and 8% of race hate crime between 16 June and 7 July.
(19) Earlier Alexander, the most senior Scottish MP in the UK cabinet, rejected claims that ministers in London were bullying Scotland into rejecting independence.
(20) Work on The Maze Runner came about, he says, because his director watched Son of Rambow “and knew I had some bully-ish qualities in my acting locker”.
(n.) One who stalks.
(n.) A kind of fishing net.
Example Sentences:
(1) The fact that the security service was in possession of and retained the copy tape until the early summer of 1985 and did not bring it to the attention of Mr Stalker is wholly reprehensible,” he wrote.
(2) David Stalker, CEO of UK Active , regards anything that gets women lifting as beneficial: "Some operators have opted to offer women-only sessions, others have moved their resistance equipment to less exposed areas.
(3) * * * Stalker, meanwhile, having made his decision, pursued Tape 042 with the utmost vigour.
(4) The review of rape investigations by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and the Crown Prosecution Service follows high-profile cases such as the "Night Stalker", Delroy Grant, who raped and assaulted elderly victims over a 17-year period in London, Kent and Surrey.
(5) There is no independent proof that Kammerer was a predatory stalker; there is only Carr's word for the pursuit from St Louis to New York; there is persuasive evidence that Kammerer was not gay.
(6) Mighty Deer Stalker Tough 10km off-road (and very muddy) run in Peeblesshire, Scotland, which starts at dusk.
(7) The anti-pornography organisation described the film's central figure, Jamie Dornan's Christian Grey as a "stalker and batterer".
(8) In another she spoke about visiting then-husband actor Sean Penn in jail, whose jail mates at the time included serial killer Richard Ramirez, aka the Night Stalker.
(9) The number of Stalker copies per genome and chromosomal localization vary among D. melanogaster strains.
(10) Rates of reoffending are high, perhaps unsurprising given that most stalkers suffer from psychiatric problems, but it is uncommon for them to receive specialist treatment as part of their sentence.
(11) Not because hackers had released Social Security numbers , home addresses, computer passwords, bank account details, performance reviews, phone numbers, the aliases used when high-profile actors check into hotels (a safety measure to keep stalkers away), and even the medical records of employees and their children .
(12) Today I want to go even further and offer protection at the first signs of stalking, stopping offenders in their tracks.” Garry Shewan, Greater Manchester police’s assistant chief constable and the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for stalking and harassment, said: “We want to stop stalkers in their tracks.
(13) Between hearings he chatted with McCauley’s solicitor, Pat Finucane , much to the anger of watching RUC officers, who told Stalker that they regarded Finucane, who had represented many people accused of being republican terrorists, as being “worse than an IRA man”.
(14) "I know I'm really glad that that person's not following me around like a stalker!"
(15) Stalker began to think that special branch, supported by MI5, might be using informants to lure terrorism suspects into pre-planned ambushes, mounted by police officers who were indeed shooting to kill.
(16) Not that this only happens to women of course – I have had male friends who have ended up on antidepressants because of vile female stalkers.
(17) Most novel substrains are internally heterogenous which is indicative of the continuing Stalker transposition.
(18) This must be made a reality in prosecutors' day-to-day practice to ensure stalkers are put before the courts and that [there are] appropriate sentences and treatment."
(19) The transposons causing the mutations are: P element (5 alleles), gypsy (3 alleles), 17.6, HMS Beagle, springer, Delta 88, prygun, Stalker, and a new mobile element which was named roamer (2 alleles).
(20) The allegations that republican terrorist suspects were deliberately killed rather than being arrested led to an investigation by John Stalker, then deputy chief constable of Manchester, in the mid 1980s.