What's the difference between bunker and seat?



  • (n.) A sort of chest or box, as in a window, the lid of which serves for a seat.
  • (n.) A large bin or similar receptacle; as, a coal bunker.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Writing in his Daily Telegraph column , Johnson said most Britons wanted “someone to come along with a bunker buster” and kill the man, reported to be British, “as fast as possible”.
  • (2) While each is moving forward to develop strategies and programs suited to its circumstances, all eschew the bunker mentality that comes to mind in tough times.
  • (3) In his search for a new economic model for the paper that would take it into a secure digital future, Thompson has been experimenting with innovations that appear to stray from his corporate bunker on the 16th floor of the Times building into the editorial realm.
  • (4) One newspaper declared that Mohamed had "made a mockery" of the government's claim to protect the public, while another offered a reward for information leading to his capture: "£25k to Find the Burka Bunker" .
  • (5) Short of holding parliament in a bunker, there are limits to what more can or should sensibly be done.
  • (6) Bunker-buster bomb reports may mark new stage in Russia's Syrian assault Read more Medics took shelter in the hospital basement during the mid-morning attack, sending calls for aid as they hid until government planes had retreated.
  • (7) The first time I saw the building - a stark, unapologetically angular silver bunker throwing back the heat of a rather desolate part of Berlin - I was content to register its disturbance without question, submitting to its strategies of oppression and disorientation as a child would.
  • (8) The Nato secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said 300 sorties since Saturday had destroyed 49 tanks, nine armoured personnel carriers, three anti-aircraft guns and four large ammunition bunkers.
  • (9) His organisation has been co-operating with WikiLeaks since August and has lent two of its 20 servers, which are located in a former nuclear bunker in Stockholm, to WikiLeaks, he said.
  • (10) In an interview with the Financial Times this morning, Bradshaw – who replaced Andy Burnham in a cabinet reshuffle last month – said the BBC should "show some leadership" on the issue of sharing the licence fee with other broadcasters, rather than "feel that the bunker is the place that they want to be in".
  • (11) In one he said he felt he couldn’t see the band again “even if they offered me a private concert in the presidential bunker”.
  • (12) At least there's now external scrutiny, even if it comes at the risk of its grim commentary exacerbating the bunker mentality of those trying to make it work.
  • (13) We stand to attention for the Soviet anthem and hoisting of the red flag, and then down we go, into the freezing-cold bunker.
  • (14) Bradshaw told the FT that a consultation period lasting until early September was "an opportunity for the leadership of the BBC to show some leadership rather than feel that the bunker is the place they want to be in".
  • (15) Houghton, who is expected to reiterate the military's misgivings about entering the conflict, is expected to tell ministers the UK could assist US forces with cruise missile strikes launched from submarines, warships and aircraft against targets such as command and control bunkers.
  • (16) Bunker-busting is a dangerous business, but with average monthly incomes in Albania about £200, the lucrative explosions are unlikely to abate soon.
  • (17) These data are interpreted to suggest that feeding a mixture of HMC, ground and stored in a bunker or silo bag, with DRGS will result in a 3.2% associative effect.
  • (18) He's probably still blinking in the light following his escape from the BBC Sport Banter Bunker, a lot of things are likely to seem strange to him at the moment.
  • (19) NHS faces 'humanitarian crisis' as demand rises, British Red Cross warns Read more As pressures grow for NHS trusts to do what they can to minimise their deficits in the coming financial year, they have bunkered down into emergency mode.
  • (20) "The arms trade in the delta is dominated by Ukrainian and Russian dealers who swap automatic weapons for illegal bunkered oil.



  • (n.) The place or thing upon which one sits; hence; anything made to be sat in or upon, as a chair, bench, stool, saddle, or the like.
  • (n.) The place occupied by anything, or where any person or thing is situated, resides, or abides; a site; an abode, a station; a post; a situation.
  • (n.) That part of a thing on which a person sits; as, the seat of a chair or saddle; the seat of a pair of pantaloons.
  • (n.) A sitting; a right to sit; regular or appropriate place of sitting; as, a seat in a church; a seat for the season in the opera house.
  • (n.) Posture, or way of sitting, on horseback.
  • (n.) A part or surface on which another part or surface rests; as, a valve seat.
  • (v. t.) To place on a seat; to cause to sit down; as, to seat one's self.
  • (v. t.) To cause to occupy a post, site, situation, or the like; to station; to establish; to fix; to settle.
  • (v. t.) To assign a seat to, or the seats of; to give a sitting to; as, to seat a church, or persons in a church.
  • (v. t.) To fix; to set firm.
  • (v. t.) To settle; to plant with inhabitants; as to seat a country.
  • (v. t.) To put a seat or bottom in; as, to seat a chair.
  • (v. i.) To rest; to lie down.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The manufacturers, British Aerospace describe it as a "single-seat, radar equipped, lightweight, multi-role combat aircraft, providing comprehensive air defence and ground attack capability".
  • (2) A triphasic pattern was evident for the neck moments including a small phase which represented a seating of the headform on the nodding blocks of the uppermost ATD neck segment, and two larger phases of opposite polarity which represented the motion of the head relative to the trunk during the first 350 ms after impact.
  • (3) "I pulled the microphone in front of my seat, not a knife.
  • (4) A dozen peers hold ministerial positions and Westminster officials are expecting them to keep the paperwork to run the country flowing and the ministerial seats warm while their elected colleagues fight for votes.
  • (5) The last time Vince Cable had a seat in the business department, it was during a high noon of industrial action and state interference in the economy.
  • (6) A series of hierarchical multiple regressions revealed the effects of Surgency, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Intellect on evoking upset in spouses through condescension (e.g., treating spouse as stupid or inferior), possessiveness (demanding too much time and attention), abuse (slapping spouse), unfaithfulness (having sex with others), inconsiderateness (leaving toilet seat up), moodiness (crying a lot), alcohol abuse (drinking too much alcohol), emotional constriction (hiding emotions to act tough), and self-centeredness (acting selfishly).
  • (7) Indeed, the nationalist and religious right bloc merely held steady , gaining just one seat.
  • (8) Animals were chronically implanted with epidural or deep recording electrodes and a cannula in one lateral ventricle, and tested whilst seated in a primate chair.
  • (9) Records were broken on seats lost and swings suffered.
  • (10) The number of seats has been reduced from 72,000 to 68,000, with another 12,000 to be added after the Games to meet the 80,000 minimum required in case Japan launches a bid to host the football World Cup.
  • (11) The result will be yet another humiliating hammering for Labour in a seat it could never win, but hey, never mind.
  • (12) As he gears up to contest the Liberal Democrat seat of Gordon in north-east Scotland, Salmond effectively assumes a commanding role in the general election campaign.
  • (13) He won the Labour candidacy for the Scottish seat of Kilmarnock and Loudon in 1997, within weeks of polling day, after the sitting Labour MP, Willie McKelvey, decided to stand down when he suffered a stroke.
  • (14) The most common seenario was a vehicle-vehicle collision in which seat belts were not used and the decedent or the decedent's driver was at fault.
  • (15) There are a few seats, such as South Dorset and Braintree, where the Liberal Democrats are in third place and a third party revival would help the Conservatives to regain the seats lost to Labour but they are outnumbered by vulnerable Tory marginals.
  • (16) The nervous system might therefore be the seat of carcinine biosynthesis and thus the site of action of histamine.
  • (17) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Whether Sia, Jason Derulo, Coldplay’s Chris Martin or Sir Elton John is in the passenger seat, Corden plays the part of a real fan with a deep knowledge of their discography.
  • (18) Now remarried, and a father, he is standing for Plaid Cymru, again in the Cardiff Bay seat.
  • (19) He is joined by Cathy O’Toole, the ALP candidate for the crucial swing seat of Herbert where Rudd’s campaign bus has stopped on Sunday evening.
  • (20) Clinton lost the presidency and Democrats lost those seats, as Democrats suffered staggering defeats across two branches of government.