(n.) The property of floating on the surface of a liquid, or in a fluid, as in the atmosphere; specific lightness, which is inversely as the weight compared with that of an equal volume of water.
(n.) The upward pressure exerted upon a floating body by a fluid, which is equal to the weight of the body; hence, also, the weight of a floating body, as measured by the volume of fluid displaced.
(n.) Cheerfulness; vivacity; liveliness; sprightliness; -- the opposite of heaviness; as, buoyancy of spirits.
Example Sentences:
(1) And with our prayers and our love, and the buoyancy of hope, it will rise again now as a place of peace.
(2) Microbiologic examination of 29 juvenile green sea turtles with a buoyancy abnormality revealed pulmonary infection with Sporotrichium sp, Cladosporium sp, and Paecilomyces sp.
(3) Nevertheless, the buoyancy-mass relationship revealed that they maintain the same degree of positive buoyancy (approximately 10% above the neutral level) at surface as do Korean women divers who adjust counterweights.
(4) Morphological mutants of Caulobacter crescentus were isolated by selecting for cells that did not possess normal, buoyancy-conferring stalks.
(5) preparations composed of a directly compressed layer and a chitosan H membrane layer enclosing carbon dioxide (a foamy membrane layer), quickly developed buoyancy and also provided sustained release of drug.
(6) Plasma from these patients could induce an in vitro decrease of buoyancy in neutrophils with normal buoyant density.
(7) The lipid components of porpoise lipokeratinocytes appear to subserve not only barrier function in a hypertonic milieu, but also underlie the unique buoyancy, streamlining, insulatory, and caloric properties exhibited as adaptations to the cetacean habitat.
(8) Buoyancy was evaluated by the hydrostatic lift (HL), i.e., the maximal weight just necessary to maintain the swimmer in a balanced position under the water after a maximal inspiration.
(9) The Cs depends on performance level, body size, buoyancy, swimming technique and v.
(10) This "body density probe" carries several measuring rods of different diameter on its upper end, which lead to an increase of buoyancy when sinking deeper into the water after additional weights have been put on the device.
(11) However, vertical movements and gas-spitting responses indicated a possible hypothalamic control of buoyancy.
(12) From the experimental and analytical results, we conclude that, for this deformation, the regional volume-local transpulmonary pressure curve closely follows the pressure-volume curve because negative horizontal strains nearly balance the positive vertical strain caused by the buoyancy force.
(13) The full story here: U.S. consumer sentiment unexpectedly falls in November 3.00pm GMT Markets round-up Stock markets are digesting the much stronger-than-expected US non-farm payrolls numbers for October with traders trying to decide whether to buy on economic buoyancy or sell on the prospect of the Federal Reserve tapering its stimulus programme sooner rather than later.
(14) In contrast to our previous studies on the submersion of scuba divers in a state of neutral buoyancy, neither plasma beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity (beta-EIR) nor affective feelings were significantly changes in scuba divers by mimicking diving pressures of 2 feet (0.6 m) and 50 feet (15.2 m) for 20 min in a hyperbaric chamber.
(15) Plasma beta-EIR was measured by radioimmunoassay in male scuba divers before and immediately after remaining motionless 10 ft under water in a state of neutral buoyancy.
(16) Archimedes' law of buoyancy has been extended to the preoperative bedside assessment of volume differences between breasts, whatever their cause.
(17) The specific gravity and buoyancy of 98 men were calculated at various lung volumes.
(18) The volume changes of hardening cements are measured with the buoyancy method.
(19) And if one will hold on, he will discover that God walks with him, and that God is able to lift you from the fatigue of despair to the buoyancy of hope, and transform dark and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of inner peace.” Reverend Pinckney and his congregation understood that spirit.
(20) Anatomic features of the pericardium and its fibrous attachments, and the physical principle of buoyancy account for this observation.
(n.) Boisterous mirth; merriment; jollity.
Example Sentences:
(1) Of the patients with peripheral lung cancer lesions smaller than 2 cm who underwent surgery, 21% had peribronchial, hilar, or mediastinal lymph node metastasis.
(2) Two patients had hilar lymph node metastases, one of them had also involvement of pericardium.
(3) Among patients with N1 disease we observed more frequent hilar metastases in the more advanced tumors (p less than 0.05).
(4) After injection of HRP-WGA into the contralateral hippocampus 2% of hilar NPY-i neurons were retrogradely labeled and symmetric NPY-i synapses were found on the cell bodies and dendrites of unstained HRP-WGA labeled neurons.
(5) Her chest roentgenogram showed a moderate amount of pleural effusion in the left pleural cavity without infiltration in the lung fields and no evidence of swollen hilar or mediastinal lymphnodes.
(6) I think the “horror and outrage” Roberts complains of were more like hilarity, and the story still makes me laugh (as do many others on Mumsnet, which is full of jokes as well as acronyms for everything).
(7) In 17 patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma and intrahepatic bile duct dilatation, the relationships between lobar or segmental atrophy, compensatory hypertrophy, and patency of portal vein branches were evaluated with computed tomography (CT) and angiography.
(8) Thus, it was concluded that CDDP is very effective for patients with lung cancer and that CDDP administered by BAI is useful for hilar-type squamous cell carcinoma.
(9) The main finding is a hyperlucent lung with small hilar shadows on chest x-ray.
(10) The management team gets changed, amid much hilarity when a continental breakfast of croissants and fruit is brought in.
(11) Presence or absence of lung cancer and the presence and severity of silicosis of the parenchyma, pleura, and hilar glands were documented from necropsy reports.
(12) The earliest formed SSIR neurons, generated on E12 and E13, are preferentially distributed to the subiculum, those generated on E14 are most commonly observed throughout the CA1-CA3 fields of the hippocampus and SSIR neurons which become postmitotic on E15 are more heavily represented in the hilar region of the dentate gyrus than cells born at other stages of development.
(13) Hemorrhage, congestion, consolidation, edema and fibrin exudation were prominent in the hilar region of the lungs.
(14) Discordance in antigen expression between primary and metastatic lesions (ie, positive primary tumors with negative metastatic lesions and negative primary tumors with positive metastatic lesions) was observed in the following order of frequency: extrathoracic metastatic lesion, contralateral lung, mediastinal lymph node (N2), and ipsilateral peribronchial and hilar (N1) lymph nodes.
(15) The chest roentgenographic findings in Takayasu's arteritis include widening of the ascending aorta, contour irregularities of the descending aorta, arotic calcifications, pulmonary arterial changes, rib notching, and hilar lymphadenopathy.
(16) Eighty animals were divided into four equal groups: I--splenectomy, II--50% splenectomy with the upper half left in situ connected to the short gastric vessels, III--50% splenectomy with the lower half left in situ connected to the hilar vessels, and IV--splenectomy with implantation of splenic fragments.
(17) It was concluded that intrahepatic cholangiojejunostomy for unresectable hepatic hilar carcinoma, contributed to a temporary return to normal life, gave better results than external biliary drainage.
(18) Pleural lesions, bronchial ectasis and mediastinal and hilar lymph node changes could be diagnosed.
(19) Two patients with sarcoidosis involving pulmonary hilar lymph nodes developed the nephrotic syndrome.
(20) Twenty-five out of 33 patients with the lymph nodes metastases had hilar metastatic lymph nodes.