(n.) That which is borne with labor or difficulty; that which is grievous, wearisome, or oppressive.
(n.) The capacity of a vessel, or the weight of cargo that she will carry; as, a ship of a hundred tons burden.
(n.) The tops or heads of stream-work which lie over the stream of tin.
(n.) The proportion of ore and flux to fuel, in the charge of a blast furnace.
(n.) A fixed quantity of certain commodities; as, a burden of gad steel, 120 pounds.
(n.) A birth.
(v. t.) To encumber with weight (literal or figurative); to lay a heavy load upon; to load.
(v. t.) To oppress with anything grievous or trying; to overload; as, to burden a nation with taxes.
(v. t.) To impose, as a load or burden; to lay or place as a burden (something heavy or objectionable).
(n.) The verse repeated in a song, or the return of the theme at the end of each stanza; the chorus; refrain. Hence: That which is often repeated or which is dwelt upon; the main topic; as, the burden of a prayer.
(n.) The drone of a bagpipe.
(n.) A club.
Example Sentences:
(1) Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is also seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, recently proposed a bill that would ease the financial burden of prescription drugs on elderly Americans by allowing Medicare, the national social health insurance program, to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies to keep prices down.
(2) Finally, before the advent of the third-party payment, operations were avoided because of the financial burden.
(3) However, civil society groups have raised concerns about the ethics of providing ‘climate loans’ which increase the country’s debt burden.
(4) The parasites were highly aggregated within the study community, with most people harbouring low burdens while a few individuals harboured very heavy burdens.
(5) Economic burdens for postmarketing research should be shared jointly by the research-oriented and generic drug companies.
(6) There is general agreement that suicides are likely to be undercounted, both for structural reasons (the burden-of-proof issue, the requirement that the coroner or medical examiner suspect the possibility of suicide) and for sociocultural reasons.
(7) The art Kennard produced formed the basis of his career, as he recounted later: “I studied as a painter, but after the events of 1968 I began to look for a form of expression that could bring art and politics together to a wider audience … I found that photography wasn’t as burdened with similar art historical associations.” The result was his STOP montage series.
(8) The analysis indicated a high cost burden for families in all disease categories studied, although a lack of uniformity in data presentation and in the variables studied prevented specific generalizations to be made about the numbers or characteristics of families with high costs.
(9) "Public servants did nothing to cause the slump but are being asked to bear an unfair share of the burden.
(10) The irony of this type of self-manipulation is that ultimately the child, or adult, finds himself again burdened by impotence, though it is the impotence of guilt rather than that of shame.
(11) The aim of the study was to find whether treatment would result in an improvement of cognition, of functioning in daily life, decrease of behavioural disturbances, and decrease in burden experienced by the carers.
(12) Lymph proliferative disorders with a high mitotic rate, and large tumor burden, regardless of histologic features, should be treated prophylactically against tumor lysis if regrowth between cycles occurs.
(13) These data indicate that, compared with animals at sea level, animals at altitude have an increased body burden of COHb and will attain the COHb level associated with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for CO more quickly when breathing CO.
(14) Macro-epidemiology is concerned with the absolute and relative contributions of particular causes or diseases to the overall burden of ill-health in a population.
(15) Communicable diseases represent a considerable burden in terms of suffering and costs.
(16) This is indirect evidence suggesting that mercury from dental amalgam fillings may contribute to the body burden of mercury in the brain.
(17) The gender-specific kinship relationship of patients and their care providers has not generally been investigated in studies of caregiver burden and well-being.
(18) In predicting response to therapy, poor prognostic factors included large tumor burdens, advanced disease stage, and chemotherapy-resistant tumors.
(19) Radical postoperative irradiation (A) is burdened by 3 serious complications and a considerably higher amount of complaints.
(20) MMC and 5-FU did not show significant activity against large tumor burden, while a relatively good activity was detected in patients with minimal disease.
(n.) A line consisting of a certain number of metrical feet (see Foot, n., 9) disposed according to metrical rules.
(n.) Metrical arrangement and language; that which is composed in metrical form; versification; poetry.
(n.) A short division of any composition.
(n.) A stanza; a stave; as, a hymn of four verses.
(n.) One of the short divisions of the chapters in the Old and New Testaments.
(n.) A portion of an anthem to be performed by a single voice to each part.
(n.) A piece of poetry.
(v. t.) To tell in verse, or poetry.
(v. i.) To make verses; to versify.
Example Sentences:
(1) But as a former Eurocrat, he is well-versed in the weaknesses and believes it is right to highlight them in stark language.
(2) The simplicity of the method, in particular, the solution by the graphic method for estimation of the apparent volume of distribution, might be specially useful for clinicians not well versed in mathematics in applying clinical pharmacokinetics to drug therapy.
(3) At the same time, he is keen to do everything in his power to help Palace pick up three crucial points, right down to giving Pulis chapter and verse on the Cardiff players he knows inside out.
(4) His controversial 1988 book The Satanic Verses, which provoked a religious opinion or fatwa, from the Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini calling for the author's killing as punishment for blasphemy, is still banned in India.
(5) No wonder the European Union has banned the use of the term on packaging unless it can be backed up with scientific chapter and verse.
(6) And unfortunately, the terrorists and the mainstream share a lot of these bad ideas.” The British Indian author Salman Rushdie, who was placed under a fatwa in 1989 following the publication of his book The Satanic Verses, said there had been “a deadly mutation in the middle of Islam”.
(7) So we’re eagerly awaiting Mike Bartlett’s darkly satirical verse drama.
(8) What the mixed responses pointed to was that, right from the start, The Satanic Verses affair was less a theological dispute than an opportunity to exert political leverage.
(9) "I myself am not very well-versed in the world of slash fiction," he says, marvelling at the time one would have had to spend to edit his perfectly innocent eight-hour recording into three minutes of steamy grot.
(10) Conservative evangelicals often quote a verse in Leviticus which describes sexual relations between men as an “abomination”.
(11) The track has been referenced a huge amount in the past few months on social media, whether through verse that apes the “Hey now, you’re an all star” structure of the chorus or by remixing the track itself in ridiculous ways.
(12) Used on West’s Blame Game, the sample is un-missable: a looped piano figure under West and John Legend’s verses.
(13) Other important Stevenson titles: Treasure Island (1883); The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886); A Child's Garden of Verses (1886); The Weir of Hermiston (1896, posthumous).
(14) He gives the team and the club a good presence, and you could see that from what he gave to us here.” Leeds are a club well versed in setting records, and they have now not won at Elland Road for 11 matches, stretching back to March.
(15) For those not versed in 800m times, that's remarkably quick considering his age and the conditions.
(16) "His 'official' laureateship verse was published in the Times and even included a poem on the assassination of John F Kennedy.
(17) This last point seemed to draw some sympathy from Justice Anthony Kennedy, who hails from California and is well versed in the central role of the initiative process in the state's political culture.
(18) The show will also see him discuss topics including "pogonophobia, underpants and the human condition", pognophobia being a fear of beards – something Paxman is well versed in following the public outcry at his beard-sporting last year.
(19) He was a keen visual artist, a storyteller, playwright, novelist, news reporter, radio DJ, a verse and prose writer and an enthusiastic walker.
(20) Two divergent viewpoints, central verses peripheral, provide insight into possible mechanisms.