What's the difference between burn and incinerate?



  • (v. t.) To consume with fire; to reduce to ashes by the action of heat or fire; -- frequently intensified by up: as, to burn up wood.
  • (v. t.) To injure by fire or heat; to change destructively some property or properties of, by undue exposure to fire or heat; to scorch; to scald; to blister; to singe; to char; to sear; as, to burn steel in forging; to burn one's face in the sun; the sun burns the grass.
  • (v. t.) To perfect or improve by fire or heat; to submit to the action of fire or heat for some economic purpose; to destroy or change some property or properties of, by exposure to fire or heat in due degree for obtaining a desired residuum, product, or effect; to bake; as, to burn clay in making bricks or pottery; to burn wood so as to produce charcoal; to burn limestone for the lime.
  • (v. t.) To make or produce, as an effect or result, by the application of fire or heat; as, to burn a hole; to burn charcoal; to burn letters into a block.
  • (v. t.) To consume, injure, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat; to affect as fire or heat does; as, to burn the mouth with pepper.
  • (v. t.) To apply a cautery to; to cauterize.
  • (v. t.) To cause to combine with oxygen or other active agent, with evolution of heat; to consume; to oxidize; as, a man burns a certain amount of carbon at each respiration; to burn iron in oxygen.
  • (v. i.) To be of fire; to flame.
  • (v. i.) To suffer from, or be scorched by, an excess of heat.
  • (v. i.) To have a condition, quality, appearance, sensation, or emotion, as if on fire or excessively heated; to act or rage with destructive violence; to be in a state of lively emotion or strong desire; as, the face burns; to burn with fever.
  • (v. i.) To combine energetically, with evolution of heat; as, copper burns in chlorine.
  • (v. i.) In certain games, to approach near to a concealed object which is sought.
  • (n.) A hurt, injury, or effect caused by fire or excessive or intense heat.
  • (n.) The operation or result of burning or baking, as in brickmaking; as, they have a good burn.
  • (n.) A disease in vegetables. See Brand, n., 6.
  • (n.) A small stream.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This is a fascinating possibility for solving the skin shortage problem especially in burn cases.
  • (2) Zinc in plasma and urine and serum albumin and alpha 2-macroglobulin were measured in 48 patients with burns.
  • (3) With the exception of PMMA and PTFE, all plastics leave a very heavy tar- and soot deposit after burning.
  • (4) The patient later died from complications of burns.
  • (5) In clinical situations on donor sites and grafted full-thickness burn wounds, the PEU film indeed prevented fluid accumulation and induced the formation of a "red" coagulum underneath.
  • (6) Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels.” The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from Lord Nicholas Stern , former adviser to the Labour government on the economics of climate change.
  • (7) For the purpose of studying the role of elastase and protease of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in bacterial infection in burns, the effects of the vaccines made from each enzyme, their toxoids and OEP on protection against infection in burned mice were studied.
  • (8) The authors report on their experience in the use of cultured keratinocytes in severely burned children, observed in the Surgical Emergency and Pediatric Surgery Department at the Gaslini Institute of Genova.
  • (9) Frequency of symptoms like dizziness, headache, lachrymation, burning sensation in eyes, nausea and anorexia, etc, were much more in the exposed workers.
  • (10) This is triggered not so much by climate change but the cause of global warming itself: the burning of fossil fuels both inside and outside the home, says Farrar.
  • (11) It is often difficult if not impossible to include a pediatric patient in the planning of burn reconstruction.
  • (12) The fact that it is still used is regrettable yet unavoidable at present, but the average quantity is three times less than the mercury released into the atmosphere by burning the extra coal need to power equivalent incandescent bulbs.
  • (13) This phenomenon can have a special significance for defining the vitality in inflammation of bone tissue, in burns and in necrosis of soft tissues a.a. of the Achilles tendon.
  • (14) Kunduz hospital patients 'burned in beds … even wars have rules', says MSF chief Read more The resolution – which was supported by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and others – requests that Ban present recommendations on measures to prevent attacks and to ensure that those who carry them out are held accountable.
  • (15) A 26-year-old man with 40% full-thickness burns was treated by excision and split-skin grafting on the 7th post-burn day.
  • (16) We conclude that a burn involving the chest wall results in cardiopulmonary abnormalities, not seen after a body burn of a comparable size, which appear to be due to hyperthermia and an increased release of prostacyclin and O2 radicals.
  • (17) During treatment, the mother underwent an abortion and burned her face with kitchen chemicals.
  • (18) The tinsel coiled around a jug of squash and bauble in the strip lighting made a golf-ball size knot of guilt burn in my throat.
  • (19) Significant enhancement of IL-2 production by indomethacin was seen in the burned group (mean, 95%), but not in controls (mean, 23.8%) or normal mice (mean, 17.2%), and similar effects were seen with flurbiprofen.
  • (20) Twenty-one days of treatment of one group of burned rats with the selective beta 2-adrenergic agonist, clenbuterol, increased resting energy expenditure and normalized body weight gain, muscle mass, and muscle protein content.



  • () Reduced to ashes by burning; thoroughly consumed.
  • (v. t.) To burn to ashes; to consume; to burn.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Russia has stepped up its battle against parmesan cheese, Danish bacon and other European delicacies, announcing it plans to incinerate contraband shipments on the border as soon as they are discovered.
  • (2) The corpse was then “put into a sealed biosecurity device and transferred for incineration at an authorized disposal facility”.
  • (3) Included in the thermal destruction category are treatment technologies such as rotary kiln incineration, fluidized bed incineration, infrared thermal treatment, wet air oxidation, pyrolytic incineration, and vitrification.
  • (4) To examine further this hypothesis, we investigated the sex ratios of births in an area in central Scotland which contained two incineration plants.
  • (5) The concentrations of copper were analysed approximately in 0.5 g of dry matter by acid incineration and atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
  • (6) Mercury contents of samples of sea water and fish from Kagoshima Bay, sediments in rivers, and the surface soil from the area surrounding a waste incinerator in the city of Kagoshima were measured to search for the source of mercury in Kagoshima Bay.
  • (7) That crowded, baroque city, with its high tally of wooden buildings, was incinerated on the night of 13 February 1944 in a man-made firestorm that destroyed 90% of the city centre.
  • (8) In particular, incineration greatly enhances the mobility and bioavailability of toxic metals present in MSW.
  • (9) Each unit has about the same air-handling capacity as a conventional air incinerator with a brick stack but costs only about one-third as much.
  • (10) Environmental contamination from particulate and gaseous emissions containing heavy metals, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), polycyclic aromatics (PCA), acids and other compounds from such incinerators, as well as safe ash disposal, are of great concern.
  • (11) Activity measurements of 3H and 14C in several environmental samples around the incinerator for radioactive liquid scintillator waste at the Radioisotope Center, Kyushu University were carried out to estimate their levels.
  • (12) Portable incinerators have been built, but rarely deployed.
  • (13) Our council has given the go-ahead for a private company to build an incinerator in the bottom of the Aire Valley – near homes, schools and a sports facility.
  • (14) Regulation to control air emissions of toxic organic compounds require the collection and analysis of effluent gas from low level sources such as hazardous waste incinerators.
  • (15) SAHSU analysed the incidence of cancers of the larynx and lung near the incinerator of waste solvents and oils at Charnock Richard, Coppull, Lancashire (which operated between 1972 and 1980) and nine other similar incinerators in Great Britain, after reports of a cluster of cases of cancer of the larynx near the Charnock Richard site.
  • (16) Mercury contamination by cremation, therefore comprised only 0.61 to 1.53% of the total mercury contamination produced by all waste incineration methods.
  • (17) Polychlorobiphenyl (PCBs) levels and hepatic xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme activities were measured in fish from three locations of the River Rhône to study the consequences of a constant loading of PCBs from a PCB incineration plant.
  • (18) Ash density of the bone samples was measured after incineration.
  • (19) A long-established and successful dairy herd in central Scotland sustained severe morbidity and mortality amongst animals which had grazed on a field beside a recently established dump which contained wastes from a chemical waste incinerator.
  • (20) Factors that influence production of mutagenic compounds during refuse incineration and subsequent worker exposure are discussed.

Words possibly related to "incinerate"