(n.) A scholarship or charitable foundation in a university, as in Scotland; a sum given to enable a student to pursue his studies.
Example Sentences:
(1) His cabinet colleagues promised to increase bursaries and loans for students and to cut fuel bills – something for the middle-class, something for the workers.
(2) The bursaries will provide studio space for up to six months and a living allowance while they rebuild their portfolios.
(3) The same can be said of education bursaries and money channelled through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), various audits into the CDF kitty have revealed massive corruption."
(4) They will have access to higher maintenance grants, new fee waivers and student bursaries.
(5) Adesunloye’s new film, White Colour Black , will be shown at the LFF alongside films from the other three (white) finalists for the inaugural IWC Schaffhausen Filmmakers bursary award.
(6) A typical scheme from one of the Russell group universities, combined with government grants, gives fee reductions or bursaries totalling about £6,000 for students from families with incomes up to £25,000, falling to about £4,500 just above it and then tapering off to be withdrawn by the time family income reaches £43,000.
(7) Scrap the social work bursary, and lose students like us Read more The government’s recent announcement that it plans to make the Frontline graduate development programme a national scheme – where trainees receive a salary instead of a bursary – has only increased suspicion among those delivering the courses.
(8) But the scheme, described as "16-19 bursaries", represents a cut of two-thirds from the previous £560m annual budget and will be targeted only at the poorest students, so depriving hundreds of thousands of students of state support for further education.
(9) A means-tested bursary, not exclusive to social work, is another option.
(10) The Christian lobby group Care (Christian Action Research and Education), which helped to support Nadine Dorries's proposed abortion amendment last month, has connections with researchers working for six MPs, in several instances offering bursaries to fund researchers' time in Westminster.
(11) The Charity Commission has acknowledged before that schools will need time to set up partnerships or introduce bursary programmes.
(12) Students receive a bursary in their first year followed by paid work placements.
(13) Fifty-three percent of bursaried students have honoured their commitment.
(14) Westminster University is offering £6,000 bursaries to the first 50 eligible applicants through adjustment, while Northumbria University has been tweeting a similar offer worth £2,000 a year to adjustment-eligible applicants.
(15) Our recruitment campaign, Your Future Their Future, is attracting new people and encouraging top graduates to consider training to teach priority subjects like maths, physics and computing, and we continue to offer bursaries worth up to £25,000 and prestigious scholarships.” And then there’s performance-related pay.
(16) He gave her the nickname of Dusty, because of her “gold-dust” hair, and an Arts Council bursary of £500 covered the cost of their marriage in 1958.
(17) But Ledniczky, who went to Maidstone grammar school in Kent, explains: "I'm lucky that I'll come out of college in the US with no debt at all thanks to Harvard's generous bursary system.
(18) John Cater, vice-chancellor of Edge Hill University, Lancashire, which offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, admits: “I think it’s quite likely that bursaries could go.” Cater says the current system in England is confusing and complex, with students often unclear whether they qualify for financial support.
(19) Heriot Watt also expects that a third of its student from the rest of the UK will be able to get bursaries to help the new fees.
(20) It warned teenagers were also unaware that they could qualify for substantial bursaries and scholarships, and urged ministers to launch a publicity campaign to address the public's misunderstandings over tuition fees.
(n.) A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to carry money in; by extension, any receptacle for money carried on the person; a wallet; a pocketbook; a portemonnaie.
(n.) Hence, a treasury; finances; as, the public purse.
(n.) A sum of money offered as a prize, or collected as a present; as, to win the purse; to make up a purse.
(n.) A specific sum of money
(n.) In Turkey, the sum of 500 piasters.
(n.) In Persia, the sum of 50 tomans.
(v. t.) To put into a purse.
(v. t.) To draw up or contract into folds or wrinkles, like the mouth of a purse; to pucker; to knit.
(v. i.) To steal purses; to rob.
Example Sentences:
(1) Initial analysis suggests that about one-fifth of gross costs would be directly returned to the public purse via income tax and national insurance payments.
(2) Postoperative urodynamic studies have shown maximum capacity of 750 ml and the area of continence to be at the ileocecal valve where the purse-string sutures are placed.
(3) The technique involves the use of an extra-long sheath for filter placement and the application of a purse-string suture at the venipuncture site to facilitate hemostasis.
(4) In the interview, he similarly suggested he was willing to give the president leeway within Congress’ rights to reject nominees and control the White House’s purse.
(5) The public purse was helped by a 3.7% increase in tax receipts against a backdrop of economic growth and falling unemployment.
(6) Arsenal at Stoke has become one of the set pieces of Premier League football, a fixture almost certain to leave Wenger with pursed lips even if Tony Pulis and his rugby tactics have been replaced by Mark "over-physical, moi?"
(7) Subjects were placed alone in a room where purposeful oral activity such as eating, talking and smoking was not permitted, while activity such as pursing the lips sucking on cheeks, grimaces etc was measured by a specially designed electromyometer.
(8) They told Gutiérrez to gather what belonged to her - her clothes, her purse, her little boy - and come with them.
(9) Our presence underwrites the multi-use legacy of the stadium and our contribution alone will pay back more than the cost of building and converting the stadium over the course of our tenancy.” West Ham added in a later statement: “The worldwide draw of hosting the most popular and watched football league in the world in such an iconic venue will add value to any sponsorship and commercial agreements related to the stadium, which the public purse stands to further benefit from.
(10) The responses to salty, sour, and bitter solutions shared the same hedonically negative upper- and midface components but differed in the accompanying lower-face actions: lip pursing in response to sour and mouth gaping in response to bitter.
(11) There were three distinct groups of operative techniques: (1) the purse-string technique in 40 patellectomies; (2) the vastus medialis technique in 24 patellectomies; (3) other techniques in 49 patellectomies.
(12) Unfortunately this will perpetuate the myth that loosening central bank purse strings is the answer, when that acts less like a bazooka and more like a popgun.
(13) For those who didn't know: academics, funded mostly by the public purse, pay for the production and dissemination of papers; but for historical reasons, these are published by private organisations that charge around $30 (£18.50) per paper, keeping out any reader who doesn't have access through their institution.
(14) There may be technical difficulties in the use of recommended clamp for the insertion of the purse-string suture during the construction of an end-to-end staple anastomosis.
(15) City analysts said Prudential's aim to tap investors in the coming two months follows huge demands on the purse strings of investors who have been asked to back fundraisings by London-listed companies worth almost £60bn over two years.
(16) This work shows our personal technique for performing esophagoenterostomy, especially in the thoracic area, using the new CEEA stapler (Autosuture) without esophageal purse-string sutures.
(17) In the end, said Green, “the essence of the case is about whether it is lawful for states to prevent the tobacco industry from continuing to make profits by using their trademarks and other rights to further what the World Health Organisation describes as a health crisis of epidemic proportions and which imposes an immense cleanup cost on the public purse.
(18) That has the advantage for the Conservatives of taking the burden of the hungry off the public purse, shrinking the state and preparing the poor for a harsher labour market in the process.
(19) Just as Banksy causes collateral damage to the neatness of walls, so Amazon's masterpiece is a defacement of the public purse.
(20) "It is vital that local health bodies and local councils look carefully at the guidance as it clearly sets out how, in the long run, investing in support for adults with autism will save money to the public purse," the National Autistic Society stresses.