(v. i.) To bring forth young; to produce offspring.
Example Sentences:
(1) The experiment was conducted on 3 groups of calves.
(2) These calves had hemagglutinating antibodies against P. hemolytica before exposure.
(3) After calving, probably the position of new follicles is temporally influenced by direct signals from the uterine horns affected differently by pregnancy.
(4) A total of 3,532 females of various engorged weights was collected from all calves, resulting in a mean female tick yield of 1.78% based on the number of larvae used for all infestations.
(5) Calves were tagged in the right ear with the green certified preconditioned for health (CPH) tag of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners.
(6) Calves showing signs of pneumonia had low levels of IgG1 (45-5 per cent had less than 8 mg per ml compared with "now-pneumonic" calves which had relatively high levels (only 9.5 per cent had less than 8 mg per ml).
(7) Calves were fed milk replacer twice daily while housed indoors in wooden-slatted floor box crates (metabolism cages).
(8) The results presented in this paper show that chronic lymphatic fistulae can be established successfully in fetal calves to give access to recirculating lymphocytes.
(9) One hundred and forty six calving interval records were built up from 64 N'Dama cows maintained for 3.5 years under a high natural tsetse challenge in Zaire.
(10) Although they were born at different periods of the year, the calves in all three groups had similar bacterial loads in their noses and tracheas when they were 1 day old (P greater than 0.05).
(11) Those findings suggest that CCN in calves is caused by thiamine deficiency and that the blood thiamine levels cannot be used for diagnosis of CCN.
(12) Examination of cattle faeces demonstrated that six-month-old calves excreted moderate numbers of N battus eggs in June and July, thus contaminating next season's sheep grazing.
(13) Distribution of immunoglobulin(Ig)-containing cells was investigated in calves inoculated orally with live organisms of both Bacteroides succinogenes and Selenomonas ruminantium.
(14) Nevertheless, there are farms on which satisfactory results are obtained in rearing calves with low Ig levels.
(15) It has to be assumed that in calves with respiratory distress syndrome--in analogy to pulmonary immaturity--the blood clotting mechanism is not yet fully developed.
(16) Twenty-eight Friesland calves were infested at 7 to 11 months of age with 5 000-45 OOO cercariae of Schistosoma mattheei.
(17) Calves were monitored for physiological changes for 6 h at 15, 30, or 60-min intervals.
(18) Calf birth weight and gestational length decreased (P less than .01) as the number of calves born increased from one to two to three.
(19) However, titers of six of these calves increased at five to eight months of age and either remained constant or increased through one year of age.
(20) The somatograms demonstrated that the ballet dancers had relatively smaller upper arms and larger calves and ankles compared with the reference female.
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Example Sentences:
(1) The conclave In one of his last acts as pope, Benedict issued a decree on Monday to allow the cardinals to bring forward the start of the conclave – which takes its name from the Latin phrase cum clave ("with key") and refers to the fact the cardinals used to be locked in until they made their choice – meaning the gathering could begin as soon as next week.
(2) Chymosin secretion was partly restored when the claves were again given a skim-milk diet.
(3) Four groups of five diamond burs were sterilized by four methods: (1) sterilization with a chemical agent (Sporicidin); (2) steam under pressure (autoclave); (3) dry heat (Dri-Clave); or (4) chemical vapor (Chemiclave).
(4) Twenty-one male and 43 female Holstein claves received either 0, 10, or 20% mustard meal starter rations from birth to 3 mo of age.
(5) Gain by claves fed 10% protein was equal to that by those fed 12.5% protein.
(6) A reduction of 19-25 in TD and increase of 4-18 in BV was observed on auto-claving and both the differences were significant (P less than 0.05) in all millets.
(7) There was no evidence that the added magnesium to the calcium solution improved the clinical response of parturient paresis cases in this spring claving season, as had been suggested previously.
(8) Water and glycosaminoglycan contents were measured in upper and lower thoracic aortas of claves and steers.
(9) Seventy-one 4 month old claves were vaccinated by the conjunctival route with different doses (10(6) to 10(10)) of living bacteria, either freshly prepared or lyophilized.
(10) The infection and the disease rates were significantly (P less than 0.01) different between claves and cows.