What's the difference between candid and cunning?



  • (a.) White.
  • (a.) Free from undue bias; disposed to think and judge according to truth and justice, or without partiality or prejudice; fair; just; impartial; as, a candid opinion.
  • (a.) Open; frank; ingenuous; outspoken.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Formerly, many patients in this category were considered either inoperable or candidates for total or partial nephrectomy.
  • (2) That's why the big dreams have come from the smaller candidates such as the radical left's Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
  • (3) Both former presidents Bush have said they will sit out the 2016 campaign, as has former presidential candidate Jeb Bush.
  • (4) Both Types I and II collagen are important constituents of the affected tissues, and thus defective collagens are reasonable candidates for the primary abnormality in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).
  • (5) Eighty four colorectal cancer patients who underwent presumably curative surgery were considered as candidates for control recurrence study.
  • (6) Leading clinical candidates have emerged from Smith Kline and French, Lilly, Merck-Frosst, ICI-Stuart and other groups.
  • (7) Treatment failures tend to occur early in the course of follow-up, permitting easy identification of candidates for alternative therapeutic approaches.
  • (8) Henderson was given permission to join Fulham when Brendan Rodgers arrived at Anfield in 2012 but has since developed into an important asset for the Liverpool manager, to the extent that the 24-year-old is the leading candidate to succeed Steven Gerrard as club captain when the 34-year-old leaves for LA Galaxy.
  • (9) All 17 candidates are going to be participating in debate night and I think that’s a wonderful opportunity Reince Priebus Republican party officials have defended the decision to limit participation, pointing out that the chasing pack will get a chance to debate separately before the main event.
  • (10) Candidates for a counselor-training program (136 Ss; 86% women; average age 44 yr.) took the GAIT in 18 groups and completed written forms for staff screening.
  • (11) Previously, we identified a candidate gene, Tcp-10b, whose t allele generates alternatively spliced transcripts.
  • (12) It is released into the urine in large quantities and thus represents a potential candidate for a protein secreted in a polarized fashion from the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells in vivo.
  • (13) Opposition to legal abortion takes magical thinking and a lack of logic | Jessica Valenti Read more The only female Republican candidate for the White House has doubled down on her restrictive position over reproductive rights since a successful debate performance .
  • (14) A questionnaire was presented to 2009 18--19 year old military recruitment candidates which enabled assessment of antipathy towards patients with severe acne vulgaris, the occupational handicap associated with severe acne and subjective inhibitions in acne patients.
  • (15) It will not be so low as to put off candidates from outside the corporation but will be substantially less than Thompson's £671,000 annual remuneration – in line with Patten's desire to clamp down on BBC executive pay, which he said had become a "toxic issue".
  • (16) The best compound was trans-alpha-[[(4-bromotetrahydro-2H-pyran-3-yl) amino]methyl]-2-nitro-1H-imidazole-1-ethanol (18), which, due to its activity and log P value, is a candidate for additional in vivo studies.
  • (17) Copolymer 1 (Cop 1) is a synthetic basic random copolymer of amino acids that has been shown to be effective in suppression of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and has been proposed as a candidate drug for multiple sclerosis.
  • (18) The performance of candidates on the geriatric medicine items on the American Board of Internal Medicine's 1980, 1981, and 1982 Certifying Examinations was analyzed.
  • (19) Psychological risk factors predicted donor candidates' decisions to participate and their compliance but were not predictive (within the group that completed a cycle) of donor satisfaction as follow-up or recipient pregnancy.
  • (20) It was not just that there was only one female candidate – Berger – across four contests.



  • (a.) Knowing; skillful; dexterous.
  • (a.) Wrought with, or exhibiting, skill or ingenuity; ingenious; curious; as, cunning work.
  • (a.) Crafty; sly; artful; designing; deceitful.
  • (a.) Pretty or pleasing; as, a cunning little boy.
  • (a.) Knowledge; art; skill; dexterity.
  • (a.) The faculty or act of using stratagem to accomplish a purpose; fraudulent skill or dexterity; deceit; craft.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But the Franco-British spat sparked by Dave's rejection of Angela and Nicolas's cunning plan to save the euro has been given wings by news the US credit agencies may soon strip France of its triple-A rating and is coming along very nicely, thank you. "
  • (2) According to his blog, he's been acting on the advice of a friend and pursuing a course of "silence, exile and cunning", but I'm not sure a couple of years of not giving interviews to Heat qualifies.
  • (3) "They are alert, cunning and devious individuals who have current knowledge of investigative methods and techniques which may be used against them," said an internal report.
  • (4) 3.16pm BST Myners explains that his solution is a PLC-plus board -- a highly qualified board, holding the executive to account, complemented by a national council who is charged with checking that the board is doing what it should ( acting like shareholders, effectively ) He denies that it's a cunning plan to get his friends onto the Co-op board.
  • (5) The SNP minority government at Holyrood after 2007 survived from day to day by cunning deals that played the other parties off against one another.
  • (6) In fact, not only have the teams that failed to qualify not been invited to play, for if they were that would contradict the elitist terms of the qualification that are disavowed so cunningly here by Pitbull, but also in reality, only Fifa functionaries, Brazilian bureaucrats and half the BBC will get into Brazil's stadiums gratis this summer.
  • (7) The capacity of urea-N synthesis (CUNS), the galactose elimination capacity (GEC) and the antipyrine clearance (APC) were measured in rats immediately after 30, 70 and 90% partial hepatectomy and after sham operation.
  • (8) 1980 was his best year for opera: the Cologne company (whose music director, John Pritchard, became a staunch supporter) brought Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte and Cimarosa's Il Matrimonio Segreto, Glasgow provided Berg's Wozzeck and Janacek's The Cunning Little Vixen, and the festival itself produced a distinguished world premiere in Maxwell Davies' The Lighthouse.
  • (9) In it she explains how she scratched the graffito "My French teacher is a cun-" on a door, and was stopped just as she finished that crucial "t".)
  • (10) Putin is a cunning negotiator with the skills of a KGB colonel, varying between brute force, charm and obfuscation.
  • (11) He added that the core message from Pyongyang was that South Korea’s National Intelligence Service was using the reptiles “as part of a ‘cunning scheme’ to challenge our unity”.
  • (12) It needed stamina, ice-in-the-veins bravery, cunning, cool judgment and brute determination.
  • (13) So much so that he ends the press conference with the point, and has a little smile at his own cunning.
  • (14) Running at the visiting defence, N’Doye produced a cunning disguise pass that the Croat Jelavic took in his stride and dispatched past Brad Guzan via a looping deflection.
  • (15) Only Eurovision could offer up such a song: a plea for ethnic tolerance, cunningly disguised as an Abba track with the offcuts from a pantomime.
  • (16) Anyway, back to these fraudsters, who are the least costly element of a leaky system, but nevertheless transfix the political imagination as though they were masterminds of cunning and audacity, whose long game were to destroy the fabric of society altogether.
  • (17) Steve Hilton's cunning plan to abolish all consumer, employment and maternity rights got a dusty answer, while his green passions are at least tolerated.
  • (18) Former schemes were tiny but this one is mammoth, the debt kept cunningly off the public borrowing books (which the Office for National Statistics allowed; it's said the Treasury was amazed).
  • (19) It turned out that the Square Mile is cunningly designed so as to have almost nowhere for such groups to gather, so the protesters ended up by the skirts of St Paul's.
  • (20) Undercover underwear What do you do when you develop a cunning remote-monitoring system to track soldiers’ performance in the field, but they don’t want to wear a clumsy chest strap, or forget to wear the wristband?