What's the difference between carnalize and spiritual?
(v. t.) To make carnal; to debase to carnality.
Example Sentences:
(1) Ruth Carnall, former chief executive of NHS London.
(2) (The idea of the soul captivates gothic films from Dracula to The Devil Rides Out , though most tend to express that fascination through ssaults on the body, achieving carnality in sexual desire or in gore.)
(3) The plotting emerged from my own skipping, stumbling life as a just-out gay man in San Francisco, that veritable asparagus garden of carnal delights.
(4) He is masculine but defiantly anti-macho, and his unpanicked air of sexual fluidity has lent itself to a run of gay gangsters: he was Richard Burton's bit of rough in Villain , a carnally carnivorous mob boss in Sexy Beast , and a slinky, elegant hood in 44 Inch Chest .
(5) Under existing Ugandan law, anyone found guilty of "carnal knowledge against the order of nature" can already face sentences up to life imprisonment.
(6) If you’re sensing that the Mill is bored, or better yet, indifferent, or better yet, showing all the sullen ardour of a husband obliging himself to make love to his wife in the thick of a carnal indifference, then take your right hand, place it over your left shoulder and give yourself a big old pat on the back.
(7) This basic human state is further specified as primitive pleasure, primitive in that it is sensory, sensual, and carnal as compared to cognitive or esthetic in nature.
(8) He faced an almost immediate scandal when he was asked about a conference in Mykonos in Greece and replied: "I travelled and spent lots of time with people in Greece, many of whom were women, some of whom were known carnally to me.
(9) Coral reefs While we're on the subject of communal carnality, of entire species getting on the way God intended (if God was into the idea of group sex), the spinner dolphins have nothing on the corals of the Great Barrier Reef.
(10) The two albums that followed, I See A Darkness and Ease Down The Road, are his best, and most consistent, collections - the former dark and wintry; the latter, in contrast, is a veritable paean to the carnal joys of infidelity.
(11) Though the overpowering stink surely would have reduced carnal impulses.
(12) The medic from Hackney, Douglas Carnall, who writes in the British Medical Journal, summed up the feeling: "This issue is too important for one-offs.
(13) Updated at 1.05pm GMT 12.49pm GMT On the issue of maintaining support for difficult decisions, Dame Ruth Carnall, specialist adviser on health to the mayor of London, says having “an absolutely compelling case for change” is essential, as is clinical leadership.
(14) The distinctly Victorian nastiness of section 377 in fact forbids "carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal".
(15) And he agrees with Ruth Carnall (see previous update ) that once decisions have been made, they should be implemented swiftly: Get on with it - the longer you leave it, the worse it gets.
(16) Food and wine for Caravaggio are sensual metaphors, images of carnal pleasure.
(17) This sex-writing is convincing because it mixes the sublime with the carnal, the grossly physical with the spiritual – and all of it experienced as a shock, the longed-for consummation that one can't believe is really happening.
(18) For a culture so obsessed with carnality, songs that get it right are bizarrely few and far between: Madonna's Erotica, perhaps, or Marvin Gaye's I Want You, whose lyrics seduce while the music is already biting the pillow.
(19) Rappaccini will only release Beatrice from her hermetic isolation from the world and from the carnal knowledge men will give her, once he has "adapted" a suitor as biological propagator of his precious bloom.
(20) The reinstatement of a 153-year-old law passed under British rule and based on 16th-century English legislation means "carnal intercourse" between consenting adults of the same sex is once more defined as "unnatural" and punishable by up to 10 years in jail.
(a.) Consisting of spirit; not material; incorporeal; as, a spiritual substance or being.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind; mental; intellectual.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the moral feelings or states of the soul, as distinguished from the external actions; reaching and affecting the spirits.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the soul or its affections as influenced by the Spirit; controlled and inspired by the divine Spirit; proceeding from the Holy Spirit; pure; holy; divine; heavenly-minded; -- opposed to carnal.
(a.) Not lay or temporal; relating to sacred things; ecclesiastical; as, the spiritual functions of the clergy; lords spiritual and temporal; a spiritual corporation.
(n.) A spiritual function, office, or affair. See Spirituality, 2.
Example Sentences:
(1) She is not: "Religion has nothing to do with spirituality."
(2) In turn, nursing strategies that are selected as a result of such theoretically based assessments are likely to be effective in preventing spiritual distress.
(3) It begins with the origins of treatment in the self-help temperance movement of the 1830s and 1840s and the founding of the first inebriate homes, tracing in the United States the transformation of these small, private, spiritually inclined programs into the medically dominated, quasipublic inebriate asylums of the late 19th century.
(4) Only recently has the spiritual aspect of care received attention in our professional literature.
(5) Mahler's Second Symphony - that song of love, renewal, and spiritual growth that Abbado has been singing for more than 40 years.
(6) Participant observation among white, middle class spiritual healing groups in the Baltimore area (1981-1983) revealed distinct sociocultural and interpersonal patterns of action and influence among two types of groups found.
(7) He called for care for the environment to be added to the seven spiritual works of mercy outlined in the Gospel that the faithful are asked to perform throughout the pope’s year of mercy in 2016.
(8) This article presents a conceptualization of health as consisting of social, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical components; a conceptualization of wellness as the integration of these components; and a conceptualization of high-level wellness as the balance of these components.
(9) Caring for persons with AIDS calls upon a range of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual interventions that, in the absence of a cure, can make a palpable difference for patients.
(10) Aristotle clearly regarded this as a spiritual development also.
(11) I relate this clinical observation to the idea of non-attachment as found in spiritual tradition, and I draw on the work of Bion and Matte Blanco to locate these ideas within psychoanalytic theory.
(12) The two reformists Mr Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi have sought to portray themselves as the true heirs of the Islamic revolution's spiritual leader, the late Ayatollah Khomeini, but this tactic has since worn thin and Khomeini's successor Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has stepped up his drive to paint Mousavi and Karroubi as western-run heretics.
(13) Today George Avakian, the jazz producer who befriended both of them, believes: “The session in which she did A Sailboat in the Moonlight is really the one that expresses their closeness musically and spiritually more than any other.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Holiday admitted she wanted to sing in the style that Young improvised, while he often studied the lyrics before playing a song.
(14) We are a nation in a state of transition, and, whatever you believe about the spiritual dimension of Mount Kinabalu, it’s important for all Malaysians that tourists treat us with respect.
(15) Some of this stems from confusing spirituality with religion.
(16) Thanksgiving this year should be a worldwide celebration to honor the water protectors and recognize the spiritual battle that has sustained us since the arrival of Columbus,” said Cheryl Angel, a Sicangu Lakota.
(17) However, mainstream spiritual leaders have denied that the practice stems from religion.
(18) By the beginning of the 1960s the American press began to see Salinger's refusal to engage with the public as a provocation, while critics became increasingly impatient with the spiritual worries of the Glass family.
(19) The cross-gender status of the acaults is sanctioned by their spiritual marriage to Manguedon.
(20) They are regarded as symbols of the spiritual environment.