(n.) One who, or that which, carries or conveys; a messenger.
(n.) One who is employed, or makes it his business, to carry goods for others for hire; a porter; a teamster.
(n.) That which drives or carries; as: (a) A piece which communicates to an object in a lathe the motion of the face plate; a lathe dog. (b) A spool holder or bobbin holder in a braiding machine. (c) A movable piece in magazine guns which transfers the cartridge to a position from which it can be thrust into the barrel.
Example Sentences:
(1) We have measured the antibody specificities to the two polysaccharides in sera from asymptomatic group C meningococcal carriers and vaccinated adults by a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) procedure using methylated human serum albumin for coating the group C polysaccharide onto microtiter plates.
(2) These results show that lipo-PGI2 at a very low dose would be beneficial as a treatment for relieving the clinical symptoms of chronic cerebral infarction and that lipid microspheres are a useful drug carrier for PGI2 analogue therapy.
(3) Before carrier vaccines are applied, these risks must be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case.
(4) In lactate medium the capacity of each AIB carrier is unchanged but its affinity is reduced to one-third.
(5) The IgM antibody was found at high titers in each of 70 patients with inflammatory liver disease and at a low titer in one of six patients with inactive cirrhosis; it was not found in eight carriers with normal liver histology.
(6) To get a better understanding of the different cell interactions during the immune response to a hapten-carrier complex, the effects of immunogenic or tolerogenic injections of various hapten-containing compounds on the responses induced by immunization with the same hapten coupled to protein carriers were studied.
(7) There was no correlation between anti-TNP-precipitating antibody titer after sensitization and the ability to respond to challenge by hapten-heterologous carrier.
(8) The differentiated neuroblastoma cell possesses characteristics of an electrically excitable cell and can generate propagated potential spikes in which Ca2+ is the inward charge carrier.
(9) The latter phase of depletion was associated with a decrease in synaptosomal [3H]serotonin uptake due to a loss in the number of uptake sites with no change in the affinity of the carrier for serotonin.
(10) Direct detection of the mutation enables the identification of fragile X negative normal transmitting males and fragile X negative carrier females.
(11) They strongly suggest that the ADP-carrier comes to the close neighbourhood of the ATP synthetase on the matrix side of the inner membrane.
(12) It is thus important to know whether carriers of the AT gene have a risk of cancer or diabetes greater than comparable noncarriers.
(13) The fractional rate constants for the accumulation or disappearance of the metabolites could be determined after pharmacological blockade of catabolic enzymes or the acid metabolite carrier.
(14) The initial observation of Tn551 transition involved UV inactivation of the carrier plasmid; this would appear to be a general means of detecting transposable elements.
(15) This also implies that both tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption are susceptible to competition between similar substrates for a common carrier site.
(16) Seventeen different bacteria were used in the adherence tests; ten strains of alpha-hemolytic streptococci, five from children with infective endocarditis (IE) and five from healthy carriers, two S. aureus, two N. meningitidis, two N. gonorrhoeae and one E. coli.
(17) From this, it was suggested that a negligible amount of oestradiol was released from these compounds and that the oestradiol moiety was useful as a carrier for the nitrogen mustard moiety.
(18) The amount of formazan obtained after incubating vital cells with Meldola Blue as electron carrier was greater than that obtained with Methylene Blue, menadione, 2,6-dichloroindophenol, 1-methoxyphenazine methosulphate or phenazine methosulphate.
(19) Women who were the mothers of individuals with isolated cases of hemophilia appeared to be carriers in at least 85% of cases, suggesting that the frequency of cases due to fresh mutations is low.
(20) Three mouse models of male-limited, hybrid-type sterility are available: the sterility controlled by the T-t genetic complex, the hybrid sterility system including the Hst-1 gene, and the sterility of carriers of various chromosomal anomalies.
(n.) One of a small breed of hounds, used for hunting hares.
(n.) One who harries.
(n.) One of several species of hawks or buzzards of the genus Circus which fly low and harry small animals or birds, -- as the European marsh harrier (Circus aerunginosus), and the hen harrier (C. cyaneus).
Example Sentences:
(1) Unlike most birds of prey, which are territorial and fight each other over nesting and hunting grounds, the hen harrier nests close to other harriers.
(2) For the first time in 30 years, and possibly longer, fresh water from deep underground is not filling the ditches and reedbeds of the 40-hectare reserve known for its bitterns, water voles and marsh harriers.
(3) She suggested that hen harriers could be easily scared off.
(4) Even when we had 14 pairs here, the RSPB still wanted more, instead of dispelling the myth that the harrier could take gamekeepers’ livelihoods away.” Grouse moorland is “the best and the worst place for the hen harrier,” added Murphy.
(5) Ward Sr described the decision to retire the Harrier as "absolutely appalling" and said his son had been absolutely right to speak out.
(6) Adults £11, six-15 years £7.60 Royal Air Force Museum, Barnet, London History lessons come to life at this museum in north London, which houses over 100 aircraft including Harriers, Chinooks, Tiger Moths and an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jet.
(7) Some birds of prey also thrived on grouse moors because of these plentiful food supplies: merlin were four times more numerous on grouse moors than in other locations (although this may be because, unlike hen harriers, they are too small to kill grouse).
(8) Sir Mark Stanhope, the head of the navy, told the committee that the aircraft carrier Ark Royal and its jumpjet Harriers would have been used to bomb Libya had they not been axed.
(9) It's the last place on Earth you would want to be with feathers.” His films show him breaking down on several occasions, particularly when he visited a Maltese vet and sees a Montague's harrier, which has to be put down after it was illegally shot.
(10) If the Harriers do fall victim to the Tornados, there may be no suitable aircraft available to fly from the first carrier, the Queen Elizabeth, which is due to enter service in 2016.
(11) We let the owners of grouse moors , 1% of the 1%, shoot and poison hen harriers, peregrines and eagles.
(12) Even when a naturalist working for the government witnessed two hen harriers being shot out of the sky seven years ago, the Crown Prosecution Service brought no charges.
(13) It's a glass case filled with pictures of aircraft cut haphazardly from newspapers, each one meticulously labelled like an animal specimen: Hawk, Harrier, Bear, Chinook.
(14) Since 2000, 20 gamekeepers have been found guilty of “raptor persecution” or poisoning offences on grouse moorland, including one who killed a hen harrier in Scotland.
(15) • The government to retire the Harrier jump jet and reduce RAF manpower by 5,000 to 33,000 by 2015.
(16) Not because these powerful birds of prey represented a danger to wildlife, but because the harriers themselves are under threat.
(17) I have listened to all the military advice, and the military advice is pretty clear that when we have to make difficult decisions, it is right to keep the Typhoon as our principal ground attack aircraft, working in Afghanistan at the moment, and it is right to retire the Harrier."
(18) The keeper sees the harrier now as not just the thing that can eat their grouse but can upset their day-to-day life.
(19) Despite the performance of the Harrier jump jets, the landing was made without air superiority.
(20) Moorland owners, Anderson explained to me, wanted to be allowed to move hen harrier nests.