(n.) A place where money is kept, or where it is deposited and paid out; a money box.
(n.) Ready money; especially, coin or specie; but also applied to bank notes, drafts, bonds, or any paper easily convertible into money
(n.) Immediate or prompt payment in current funds; as, to sell goods for cash; to make a reduction in price for cash.
(v. t.) To pay, or to receive, cash for; to exchange for money; as, cash a note or an order.
(v. t.) To disband.
(n.sing & pl.) A Chinese coin.
Example Sentences:
(1) Helsby, who joined the estate agent in 1980, saw his basic salary unchanged at £225,000, but gains a £610,000 windfall in shares, available from May, as well as a £363,000 increase in cash and shares under the company profits-sharing scheme.
(2) But the company's problems appear to be multiplying, with rumours that suppliers are demanding earlier payment than before, putting pressure on HTC's cash position.
(3) More evil than Clocky , the alarm clock that rolls away when you reach out to silence it, or the Puzzle Alarm , which makes you complete a simple puzzle before it'll go quiet, the Money Shredding Alarm Clock methodically destroys your cash unless you rouse yourself.
(4) Living by the "Big River" as a child, Cash soaked up work songs, church music, and country & western from radio station WMPS in Memphis, or the broadcasts from Nashville's Grand Ole Opry on Friday and Saturday evenings.
(5) It is clear that the linking of the naming rights to West Ham United generates real cash value for the LLDC and the taxpayer.
(6) As part of the shake-up, the rule that says only half can be saved in cash is being abolished.
(7) He would still lose some of his original cash, but it would be less.
(8) The Treasury said: "Britain has been at the forefront of global reforms to make banking more responsible, including big reductions in upfront cash bonuses and linking rewards to long-term success.
(9) One of the big sticking points is cash – with rich countries so far failing to live up to promise to mobilise $100bn a year by 2020 for climate finance .
(10) Juliette Touma, Unicef’s spokeswoman in Jordan, said: “The focus in the past week has been on the refugees in Europe, but it is important to make the link to Syria, where 70% to 80% [of them] have come from.” She said the UK has been one of its biggest donors, but the public can help by giving cash and becoming advocates, writing to their MPs and holding fundraising events.
(11) The audit states: "The financial position of Zuma deteriorated over time, mainly as a result of the fact of the shortage in daily funding required to fund his lifestyle … Zuma's cash requirements by far exceeded his ability to fund such requirements from his salary."
(12) That’s precisely the point made by Jubilee Debt Campaign: the reckless lenders that poured speculative cash into the country in the runup to the crisis escaped largely unscathed (though they were forced to accept some reduction in the face value of their bonds – known as a haircut – in the 2012 restructuring that accompanied Greece’s second emergency bailout).
(13) Virgin investors will receive $17.50 in cash and own 36% of Liberty's shares once the deal is complete.
(14) In June it warned that some revenues from 31 of about 200 social housing contracts had been deferred hitting the amount of cash coming into the business.
(15) Vimeo has been less successful in convincing its audience to part ways with actual cash.
(16) Ensuring residents have multiple ways to pay (such as via a text message or through a smartphone app) will also be important as they offer residents the control they feel they have with cash and can be used to top up a direct debit.
(17) The cash would have fed swiftly into demand, with negligible risk of inflation.
(18) The award to Sorrell is thought to be the second-largest granted to a FTSE 100 chief executive, behind only the £92m in shares and cash paid to Bart Becht while he was chief executive of Reckitt Benckiser in 2009.
(19) The insatiable growth of the NHS's demands for cash have never been more graphically illustrated than under the present government.
(20) He believed retail deposits, where cash is not being held for investments, were currently "broadly stable".
(n.) See Check.
Example Sentences:
(1) This is code for so-called "helicopter drops" of money, in which the Treasury would effectively write cheques to the public.
(2) You're staring at the five-figure pay cheque you'll get… if… If!
(3) The video ends with: "It begins with us" – a message that suggests Obama needs activists willing to knock on doors, rather than just write cheques to cover the estimated $1bn (£620m) cost of the campaign.
(4) It would also authorise the use of US forces in situations where ground combat operations are not expected or intended, such as intelligence collection and sharing, missions to enable kinetic strikes, or the provision of operational planning and other forms of advice and assistance to partner forces.” The White House insists the AUMF does not confer authority for “long-term, large-scale ground combat operations”, but the language has already raised concerns among Democrats that it gives the White House another “blank cheque” for open-ended war wherever it chooses.
(5) But Saeid Golkar, lecturer at Northwestern University in the United States and senior fellow at Chicago Council on Global Affairs, believes the ‘pay cheque scandal’ may have indirectly revealed another potential ‘principle-ist’ contender in Parviz Fattah, head of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee.
(6) Talk rarely tends this way with an actor who’s found a good slot, more inclined as a result to play safe and spray out buttery praise in all directions, at co-stars, crew, studios, cheque-signers.
(7) Tory hedge fund and multimillionaire donors will face no similar restrictions, leaving boards free to write hefty cheques backing the Tory party.
(8) As good a way as any would have been to have followed the Twitter feed of one of his backbench MPs, Gloria De Piero, who was tweeting: “The government has a mandate to open Brexit negotiations but not a blank cheque that puts jobs, workers’ rights and our economy at risk.” Instead, he chose to go for a feeble joke.
(9) Second, although businesses will write the cheque for the employers' increased NI contributions, they might not actually pay.
(10) In Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg , Germany, Austria, France and Ireland the number of Britons banking unemployment cheques is almost three times as high as the nationals of those countries receiving parallel UK benefits – 23,011 Britons to 8,720 nationals of those nine countries in the UK.
(11) Mackay's team stand four points outside the relegation zone, and Mackay was hoping he would receive the board's cheque-book backing midway through the campaign.
(12) Although it will include some $150bn in tax relief for people on low and middle incomes, the Obama administration's emphasis on spending marks a shift from the approach of George Bush, who tried to stimulate the economy over the summer simply by sending out millions of tax rebate cheques.
(13) Various Voices: Prose, Poetry and Politics 1948-98 is published by Faber (£9.99).To order it at the special price of £7.99 plus 99p p&p, freephone 0500 600 102 or send a cheque payable to The Guardian CultureShop to 250 Western Avenue, London, W3 6EE.
(14) Other money was spent on political campaigns in unions and in the ALP.” Jackson withdrew a total $239,837 in cashed cheques, gave $100 each to branch committee of management members at meetings, and kept the balance in a “kitty”.
(15) But the UK will not be writing any blank cheques, as Cameron showed when he vetoed a proposed amendment to the Lisbon treaty last December that would have embedded the new eurozone fiscal compact within the architecture of the EU.
(16) "They are the ones who sign my cheque Mom, they are the ones who help me support my family."
(17) In response to his demand, anti-gay marriage organisers urged supporters to send cheques for between 10 centimes and €1 to the Paris city hall; about 9,000 people did so.
(18) No, my question is why, at the point when the Treasury wrote the banks those cheques, it didn't make the conditions binding.
(19) Last week, the poet laureate joined the three judges of the Ted Hughes award to hand this year’s winner a cheque for £5,000.
(20) As students across Britain began closing accounts at the bank, HSBC reacted by freezing interest on overdrafts Letter chain Millions of template letters downloaded from internet sites - including theguardian.com - forced the banks into this week's court case to clarify the legal basis of charges such as those for bounced cheques and direct debits.