What's the difference between cat and saw?



  • (n.) An animal of various species of the genera Felis and Lynx. The domestic cat is Felis domestica. The European wild cat (Felis catus) is much larger than the domestic cat. In the United States the name wild cat is commonly applied to the bay lynx (Lynx rufus) See Wild cat, and Tiger cat.
  • (n.) A strong vessel with a narrow stern, projecting quarters, and deep waist. It is employed in the coal and timber trade.
  • (n.) A strong tackle used to draw an anchor up to the cathead of a ship.
  • (n.) A double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.), having six feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever position in is placed.
  • (n.) An old game; (a) The game of tipcat and the implement with which it is played. See Tipcat. (c) A game of ball, called, according to the number of batters, one old cat, two old cat, etc.
  • (n.) A cat o' nine tails. See below.
  • (v. t.) To bring to the cathead; as, to cat an anchor. See Anchor.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Cantact placing reaction times were measured in cats which were either restrained in a hammock or supported in a conventional way.
  • (2) The oral nerve endings of the palate, the buccal mucosa and the periodontal ligament of the cat canine were characterized by the presence of a cellular envelope which is the final form of the Henle sheath.
  • (3) Oral administration in domestic cats causes malignant hepatomas and tumors of the esophagus and kidney.
  • (4) Midsagittal or parasagittal pontomedullary brainstem incisions were performed in 4 cats.
  • (5) This unusual insertion could affect the interaction of cat CD4 with class II molecules, or with FIV, a feline homolog of HIV.
  • (6) We found that, although controlled release delivery of ddC inhibited de novo FeLV-FAIDS replication and delayed onset of viremia when therapy was discontinued (after 3 weeks), an equivalent incidence and level of viremia were established rapidly in both ddC-treated and control cats.
  • (7) Two lectins, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and peanut agglutinin (PNA), were used to compare domains within the interphotoreceptor matrices (IPM) of the cat and monkey, two species where the morphological relationship between the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptors is distinctly different.
  • (8) In Group B, at 1, 2, 4, 9 and 12 months post infection two cats were necropsied.
  • (9) Additionally, cats excreted the taurine conjugate of hydratropic acid.
  • (10) It is clear that before general release of a new living feline infectious enteritis vaccine, there must be satisfactory evidence that concurrent infection will not affect the safety of the modified antigen.In cats infected with feline infectious enteritis there appears to be a short period, coinciding with the onset of leucopaenia, during which they are highly infectious.
  • (11) Electron microscopic observations of the masseter nerve in the aged cats revealed a disruption of the myelin sheaths and a pronounced increase in collagen fibers in the endoneurium and perineurium.
  • (12) The calcium entry blocker nimodipine was administered to cats following resuscitation from 18 min of cardiac arrest to evaluate its effect on neurologic and neuropathologic outcome in a clinically relevant model of complete cerebral ischemia.
  • (13) A microdissection of the orbital nerves of the cat was made paying particular attention to the accessory ciliary ganglion.
  • (14) In cat, DARPP-32-immunoreactive cell bodies identified as Müller cells were demonstrated in the inner nuclear layer (INL) with processes closely surrounding the cell soma of photoreceptors in the outer nuclear layer.
  • (15) Moreover, 8 of 10 cats in the 10% HAES group showed extravasation of red cells.
  • (16) In the anesthetized cat, the posterior canal nerve (PCN) was stimulated by electric pulses and synaptic responses were recorded intracellularly in the three antagonistic pairs of extraocular motoneurons.
  • (17) Pharmacokinetics of 3H-dihydrodigoxin and 3H-digoxin after single intravenous and intraduodenal administration in cats are compared.
  • (18) This documents the inhibitory role which lithium can play in several examples of animal aggressive behavior including pain-elicited aggression, mouse killing in rats, isolation-induced aggression in mice, p-chlorophenylalanine-induced aggression in rats, and hypothalamically induced aggression in cats.
  • (19) When PCR products in each of the 12 cats were subjected to a second amplification using the same primer pair (two-step amplification: double PCR), FIV proviral DNA was detected in all of the cats.
  • (20) Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from 9 dogs and 4 cats, and staphylococcus epidermidis from 7 dogs and 5 cats.



  • () imp. of See.
  • (v. t.) Something said; speech; discourse.
  • (v. t.) A saying; a proverb; a maxim.
  • (v. t.) Dictate; command; decree.
  • (n.) An instrument for cutting or dividing substances, as wood, iron, etc., consisting of a thin blade, or plate, of steel, with a series of sharp teeth on the edge, which remove successive portions of the material by cutting and tearing.
  • (v. t.) To cut with a saw; to separate with a saw; as, to saw timber or marble.
  • (v. t.) To form by cutting with a saw; as, to saw boards or planks, that is, to saw logs or timber into boards or planks; to saw shingles; to saw out a panel.
  • (v. t.) Also used figuratively; as, to saw the air.
  • (v. i.) To use a saw; to practice sawing; as, a man saws well.
  • (v. i.) To cut, as a saw; as, the saw or mill saws fast.
  • (v. i.) To be cut with a saw; as, the timber saws smoothly.
  • (imp.) of See

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The bank tellers who saw their positions filled by male superiors took special pleasure in going to the bank and keeping them busy.
  • (2) Helsby, who joined the estate agent in 1980, saw his basic salary unchanged at £225,000, but gains a £610,000 windfall in shares, available from May, as well as a £363,000 increase in cash and shares under the company profits-sharing scheme.
  • (3) We are the generation who saw the war,, who ate bread received with ration cards.
  • (4) As calls grew to establish why nobody stepped in to save Daniel, it was also revealed that the boy's headteacher – who saw him scavenging for scraps – has not been disciplined and has been put in charge of a bigger school.
  • (5) The 20-year-old now holds two world records after he broke the 50m best at the European Championships in Berlin during a 2014 season which saw him burst on to the international stage.
  • (6) "I saw my role, and continue to do so, as doing everything I can to accelerate the Lib Dems' journey from a party of protest to a party of government," he said.
  • (7) I first saw them live at the location of the terror attack, Manchester Arena – then the MEN – aged 15, a teen at a gig with my friends, as many of the Grande’s fans were.
  • (8) As I looked further, I saw that there was blood and hair and what looked like brain tissue intermingled with that to the right area of her skull."
  • (9) In October, an episode of South Park saw the whole town go gluten-free (the stuff, it was discovered, made one’s penis fly off).
  • (10) I have the BBC app on my phone and it updates me, and I saw the wire ‘Malaysian flight goes missing over Ukraine.’ I’m like, well it’s probably the Russians who shot it down.
  • (11) "Android’s gain came mainly at the expense of BlackBerry, which saw its global smartphone share dip from 4 percent to 1 percent in the past year due to a weak line-up of BB10 devices," said Strategy Analytics' senior analyst Scott Bicheno.
  • (12) You’d know that if you listened to them and saw their presence as more than tokenism.
  • (13) Many saw the Moscow vote as a referendum on competitive elections.
  • (14) Sometimes it can seem as if the history of the City is the history of its crises and disasters, from the banking crisis of 1825 (which saw undercapitalised banks collapse – perhaps the closest historic parallel to the contemporary credit crunch), through the Spanish panic of 1835, the railway bust of 1837, the crash of Overend Gurney, the Kaffir boom, the Westralian boom, the Marconi scandal, and so on and on – a theme with endless variations.
  • (15) However, when public disquiet at the crime and social damage caused by alcohol prohibition led to its repeal, Anslinger saw his position as being in danger.
  • (16) The centre-left leader saw himself – and was widely regarded – as a dynamic force capable of reforming Italy after two decades of sclerotic politics.
  • (17) The last time I saw Ruqayah was in the summer of 2014, in a chain cafe in Cairo’s largest shopping mall.
  • (18) The newspaper is the brainchild of Jaime Villalobos, who saw homeless people selling The Big Issue while he was studying natural resource management in Newcastle.
  • (19) "Oil is extending the weakness that we saw yesterday.
  • (20) What I saw Aid workers speak out about mental health: 'I was afraid they would think I couldn't handle it' Read more The first place I visited was Nyamirambo, a neighbourhood in the south-west part of Kigali.

Words possibly related to "saw"