What's the difference between catenulate and chainlike?
(a.) Consisting of little links or chains.
(a.) Chainlike; -- said both or color marks and of indentations when arranged like the links of a chain, as on shells, etc.
Example Sentences:
(1) E. werneckii cannot be accommodated in Cladosporium, a genus characterized by catenulate holoblastic coanidia.
(2) Sporothrix has non-catenulate conidia, or the conidia are catenulate without marked differentiation of conidia of first and second order.
(3) The pseudohyphal growth pattern was not relieved by high concentrations of utilizable carbohydrates, which means the catenulate microscopic appearance of the yeast cells was not simply an exaggeration of the normal growth pattern of isolates of C. albicans but more probably represented the growth of a cell-cycle mutant defective at the cell separation step.
(4) In the study of 75 streptococcal strains, all strains yielding positive results in two or three tests, similarly to all strains pathogenic for mice, formed microcolonies with granular (pneumococcal) morphology, while all strains yielding negative results have been found to form microcolonies with catenulate ("nonpneumococcal") morphology.
(5) Although production of catenulate microconida was abundant on several common laboratory media, the characteristic macroconidia of F. moniliforme were produced only on barley-pea-rice straw agar.
(6) The colony size was typically smaller than that of the parent and the yeast cells tended not to separate from one another so that catenulate strands of cells (pseudohyphae) were formed.