What's the difference between cerated and created?



  • (p. a.) Covered with wax.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The complete amino acid sequence of cytochrome c from the Dipterous Ceratitis capitata (serie Acalypterae) has been determined by combining automatic and manual methods of sequence analysis.
  • (2) Ceratitis capitata brain appears to have octopamine receptors as unique aminergic receptors coupled to adenylate cyclase.
  • (3) Drosophila melanogaster and Ceratitis capitata are insensitive to mannose and have excess of mannosephosphate isomerase over hexokinase.
  • (4) Alcohol dehydrogenase null mutants have been induced with X rays in Ceratitis capitata, for use in a genetic sexing system.
  • (5) Kinetics of incorporation of labelled fatty acids into the sn-positions points to a non-random distribution with respect to the major saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in triacylglycerols of larvae of Ceratitis capitata.
  • (6) Cuticle proteins of an insect pest, the Medfly Ceratitis capitata, were resolved in polyacrylamide gels and partially characterized.
  • (7) This phenomenon was particularly related to the subgroup melanogaster and in the dipteron Ceratitis capitata.
  • (8) Dual monitoring by UV absorption and fluorescence produced by cerate oxidation provides both sensitive and wide-ranging detection capability.
  • (9) DNA sequences that are enriched or specific to the genome of the male medfly, Ceratitis capitata, have been isolated using a differential hybridization approach.
  • (10) DNA fingerprinting has been used to detect genetic variation in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata.
  • (11) Serum protein-bound carbohydrates, L-fucose, sialic acid, D-galactose, and D-mannose, were measured as potential biologic markers in patients with breast cancer with the use of high-resolution anion exchange separation in combination with a sensitive cerate oxidimetric fluorescence detector system.
  • (12) During the intervening 10 million years, the Drosophila lineage lost the second intron and evolved distinct codon-preferences: the G + C use in the third coding positions is increased by 69% in Drosophila relative to Chymomyza or Ceratitis.
  • (13) The coding sequence has the same length as in Drosophila species and in Ceratitis capitata.
  • (14) The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett, and the oriental fruit fly, D. dorsalis Hendel, three Hawaiian tephritids of economic importance, were exposed to traps each containing one of 232 ethyl ether extracts of air-dried botanicals.
  • (15) The autosomal recessive allele v wing (v) in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), produces flies that when reared at 30 degrees C have stubby wings.
  • (16) The nucleotide or amino acid distances support a phylogeny in which Ceratitis first branches off the common stem, then Chymomyza splits before the divergence of the two major Drosophila subgenera.
  • (17) A concerted effort is under way to analyze, at the genetic, biochemical, and molecular level, the Adh gene system in the medfly Ceratitis capitata, an important agricultural pest.
  • (18) Membrane preparations from immature stages of the fruit fly Ceratitis capitata catalyze the transfer of mannose from GDP-[14C]mannose into lipid-linked oligosaccharides.
  • (19) Electrophoretic study of haemolymphatic proteins in Ceratitis capitata has allowed to establish a proteic sexual dimorphism in this insect.
  • (20) The methylating activity of (methyl-14C)-S-adenosylmethionine by microsomes from different stages of development of the insect Ceratitis capitata was studied in a series of in vitro experiments.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Create

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Apparently, the irradiation with visible light of a low intensity creates an additional proton gradient and thus stimulates a new replication and division cycle in the population of cells whose membranes do not have delta pH necessary for the initiation of these processes.
  • (2) Then the esophagogastric variceal network was thrombosed by means of a catheter introduced during laparotomy, which created a portoazygos disconnection.
  • (3) Along the spectrum of loyalties lie multiple loyalties and ambiguous loyalties, and the latter, if unresolved, create moral ambiguities.
  • (4) The new Somali government has enthusiastically embraced the new deal and created a taskforce, bringing together the government, lead donors (the US, UK, EU, Norway and Denmark), the World Bank and civil society.
  • (5) When reformist industrialist Robert Owen set about creating a new community among the workers in his New Lanark cotton-spinning mills at the turn of the nineteenth century, it was called socialism, not corporate social responsibility.
  • (6) Antigen of HK-9 strain created in this area a characteristic pattern with all sera containing the specific anti-E. histolytica antibodies and, therefore, EITB can be used for excluding false positive results in ELISA.
  • (7) Based on the results of the Community AIM Exploratory Action, further collaborative work is required at EEC level to create an Integrated Health Information Environment (IHE) allowing essentially for integration, modularity and security.
  • (8) The diagnosis of an arterial injury may be readily apparent, but the excellent upper-extremity collateral circulation may create palpable distal pulses despite a significant proximal arterial injury.
  • (9) In this analysis, combining data sources creates estimates for the proportion exposed that are different from estimates in either of the original information sources.
  • (10) An experience in working out and introduction of a system of failure-free performance work as one of the most important steps in creating a complex system for the production quality control at the Leningrad combine "Krasnogvardeets" is described.
  • (11) This hydrostatic pressure may well be the driving force for creating channels for acid and pepsin to cross the mucus layer covering the mucosal surface.
  • (12) Networking has become a powerful means of creating change.
  • (13) Experimental photogenic epilepsy attained by creating GPIE in the EGB with the aid of TT, is proposed as a model for studying the mechanism of epileptogenesis and testing the efficacy of anticonvulsive drugs.
  • (14) The system has been successfully used for 18 months to create directories for a teaching file, for presentations, and for clinical research.
  • (15) Van Rompuy and Ashton got their jobs at the same time as a result of the Lisbon treaty, which created the posts of president of the European council and high representative for foreign and security policy.
  • (16) Even so, the controversy over the last assessment, and the political polarisation in America and other countries around climate science and the need for climate action, have created an additional layer of scrutiny around next week's report.
  • (17) Since he was created, he has appeared at several robotic fairs across China, but spends most of his time in deep meditation on an office shelf in Longquan.
  • (18) The government has been counting on the fact that their attacks on the NHS are too complicated to be widely understood: after all, their Health and Social Care Act was much longer than the legislation that created the NHS under Aneurin Bevan’s watch in the first place.
  • (19) Various forms of inactive data storage and archiving in machine-readable form are available to address this dilemma, yet these solutions can create even more difficult problems.
  • (20) The toxins all create pores in the cell membrane of target cells leading to eventual cell lysis and they appear to require Ca2+ for cytotoxic activity.

Words possibly related to "cerated"