(n.) To excite ill-humor in; to vex; to mortify; as, he was not a little chagrined.
(v. i.) To be vexed or annoyed.
(a.) Chagrined.
Example Sentences:
(1) The meeting, which was only open to the press for about 12 minutes, resembled most of Trump’s interactions with the black community to date: self-referential and placing style ahead of substance, to the chagrin of civil rights advocates.
(2) Imagine my surprise, my chagrin even, when the students overwhelmingly voted in favour of maintaining outright prohibition.
(3) To compound matters, Moyles has lost a million listeners since then and too many of the ones that hung around are over 30, much to the chagrin of the BBC Trust , which wants Radio 1 to concentrate on 15-29-year-olds.
(4) I’m frozen in the trilogy of the 1960s.” Wesker was chagrined that his later dramas (he wrote more than 40 plays) were not staged by the Court or the National.
(5) Ministerial chagrin will be matched by the fury of the formidable phalanx of government drivers who have a reputation as the guardians of Whitehall's most intimate secrets.
(6) Carter, who went in with his elbow, will go away for two minutes for that, but The King is a bit shaken up there, much to the chagrin of Rangers fans.
(7) The North Kensington centre organised solicitors to provide a round-the-clock police station advice service, to the surprise and often the chagrin of the local cops.
(8) Dunford, the former commander of US troops in Afghanistan, persuaded Obama to slow his withdrawal of US troops from America’s longest war, to the chagrin of many of Obama’s supporters.
(9) For Harewood and Clarke, there's both optimism and chagrin in equal amounts, so where does this leave the new talent being produced in places such as Identity?
(10) One woman asked him a pre-arranged question about rights for renters and, much to the chagrin of his handlers, after answering he decided to chat with her about her life, how her work as a psychologist was going and what her views on mental health care were.
(11) When they hear about the drug and all that they are angry with Transfield: ‘Why did they let them go away?’ They should have stayed.” To Sarah’s chagrin, what happened to her is now political issue as well.
(12) Much to Beijing’s chagrin, the US military has conducted several “freedom of navigation” operations, in which planes or ships pass within a 12-nautical-mile buffer around the Chinese installations.
(13) Xi also positioned himself as a foreign policy president, often to his neighbours’ chagrin, as China aggressively asserts its territorial claims in the South and East China seas.
(14) Stephanie Cutter (@stefcutter) On Monday, @ springsteen and @ barackobama will barnstorm across Wisconsin, Ohio and Iowa, saying you gottavote.com November 1, 2012 Updated at 8.20pm GMT 7.46pm GMT Calling it "a surprise announcement," local paper the New York Times seems chagrined at Mike Bloomberg 's decision to endorse Obama : Mr Bloomberg’s endorsement was largely unexpected.
(15) To the chagrin of his wife, Mahoney recently developed an interest in moulds found on the human body.
(16) The affordable rent model was extended for three years in the recent spending review, much to the chagrin of housing leaders who only ever sought solace in the scheme for the short term.
(17) The place is going to be in virtual lockdown, much to the chagrin of Athens resident (and crisis commentator) Diane Shugart: Diane Shugart (@dianalizia) panepistimio, evangelismos, megaro musikis, ampelokipi, katehaki metro stns close at 10am tomorrow...not that you'd be able to go anywhere October 8, 2012 Diane Shugart (@dianalizia) it would be simpler if the police gave out of a list of places in athens where you can go tomorrow October 8, 2012 And in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, regular reader James Wilkins questions what good Merkel's visit will do.
(18) The Maddox rod (with limitations), transilluminated Amsler grid, and various entoptic phenomena (Purkinje vascular phenomenon, foveal chagrin, Haidinger's brushes, blue field phenomenon) are available as qualitative subjective tests.
(19) Much to the chagrin of the ex-communist president of the republic, Giorgio Napolitano – who did his best this week to stress his own complete condemnation of any such attempt of rehabilitation – the fact is that Italy still feels ambiguous about its fascist past.
(20) This has occurred much the chagrin of the online readers of these newspapers, who had grown accustomed to free access.
(v. i.) To disable with alarm or apprehensions; to depress the spirits or courage of; to deprive or firmness and energy through fear; to daunt; to appall; to terrify.
(v. i.) To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet.
(v. i.) To take dismay or fright; to be filled with dismay.
(v. t.) Loss of courage and firmness through fear; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits; consternation.
(v. t.) Condition fitted to dismay; ruin.
Example Sentences:
(1) National newspapers and the BBC have joined forces to oppose Hague's secrecy application and on Friday expressed their dismay at the ruling.
(2) I scanned quickly through the available faces: there was one, all scrunched up in dismay about something or other.
(3) Brantly said he was first tested for malaria, but to his dismay, the results came back negative.
(4) Because the housing crisis goes far beyond us Focus E15 mums | Jasmin Stone Read more Annette May, 68, from Lambeth Annette May has watched with mounting dismay as the community fabric of the council estate where she has lived for 44 years steadily unravels.
(5) English speakers are the least optimistic about the chances of avoiding dangerous climate change Out of more than 6,000 self-selecting respondents, many expressed dismay at the slow pace of political action on climate change.
(6) "I feel gutted and dismayed but it's very important that we do everything we humanly can to protect vulnerable young people," Abbott told ABC radio.
(7) Leading figures in the social care sector have rushed to voice dismay at the feud.
(8) Chris Thomson, principal of Brighton, Hove and Sussex sixth form college What dismays me is the emphasis on qualifications rather than education.
(9) For all of this though, the visibility of people living on the streets can be shocking and it makes Perlman’s dismay wholly understandable.
(10) The Spanish family, who abandoned a private equity-backed takeover of National Express last month , was dismayed when National Express subsequently rejected a bid approach from Stagecoach, a rival public transport group.
(12) It was emphatically not, as the Tory right and the dismayed left have already concluded, evidence that Britain remains a fundamentally conservative country.
(13) It said it was "heavily dismayed to learn of the behaviour of Lee Trading with regard to the timely payment of its workers".
(14) I am dismayed at the terrible experience that Wafula Strike had … She is right to bring this matter to the department’s attention and I applaud her bravery for speaking openly about her experience.” The Paralympian condemned Stapleton’s experience: “It’s a real shame that what happened to me is still happening to other people.
(15) It dismays Kirk that Warp moved to London but he's still in touch with them and their releases, effusing particularly about DJ Mujava and "Township Funk".
(16) Suu Kyi's relationship with the generals has reportedly turned sour again In her tireless efforts to secure cooperation from the military, Suu Kyi has repeatedly expressed her appreciation, respect and “genuine” affection for the Tatmadaw (feudal military), which her father founded under Japan’s fascist patronage in December 1942, much to the dismay of many minorities who have borne the brunt of the organisation’s ruthless policies.
(17) Mark Malloch Brown, Britain's foreign office minister for Africa, Asia and the UN, expressed "dismay" over the law's impact on women's rights.
(18) We’ve maintained that commitment, but we have to make sure that we’re spending that money as effectively as possible.” The announcement will dismay some rightwing Conservatives, who fear it could push some wavering voters to Ukip.
(19) Hart respects the Argentinian but was dismayed to be sidelined for him.
(20) To the dismay of the Fostering Network and foster carers, however, there have been no moves to roll out the scheme nationally so that more of the 6,000 young people who leave care annually can opt to stay on in a supportive family environment.