What's the difference between chaotic and lawful?



  • (a.) Resembling chaos; confused.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) With significant correlation, the experimental data show the statistics of the system not to be casual and Gaussian, but chaotic and persistent, with Hurst exponent <H> approximately 0.77 and fractal dimension <D> 1.23.
  • (2) Despite mounting criticism during the Duma campaign, both supporters and opponents acknowledge his perceived achievement in restoring Russia's standing in the world following Boris Yeltsin's chaotic 1990s decade.
  • (3) Some saw it as a morality issue: the bad customers tend to be the lower paid, in and out of jobs, or just plain chaotic.
  • (4) They impose the illusion of order on a chaotic life; they cement our place within and commitment to a collective.
  • (5) Chaotic portal vein flow occurred in 35% (14) of pancreatic and 20% (6) of biliary tumours and complete portal vein occlusion in 28% (11) and 10% (3) respectively.
  • (6) With larger differences in the analog values (and larger feedback error) at each iteration, we found that networks learned to transmit different chaotic attractors.
  • (7) People didn't see, because it was so chaotic and acrimonious, that the Copenhagen accord turned out to be a strong platform for going forward.
  • (8) During their meeting, William revealed that the birth of the couple’s first child, Prince George, was so chaotic that he forgot to ask if it was a boy or girl.
  • (9) A biological process serves as a source and its products are subject t] local dispersive fluid forces constrained by chaotic streamlines.
  • (10) Insecurity has led to panic buying of fuel, with long, chaotic queues at petrol stations.
  • (11) This training is, of necessity, stressful and chaotic in order to simulate combat conditions.
  • (12) Simulated responses to periodic stimulation include monotonic Wenckebach patterns and alternans at normal [K]o, whereas at low [K]o nonmonotonic Wenckebach periodicities, aperiodic patterns, and enhanced supernormal excitability that results in unstable responses ("chaotic activity") are observed.
  • (13) The failure of bulbar rhythmogenic mechanisms to maintain an orderly and synchronous recruitment of respiratory drive, which led to untimely and chaotic activations of respiratory muscles, was apparently the underlying cause of various ataxic breathing patterns and a reduced ventilatory efficiency.
  • (14) Barack Obama stepped into the chaotic final hours of the Copenhagen summit today saying he was convinced the world could act "boldly and decisively" on climate change.
  • (15) In this paper we describe and demonstrate phase space trajectories generated for sine waves, mixtures of sine waves, and white noise (random chaotic events).
  • (16) Although security experts could not confirm whether this represents an explicit breach of protocol, they argued that it reflected the chaotic nature of decision-making within police stations as the security services struggled to bring protests under control.
  • (17) These conditions have brought about the present chaotic state of the city.
  • (18) The cardiac activity stems from deterministic dynamics of chaotic nature characterized by correlation dimensions D2 ranging from 3.6 to 5.2.
  • (19) The Office of Rail Regulation will launch an investigation into serious travel disruption caused by overrunning engineering works in London , which led to services to and from two major stations being cancelled and chaotic overcrowding at a local station to which some trains were re-routed.
  • (20) The other was chaotic, emotionally unsupportive, with high levels of conflict.



  • (a.) Conformable to law; allowed by law; legitimate; competent.
  • (a.) Constituted or authorized by law; rightful; as, the lawful owner of lands.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Villagers, including one man who has been left disabled and the relatives of six men who were killed, are suing ABG in the UK high court, represented by British law firm Leigh Day, alleging that Tanzanian police officers shot unarmed locals.
  • (2) Biden will meet with representatives from six gun groups on Thursday, including the NRA and the Independent Firearms Owners Association, which are both publicly opposed to stricter gun-control laws.
  • (3) The inquiry found the law enforcement agencies routinely fail to record the professions of those whose communications data records they access under Ripa.
  • (4) A statement from the company said it had assigned all its assets for the benefit of creditors, in accordance with Massachusetts' law.
  • (5) Anytime they feel parts of the Basic Law are not up to their current standards of political correctness, they will change it and tell Hong Kong courts to obey.
  • (6) He voiced support for refugees, trade unions, council housing, peace, international law and human rights.
  • (7) This exploratory survey of 100 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was conducted (1) to learn about the types and frequencies of disability law-related problems encountered as a result of having RA, and (2) to assess the respective relationships between the number of disability law-related problems reported and the patients' sociodemographic and RA disease characteristics.
  • (8) If there is a will to use primary Care centres for effective preventive action in the population as a whole, motivation of the professionals involved and organisational changes will be necessary so as not to perpetuate the law of inverse care.
  • (9) "The proposed 'reform' is designed to legitimise this blatantly unfair, police state practice, while leaving the rest of the criminal procedure law as misleading decoration," said Professor Jerome Cohen, an expert on China at New York University's School of Law.
  • (10) The discussion on topics like post-schooling and rehabilitation of motorists has intensified the contacts between advocates of traffic law and traffic psychologists in the last years.
  • (11) If Bennett were sentenced today under the new law, he likely would not receive a life sentence.
  • (12) There is precedent in Islamic law for saving the life of the mother where there is a clear choice of allowing either the fetus or the mother to survive.
  • (13) "We do not yet live in a society where the police or any other officers of the law are entitled to detain people without reasonable justification and demand their papers," Gardiner wrote.
  • (14) Their efforts will include blocking the NSA from undermining encryption and barring other law enforcement agencies from collecting US data in bulk.
  • (15) The law would let people find out if partners had a history of domestic violence but is likely to face objections from civil liberties groups.
  • (16) Four Dutch activists were charged in Murmansk this week under the law.
  • (17) The matter is now in the hands of the Guernsey police and the law officers.” One resident who is a constant target of the paper and has complained to police, Rosie Guille, said the allegations had a “huge impact on morale” on the island.
  • (18) Such a science puts men in a couple of scientific laws and suppresses the moment of active doing (accepting or refusing) as a sufficient preassumption of reality.
  • (19) I have heard from other workers that the list has also been provided to the law enforcement authorities,” Gain says.
  • (20) "Law is all I've ever wanted to do, but it's so competitive.