(n.) Having a low price in market; of small cost or price, as compared with the usual price or the real value.
(n.) Of comparatively small value; common; mean.
(adv.) Cheaply.
(v. i.) To buy; to bargain.
Example Sentences:
(1) His bracelets and his hair, neatly gathered in a colourful elasticated band, contrast with his unflashy day-to-day uniform of checked shirts, jeans or cheap chinos and trainers.
(2) It's certainly fun, cheap and eco-friendly and I would definitely consider it for hops within the UK, but the specific London to Paris car-pooling service is not one I'd like to experience again myself.
(3) Like low blood pressure after a heart attack, then, cheap oil should arguably be regarded not as a sign of rude health, but rather as a consequence of malaise.
(4) It would also throw a light on the appalling conditions in which cheap migrant labour is employed to toil Europe's agriculturally rich southern land.
(5) Everton's Roberto Martínez felt Bernstein's criticism was a "very cheap" shot.
(6) Wes Streeting, president of the National Union of Students , said: "My concern is about employers exploiting students and graduates for cheap labour.
(7) But many customers have been impressed by the speed of the technology and cheapness of the fares, and the company’s valuation continues to rise.
(8) Larger cheap cigars and cigarillos would have to be sold in packages of four.
(9) Some consumers are aware we are earning so little, but there are plenty who really don’t care as long as it’s cheap John has calculated that he often takes home as little as £5.75 an hour, and rarely earns above the national minimum wage of £7.50.
(10) "I am deeply concerned that a private security firm is not only providing policing on the cheap but failing to show a duty of care to its staff and threatening to withdraw an opportunity to work at the Olympics as a means to coerce them to work unpaid."
(11) Thus in your own words you have said why it was utterly inappropriate for you to use the platform of a Pac hearing in this way.” He suggested that many professionals were “in despair at the lack of understanding and cheap haranguing which characterise your manner” after a series of hearings at which Hodge has led fierce interrogations of senior business figures and others.
(12) Such diets are easy to prepare and relatively cheap, and they offer important advantages over conventional feeding in the hospital treatment of malnourished children.
(13) The policies of zero tolerance equip local and federal law-enforcement with increasingly autocratic powers of coercion and surveillance (the right to invade anybody's privacy, bend the rules of evidence, search barns, stop motorists, inspect bank records, tap phones) and spread the stain of moral pestilence to ever larger numbers of people assumed to be infected with reefer madness – anarchists and cheap Chinese labour at the turn of the 20th century, known homosexuals and suspected communists in the 1920s, hippies and anti-Vietnam war protesters in the 1960s, nowadays young black men sentenced to long-term imprisonment for possession of a few grams of short-term disembodiment.
(14) The scheme, which gives lenders access to cheap finance in order to help borrowers, has been criticised for its limited impact so far on the financial health of the small and medium-sized businesses seen as key to powering economic recovery.
(15) It said Clinton's "cheap shots" had a hidden agenda to discredit China's engagement with Africa and "drive a wedge between China and Africa for the US selfish gain."
(16) The prospect of that tap being turned off has already seen capital pouring out of emerging markets and currencies, potentially exposing underlying weaknesses in economies that have been flourishing on a ready supply of cheap credit.
(17) This week, East Midlands Trains more than doubled the cost of some peak-time trains to London, arguing those fares were too cheap.
(18) You are hunting for signs of the assembly of injuries - a broken nose, knocked-out teeth, fractured eye socket - incurred by falling face-first down a fire escape in Michigan while high on crystal meth, crack cocaine and cheap wine.
(19) Exporters and politicians in the US have become increasingly frustrated with the Chinese government's interventionist tendency to keep its currency artificially weak – a practice that means exports of Chinese goods are cheap around the world, while imports of foreign goods are expensive to Chinese consumers.
(20) The price G4S is paying amounts to 8.5 times of top-line earnings - "by no means cheap," said Seymour Pierce analyst Kevin Lapwood.
(n.) The science of household affairs, or of domestic management.
(n.) Political economy; the science of the utilities or the useful application of wealth or material resources. See Political economy, under Political.
Example Sentences:
(1) The recent rise in manufacturing has been welcomed by George Osborne as a sign that his economic policies are bearing fruit.
(2) An “out” vote would severely disrupt our lives, in an economic sense and a private sense.
(3) Of course the job is not done and we will continue to remain vigilant to all risks, particularly when the global economic situation is so uncertain,” the chancellor said in a statement.
(4) The west Africa Ebola epidemic “Few global events match epidemics and pandemics in potential to disrupt human security and inflict loss of life and economic and social damage,” he said.
(5) He had been extremely frustrated that indicators of economic recovery over the past few days had been drowned out by the clamour over the Labour leadership.
(6) "There is … a risk that the political, trade, and gas frictions with Russia could lead to strong deterioration in economic relations between the two countries, with a significant drop in Ukraine's exports to and imports from Russia.
(7) There was a 35% decrease in the number of patients seeking emergency treatment and one study put the savings in economic and social costs at just under £7m a year .
(8) It is widely seen as a counter to China’s economic might in Asia, and the world’s second largest economy is notably absent from the list of signatories.
(9) From the social economic point of view nosocomial infections represent a very important cost factor, which could be reduced to great deal by activities for prevention of nosocomial infection.
(10) He said Germany was Russia’s most important economic partner, and pointed out that 35% of German gas originated in Russia.
(11) "These developments are clearly unwarranted on the basis of economic and budgetary fundamentals in these two member states and the steps that they are taking to reinforce those fundamentals."
(12) It did the job of triggering growth, but it also fueled real-estate speculation, similar to what was going on in the mid-2000s here.” Slowing economic growth may be another concern.
(13) October 23, 2013 3.55pm BST Another reason to be concerned about the global economy - Canada's central bank has slashed its economic forecasts for the US.
(14) The district’s $110bn of economic activity went up by 22% since 2007, outpacing city growth by 9% during the same period.
(15) Socio-economic improvement or behavioural changes appear necessary for the control of trachoma in endemic areas.
(16) Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels.” The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from Lord Nicholas Stern , former adviser to the Labour government on the economics of climate change.
(17) To safeguard its long-time regional ally, Iran gave full political, economic and military backing to the embattled Syrian president.
(18) Based on the economics of most countries in Africa, their Health Budgets can afford mostly the non-opioid and strong opioid drugs in more or less adequate quantities.
(19) He elaborates: "Republicans use powerful economic wedge issues to great impact.
(20) Documents seen by the Guardian show that blood supplies for one fiscal year were paid for by donations from America’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and Britain’s Department for International Development (DfID) – and both countries have imposed economic sanctions against the Syrian government.