(1) In this paper, the authors describe a pattern, the "checkmark pattern," which can arise in cross-sectional studies.
(2) And she fulfills all our personal checkmarks for the mythological quirks of genius.
(subj. 3d pers. sing.) Let it stand; -- a word used by proof readers to signify that something once erased, or marked for omission, is to remain.
(v. t.) To cause or direct to remain after having been marked for omission; to mark with the word stet, or with a series of dots below or beside the matter; as, the proof reader stetted a deled footnote.
Example Sentences:
(1) Maximum tetanic stiffness (Stet) was related to Ftet according to the following regression (both variables expressed as percentage of their control values): Stet = 0.369 Ftet + 62.91 (correlation coefficient, 0.95; P less than 0.001).
(2) In a two group-study of patients with and without postoperative haemorrhagic diathesis after ECC tests were undertaken to ascertain whether a postoperative haemorrhagic diathesis after neutralization of Heparin is due to the use of protamine-chloride or stet to a preoperative existing disturbance of the coagulation system.
(3) Then the case is going to get called to court and a prosecutor's going to sign his overtime slip for two, three hours to show up for a case that's probably going to be stetted [dropped] because it's unconstitutional.
(4) Of them, sinusotrabeculectomy (STET) was made in 49 eyes, sinusotrabeculotomy (STT)--in 50, a new, proposed by the authors, operation--a "cap peak" sinusotrabeculotomy (CPSTT)--in 66 eyes; the latter excludes direct fistulization of the anterior chamber under the superficial scleral flap.
(5) In remote terms (3 years after the operations), stabilization of visual acuity and visual field was recorded after STET in 69.3% and 85.7%, after STT--in 82.0% and 90.0%, and after CPSTT--in 87.9% and 92.4%, respectively.
(6) Iridocyclitis, flat anterior chamber and detachment of the choroid were observed after STET in 32.6%, 24.5% and 26.5%, after STT--in 22.0%, 14.0% and 16.0%, and after CPSTT--in 6.0%, 4.5% and 1.5%, respectively.
(7) Groups receiving no iron showed a fall in mean stet concentration.
(8) After STET and STT, hypotony was recorded in 28.5% and 18.0%, respectively, and after CPSTT--in none of the cases.
(9) Even the counselor's background can be counterproductive, especially when the teen chooses STET unlikely to succeed.
(10) Hyphema and anterior chamber emptying were recorded at the time of STET in 22.4% and 16.3%, of STT--in 8.0% and 10.0%, while at the time of CPSTT--only in 3.0% and 1.5%, respectively.
(11) 3) There were significant correlation coefficients (p less than 0.05) between some stets, e.g.
(12) Stable normalization of intraocular pressure took place after STET in 93.8%, after STT--in 98.0%, and after CPSTT--in 96.9%.