What's the difference between cheerful and jovial?



  • (a.) Having or showing good spirits or joy; cheering; cheery; contented; happy; joyful; lively; animated; willing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But when he speaks, the crowds who have come together to make a stand against government corruption and soaring fuel prices cheer wildly.
  • (2) The District became a byword for crime and drug abuse, while its “mayor for life” lived high on the hog and lurched cheerfully from one scandal to the next.
  • (3) At best I would like to think about this as Project Cheer; we’re going to be upbeat about this.
  • (4) Cheers, then, to an apparent alliance of the NME, a few people in London's trendy E1 district and some dumb young musicians, because "New Rave" is upon us, and there is apparently no stopping it.
  • (5) Male patients were more cheerful during encounters with younger assistant nurses while female patients were more cheerful when interacting with older assistant nurses.
  • (6) Stray bottles were thrown over the barriers towards officers to cheers and chants of: “Shame on you, we’re human too.” The Met deployed what it described as a “significant policing operation”, including drafting in thousands of extra officers to tackle expected unrest, after previous events ended in arrests and clashes with police across the centre of the capital.
  • (7) Olympic games are a competition between countries, but here spectators can freely choose which star to cheer for and unite as one,” said Inoki, a lawmaker in Japan’s upper house who was known as “Burning Fighting Spirit” in the ring.
  • (8) There was indeed a crowd of “Women for Trump” cheering at the event.
  • (9) He'll watch Game of Thrones , from now on, as a cheerfully clueless fan, "with total surprise and joy", and meanwhile get on with other work.
  • (10) I think it will be done right.” Jeter was cheered when he took batting practice and when he ran into his dugout when it was over.
  • (11) But Blair's address - "history will forgive us" - was a dubious exercise in group therapy: the cheers smacked of pathetic gratitude, as he piously pardoned the legislators, as well as himself, for the catastrophe of Iraq.
  • (12) The audience, energised by an early heckler who was swiftly ejected from the hall at Jerusalem's International Convention Centre, received Obama's message with cheers, applause, whistles and several standing ovations.
  • (13) From one of his hospital visits Marr recalls a woman, eight months pregnant, who had suffered a stroke: "There are people far worse off than me who are so incredibly brave and cheerful.
  • (14) Trying to discourage me from my passion is inhuman – it’s not possible!” The crowd cheered and applauded.
  • (15) Cheers erupted at a camp for 100,000 displaced Christian civilians at the French-controlled airport .
  • (16) The jeers were meaningful and the cheers, well, they just were a sign of entertainment.
  • (17) "I had spent my teen years listening to Germaine Greer and Susie Orbach talking about female intellect," she says, and cheers all round.
  • (18) Updated at 4.23pm BST 3.19pm BST 54 mins "Afternoon Ian," cheers Simon McMahon.
  • (19) In Barcelona, Catalonian flags hang down from every other terraced window; a few months ago, its Nou Camp stadium was filled to 90,000-capacity, with patriots cheering on artists performing in Catalan.
  • (20) Officers in riot gear at a number of points later drew batons and clashed with members of the crowd, hours after the protest began gathering in central London at around 6pm before massing near parliament, where fireworks were let off to cheers.



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the god, or the planet, Jupiter.
  • (a.) Sunny; serene.
  • (a.) Gay; merry; joyous; jolly; mirth-inspiring; hilarious; characterized by mirth or jollity; as, a jovial youth; a jovial company; a jovial poem.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) That cameo seemed horribly emblematic of a thoroughly underwhelming opening half which ended unadorned by a single shot on target, but almost imperceptibly something was shifting, and Klopp’s demeanour slowly shifted from jovially laid-back to scratchy and irritable.
  • (2) Across town in Le Central restaurant, nicknamed Hollande's canteen, the atmosphere is jovial.
  • (3) A former Socialist party leader, he is a jovial, wise-cracking believer in consensus politics, who aides say never loses his rag and who so hates fights that he was once nicknamed "the marshmallow" within his own party, or "Flanby", after a wobbly caramel pudding.
  • (4) The reports of Abbott recoiling from Davis do not speak of a reciprocal and jovial situation.
  • (5) Instead, the least attractive aspects of London 2012, the ZiL lanes and the Visa-only policy and McDonald's and Coca-Cola as purveyors of sustenance to a sporting nation, were smothered not only by the competition but by the ocean of good humour fostered by the joviality of the volunteers, the inspirational architecture and the attention given to the natural landscape (with apologies to those who had to move to make room for it all).
  • (6) Despite such brooding work, in person Stephens is lanky, jovially sweary, with a disconcerting habit of speaking in elegant sentences, and bookends our interview with heartfelt tributes to his wife and three children.
  • (7) One summer day in 1994, my best friend Steve – a gentle, jovial guy with the most disarming chuckle – called and asked me to meet him for lunch.
  • (8) What is both shocking and bewildering about Hunt’s jovial after-dinner remarks is that this is the considered view of someone whose life has been devoted to not taking the world for what it seems to be.
  • (9) His sister, remarkably jovial, wears black for their younger brother Vangelis, who died of nobody will say exactly what two years ago next month, aged 52.
  • (10) He was reported to have been in jovial form following the christening of his granddaughter at Staghall Church near Belturbet, Co Cavan on Boxing Day before returning to Mountjoy.
  • (11) He is courteous, almost jovial, though not quite endearing.
  • (12) For eight months we have lived on porridge and bread and smuggled yogurt,” says Nabil, a jovial clerk employed by a pharmaceutical company, who did not want his full name published for security reasons.
  • (13) An unusually jovial Putin asked the minister during the presentation on Friday how long the water had remained untouched by human hands.
  • (14) It cuts, for all its apparently relaxed joviality, against the zeitgeist of almost every other influence and impact upon these children in a digital, postmodern, post-moral society seeped in celebrity culture and the creatively pointless quest for quick-hit reward – as was fully intended by the Venezuelans who created El Sistema.
  • (15) One of the Demon’s men, a jovial Muscovite, gave us a number to call so we could tell his relatives where to find his body when he is killed.
  • (16) The front office was run by a jovial Cockney, Charles Vidler, who had been the butler at the Astors' country house, Cliveden, until he was fired for being found in Lord Astor's bed.
  • (17) On screen, he has a shrewd intensity but in person he's expansive and jovial.
  • (18) The jovial NBC Today Show anchor is one of eight local and national meteorologists the Obama administration invited to the White House for one-on-one interviews with the president.
  • (19) He was always cheerful and jovial, looking on the light side of life.
  • (20) Perhaps what Claire Alexander at the University of Manchester calls the “jovial bigotry” of Farage and his ilk has helped channel their rage.