(1) "Countless generations of girls were sentenced to lives lacking in sexual pleasure or fulfilment and cheerless marriages."
(2) But is the dilemma posed here in this ugly, cheerless Bohemia supposed to be typical?
(3) But for most homeowners, especially those who have come to view their home as a form of pension, the outlook is cheerless.
(4) And of course the authorities are incensed, affirming once again that old adage: there is only one thing more cheerless than a Magi with a severed head – a local bureaucrat armed with zoning laws.
(5) "It was pitiable to see these poor people struggling with their adversity, and to think of the cheerless night they must spend amid their sodden surroundings," the Eastern Daily Press wrote.
(6) Dedicated websites flog dried food, gas masks and other cheerless items.
(7) They are being turned by the companies that run them into soulless, cheerless, pasteurised piazzas, in which plastic policemen harry anyone loitering without intent to shop.
(8) If it is possible to whimper at the volume of a bang, then that is how this decade is ending on the big screen: with two high-profile, high-budget movies about the end of the world: Roland Emmerich's cheerfully silly 2012, and John Hillcoat's cheerlessly serious The Road , which arrive with a good deal of commentary to the effect that these movies typify the zeitgeist of the decade.
(9) Like a rich country fruit cake, Kidnapped is seasoned throughout with handfuls of dialect words, "ain" (one), "bairn" (child), "blae" (cheerless), "chield" (fellow), "drammach" (raw oatmeal), "fash" (bother), "muckle" (big), "siller" (money), "unco" (extremely) , "wheesht!"
(10) The Telegraph, meanwhile, said the film was "a special class of awful" while The Mirror labelled it "cheap and cheerless".
(11) The changes of basic mood, however, which are characteristic of depression, such as cheerlessness and apathy, are the dopamine of antidepressive medication; only these drugs can re-establish the biochemical balance to a large extent.
(12) As the cheerless skies and grim economy sap all will to return to work, take heart that even on a trip to Mars , it is hard to get out of bed in the morning.
(13) And will amateur property developers, who, thanks to Sarah Beeny and Kirstie Allsopp's television programmes, have been nurturing nauseating dreams of squeezing vast profits from cheap and cheerless accommodation, come hideously unstuck?
(14) Anyone who doesn't think that if they could just have her in their bedroom at seven o'clock on a Friday night, in control of the white wine, the Elnett and the minicab booking, that life would somehow never be cheerless again?
(15) Let me close with Sir William Osler's metaphor: How common the experience to enter a cold cheerless room in which the fire in the grate has died down, not from lack of coal, not because the coal was not alight, but the bits, large and small, falling away from each other have gradually become dark and cold.
(superl.) Imperfectly illuminated; dismal through obscurity or darkness; dusky; dim; clouded; as, the cavern was gloomy.
(superl.) Affected with, or expressing, gloom; melancholy; dejected; as, a gloomy temper or countenance.
Example Sentences:
(1) Analysts at RBS said that on the basis of these gloomy figures, industrial output in the eurozone as a whole looked likely to have declined by about 4% in the final quarter of 2008.
(2) On 1 January 1832, he reports that: "The new year to my jaundiced senses bore a most gloomy appearance.
(3) It would be a mistake to rush it.” But, while revealing disappointing trading figures for the Christmas period and a gloomy outlook for 2017 , Wolfson said he did not think Brexit jitters were stopping people from shopping: “It is more the fact that incomes are likely to be squeezed.” Next's gloomy 2017 forecast drags down fashion retail shares Read more Wolfson was one of a handful of senior business leaders to openly back Brexit but has said in the past that the referendum vote was about UK independence, not isolation, and the country should be aiming for “an open, global-facing economy”.
(4) Sales on the high street were much higher than expected this month, rising at their fastest rate in six years as consumers defied the gloomy economic outlook.
(5) He said the fact that the chancellor, George Osborne, had given permission to the Bank of England to pump more economy into the economy in another round of so-called "quantitative easing" – coupled with gloomy employment figures from the US – was evidence of how fragile the economy was.
(6) The gloomy feedback from industry has raised the prospect of a triple-dip recession and a further worsening of the government's finances.
(7) The Lib Dem cabinet minister said he would "tell it as I see it" as he delivered a gloomy economic forecast, predicting "difficult times" ahead.
(8) Microsoft: bitter medicine But the story is gloomy for Microsoft.
(9) Now, however, the new administration of Hassan Rouhani is taking steps to open up Iran to foreigners in an effort to improve its international image after the gloomy years under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – and to bring in much-needed foreign currency to an economy reeling from years of sanctions.
(10) Thus, the prognosis of CNS granulocytic sarcoma is not uniformly gloomy if treated aggressively by combined modalities.
(11) The outlook is gloomy in the light of the potential for widespread disruption of normal social and economic activities.
(12) After a bright start to the morning, the day will turn gloomy as the solar wind lashes Britain with energetic particles and an enormous ball of magnetised plasma slams into Earth bringing a few days of geomagnetic storms.
(13) Steven Fletcher's return from long-term injury was one of few positives on another gloomy day for travelling Mackems and the Scotland striker levelled the scores with a fine header after the interval, when he had been brought on for a supposedly angry Ji.
(14) Britain Chancellor George Osborne is to downgrade his growth forecasts for the UK after a series of gloomy business surveys and sharply declining consumer confidence.
(15) With so many gloomy headlines, it would be easy to believe that irreversible runaway climate change is now inevitable .
(16) As our ambient lighting is gradually reduced from a high level, subjects use the following words - bright, gloomy, dim and dark.
(17) Click here for the Magic in the Moonlight trailer Compared with the gloomy ruminations on ageing and aspiration that characterised the well-received Blue Jasmine, which won Cate Blanchett an Oscar , this is Allen going back to the knockabout farce and blithe May-December couplings that populate his lighter films.
(18) The upstairs living room, which I remember from the last time I interviewed her as slightly gloomy, crowded with towers of books and magazines and oppressive paintings and wall hangings, is today brightened by yet more flowers, all in deep shades of orange and red.
(19) This portends a gloomy scenario for the poorer populations of Europe in the 1990s.
(20) The gloomy outlook for the sector came as the music chain HMV followed camera-supplier Jessops into administration after lengthy battles by both companies to unearth business models that could compete with online retailers.