(n.) A combination of tones simultaneously performed, producing more or less perfect harmony, as, the common chord.
(n.) A right line uniting the extremities of the arc of a circle or curve.
(n.) A cord. See Cord, n., 4.
(n.) The upper or lower part of a truss, usually horizontal, resisting compression or tension.
(v. t.) To provide with musical chords or strings; to string; to tune.
(v. i.) To accord; to harmonize together; as, this note chords with that.
Example Sentences:
(1) The scleral arc length is slightly longer than the chord length (caliper setting).
(2) I'm sure Evan wouldn't mind me saying that he makes no secret of an occasional discomfort about conventional chord-change playing in jazz, and tends to sit out occasions where it's required, as he did last year in London on a gig in which the pianist Django Bates was reworking Charlie Parker tunes.
(3) He’s struck a few chords with the immigration stuff, and he’s managed to capture the most valuable asset in a campaign, which is the attention of the press.
(4) The mean value of outer villous perimeter, mean chord length and per cent area were respectively 46.9 mu (X 1000 mu 2) with a standard deviation of 4.6, 57.7 mu (standard deviation 9.3) and 66.1% (standard deviation 7.4).
(5) This is shown by serial reconstruction analysis of the largest diameter of synapses from maximal arc and chord length measurements at the subpial and supra Purkinje level.
(6) Nevertheless, Dickens's preoccupation with class in Great Expectations strikes a chord with Coltrane, who gives a good idea of what it means to him when he recalls coming across a few Bullingdon Club types outside a restaurant in Soho one night.
(7) From the intersection points, epicardial and endocardial circumferential chord and arc lengths were measured and angular twist of mid and apical levels with respect to the base (maximal torsion and its reversal, untwisting) was calculated.
(8) Although such allegations have been made before in numerous news outlets, and in a controversial one-man show by playwright Mike Daisey, this time they have struck a chord.
(9) Zonal Vct and percent shortening along the proximal, middle and distal chords were measured.
(10) Clinical appearance of mitral incompetence associated with mitral dysplasia (abnormal connective tissue structure in the cusps and chordae, with significant accumulation of acid mucopolysaccharides) is dependent on the extent of regurgitation, its pathogenetic mechanism (sudden or progressive), the presence of the prolapsing cusp syndrome, and attendant complications (endocarditis, chord abruption).
(11) In the larynx, changes in the area of the vocal chord and the cartilaginous laryngeal structures were investigated in particular.
(12) Bridget's combination of self-loathing, enthusiasm and hope against the odds struck a chord.
(13) In his recent autobiography, Wild Tales , Graham Nash – of the Hollies and Crosby Stills & Nash – recalled the effect the song had on him when he heard it at a school dance in Salford: "It was like the opening of a giant door in my soul, the striking of a chord... from which I've never recovered … From the time when I first heard the Everly Brothers, I knew I wanted to make music that affected people the way the Everlys affected me."
(14) The poem touches a chord, because it doesn't deal with the often incoherent motivations of those who smashed up Tottenham and elsewhere, but the feelings of the rest of us: shocked, unsettled and confused.
(15) It appears simple perhaps in its chording but generally, to actually play what we play and how we play it, it’s not simple.
(16) During some maneuver, at least one akinetic chord occurred in 57% of patients and out-of-phase chords in 33% of patients.
(17) While it is true that a descending chromatic four-chord progression is a common convention that abounds in the music industry, the similarities here transcend this core structure,” Klausner wrote.
(18) The voltage dependence of the K+ chord conductance (gK) also shifted positive along the voltage axis, and the maximum conductance increased, with elevation of [K+]out.
(19) The chord conductance of the channel decreased with membrane depolarization from 14.6 pS at -104 mV to only 9.9 pS at -54 mV.
(20) Specifically, chords 5.9 times longer on average (range = 5.4-6.2) were required on the proximal forearm than on the index finger pad.
(n.) The science and the art of tones, or musical sounds, i. e., sounds of higher or lower pitch, begotten of uniform and synchronous vibrations, as of a string at various degrees of tension; the science of harmonical tones which treats of the principles of harmony, or the properties, dependences, and relations of tones to each other; the art of combining tones in a manner to please the ear.
(n.) Melody; a rhythmical and otherwise agreeable succession of tones.
(n.) Harmony; an accordant combination of simultaneous tones.
(n.) The written and printed notation of a musical composition; the score.
(n.) Love of music; capacity of enjoying music.
(n.) A more or less musical sound made by many of the lower animals. See Stridulation.
Example Sentences:
(1) National policy on the longer-term future of the services will not be known until the government publishes a national music plan later this term.
(2) This week MediaGuardian 25, our survey of Britain's most important media companies, covering TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, music and digital, looks at BSkyB.
(3) Living by the "Big River" as a child, Cash soaked up work songs, church music, and country & western from radio station WMPS in Memphis, or the broadcasts from Nashville's Grand Ole Opry on Friday and Saturday evenings.
(4) Subjects' musical backgrounds were evaluated with a survey questionnaire.
(5) On raw music scores a sex-linked, time-of-day-induced priming effect was due to the prior presentation of CVs--that is, cognitive priming.
(6) Lady Gaga is not the first big music star to make a new album available early to mobile customers.
(7) He had links to networks including the Hammerskin Nation and was involved in an underground music scene often referred to as "white power music" or "hate rock".
(8) Strict fundamentalists oppose music in any form as a sensual distraction - the Taliban, of course, banned music in Afghanistan.
(9) Amplitude of the musical vibrations decreased by inhalation of amyl nitrite, but increased by infusion of methoxamine.
(10) While a clearcut relationship cannot be established between heavy metal music and destructive behavior, evidence shows that such music promotes and supports patterns of drug abuse, promiscuous sexual activity, and violence.
(11) For Burroughs, who had been publishing ground-breaking books for 20 years without much appreciable financial return, it was association with fame and the music industry, as well as the possible benefits: a wider readership, film hook-ups and more money.
(12) Much of the week's music isn't actually sanctioned by the festival, with evenings hosted by blogs, brands, magazines, labels and, for some reason, Cirque du Soleil .
(13) The musical would begin previews in Chicago on December 21, and move to Broadway in February.
(14) His coding talent attracted attention early: a music-recommendation program he wrote as a teenager brought approaches from both Microsoft and AOL.
(15) Thanks to the groundbreaking technology and heavy investment of a new breed of entertainment retailers offering access services, we are witnessing a revolution in the entertainment industry, benefitting consumers, creators and content owners alike.” ERA acts as a forum for the physical and digital retail sectors of music, and represents over 90% of the of the UK’s entertainment retail market.
(16) In film, music videos and TV shows, especially those traditionally consumed by a young demographic, we are used to seeing women stripping and frolicking with one another.
(17) If we’ve a duty to pass folk music on, we should also bring it up to date and make it relevant to our times,” he says.
(18) Changes to the Mac Pro desktop computer are also expected, as is a new music streaming service .
(19) "What this proves is that the way Bowie engineered his comeback was a stroke of genius," said music writer Simon Price.
(20) Was that misreading the mood music of the referendum?” He claimed that many Tories had expressed their anger directly to Rudd about the controversial policy, which has since been watered down.