(a.) Like a churl; rude; cross-grained; ungracious; surly; illiberal; niggardly.
(a.) Wanting pliancy; unmanageable; unyielding; not easily wrought; as, a churlish soil; the churlish and intractable nature of some minerals.
Example Sentences:
(1) And maybe you'll ask how she is, rather than simply responding to her questions with churlish, one-word answers.
(2) Surely it would be churlish now for MPs not to take him at his word, and demand a clear explanation from Starbucks and the other multinationals that, at first glance at least, appear to be gaming Britain's tax system?
(3) Dan Ashworth, David Gill and I have carried out a thorough process in the last three weeks and ultimately we could not look beyond Sam as the ideal candidate.” Allardyce performed a minor miracle to save Sunderland from relegation after succeeding Dick Advocaat last October but, in a terse statement which will interpreted as churlish, the Wearside club failed to reference his contribution, let alone thank him or offer their good wishes.
(4) Magnus Thue, a government adviser, tweeted: “The clown is ousted as chairman.” He later offered an apology in another tweet, claiming it was “churlish”.
(5) Jonathan Ford, chief executive of the Football Association of Wales, said some Ifab members did consider whether an outright ban would be "a little bit churlish".
(6) But right now (and despite those gathering storm-clouds) it seems churlish to argue against her brand of old-school artistic patronage.
(7) I've never celebrated any of the times it has posted record profits, so it does feel a bit churlish to berate it for not making quite as much money this time.
(8) Lewis said it would be "churlish" of Labour to resist Patten's appointment, but while accepting the peer had the "experience and credibility" to do the job, he said his party's support would "be conditional" on the peer meeting a series of tests, including clarifying his business and political interests.
(9) In a post-crash, post-expenses-scandal world, it would be churlish not to recognise that on some issues the Liberal Democrats have hit a nerve.
(10) The corner isn't much of an event, but so good has the entertainment been, it'd be churlish to moan too much.
(11) That is not churlishness or ingratitude, but a mark of the country’s real progress.
(12) His award of a Nobel prize in economics was richly deserved - even if he was churlish in accepting it (he said after winning: "I would not want a professional judgment of my scientific work to be those seven people who selected me for the award").
(13) You'd have to be pretty churlish to pick on one that has raised thousands of pounds for breast cancer care.
(14) For years we've been arguing that Sky makes all this money and it should use it to fund original content, so I think it's cheap and churlish point scoring to ignore them or want them to fail.
(15) Towards the close of our session in the holding cells it seemed churlish for there not to be a little banter with Karadzic.
(16) It seemed churlish to point out that sometimes you really do need to be careful what you wish for or that Newcastle had not proved that hot at strategy in recent years.
(17) It seems churlish to be critical when so many people, for whom Brent Cross must seem as ancient as Canterbury cathedral, will say this is the best place they have ever been.
(18) To criticise a business that has just pumped out profits of £2.5bn on sales of £44.6bn may seem churlish but UK industry data has shown Tesco's underlying growth lagging behind that of peers such as Sainsbury's and Morrisons for several years.
(19) At an ebullient Nick Clegg's side at the agreement's launch, David Cameron reproached the "churlish" media for not giving credit where it was due.
(20) Let's not be churlish when there's much to celebrate.
(n.) A countryman; a rustic; especially, one of the lowest class of tillers of the soil in European countries.
(a.) Rustic, rural.
Example Sentences:
(1) Massive protests in the 1990s by Indian, Latin American and south-east Asian peasant farmers, indigenous groups and their supporters put the companies on the back foot, and they were reluctantly forced to shelve the technology after the UN called for a de-facto moratorium in 2000.
(2) Westminster wits had taken to ridiculing the rebel movement against Gordon Brown as a "peasants' revolt", a cohort without influence.
(3) Agroecology guarantees land to peasants, species diversity, decent work and food sovereignty, among other principles.
(4) As secretary general of La Via Campesina , the transnational peasant movement, he is the public voice of nearly 200 million small-scale producers, landless people, and farm and food workers in more than 180 organisations across nearly 90 countries.
(5) Cinematically, RED SORGHUM achieved a fantastically rich colour palette in its politically less-than-correct depiction of Chinese peasant life – blood and earth predominate – and trod a careful political line by focusing on atrocities by the invading Japanese rather than internal repression.
(6) Tellingly, loyal peasants relate how Guzmán chartered aircraft to take their children to the state capital for medical treatment, like a good old-school mafia don.
(7) It is expected that among the pupils of vocational mining schools who usually come from numerous peasant and working class families nutritional mistakes may occur very often.
(8) Nordestinos brought their hearty, meaty peasant cuisine with them, and one former factory worker, Jose Oliveira de Almeid, called simply Seu Ze, opened a small restaurant called Mocotó in the working-class suburb of Villa Medeiros.
(9) I might have said a few things after other forms of medication that I shouldn’t have done, but then again we all have, haven’t we?” Smith stood down as candidate for South Basildon and East Thurrock – regarded as one of Ukip’s most winnable target constituencies – this month after the release of a recording of a phone call in which he mocked gay party members as “poofters”, joked about shooting people from Chigwell in a “peasant hunt” and referred to someone as a “Chinky bird”.
(10) The field trial indicated that the grass carp could not only cut down the mosquito larvae population but also benefit the peasants by increasing the production of both fish and rice.
(11) Two ethnic groups in Laos were compared: the Hmong (or Meo), a tribal group with access to opium in their homes; and the Lao, a peasant people with more limited access, usually in opium dens.
(12) This case is observed in a 24 years old woman patient, of peasant extraction, who presents tumoration of the left hemiface, irregularly oval, 18 x 25 cm.
(13) In rural areas, plantation owners have a grip on local politics in the northeast that is little short of feudal, while the soy and cattle barons of the interior push landless peasants and Indian communities further to the margins.
(14) La Via Campesina has been lobbying in Geneva for a UN declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas.
(15) The newspaper said he joked about “shooting peasants”, referred to a woman with a Chinese name as a “chinky”, made claims he later retracted about the party leader, Nigel Farage, and called Steven Woolfe, Ukip’s immigration spokesman, a “fucking carpetbagger” and an “arsehole”.
(16) Historically, our masters have always imagined we lowly peasants will digest information more easily if it is written, for example, in a speech bubble coming out of the mouth of an imaginary squirrel pedestrian in yellow loon pants.
(17) Studies about life-time sport of different groups of population in Switzerland showed that 82% of 1990 apprentices in the town of Zürich and 59% of young peasants were active in sports in their leisure time.
(18) The article reports the results of the investigation on atmospheric pollution and mercury poisoning caused by the peasants mercury smelting.
(19) And, like all peasant messiahs, Mao promised a society in which all men would be equal.
(20) But soon after being appointed archbishop in 1977, he became a staunch critic of the military government after it began killing, kidnapping and arresting priests who had been organising peasants and supporting workers’ rights.