What's the difference between circadian and rhythmic?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) We evaluated the circadian pattern of gastric acidity by prolonged intraluminal pHmetry in 15 "responder" and 10 "nonresponder" duodenal ulcer patients after nocturnal administration of placebo, ranitidine, and famotidine.
  • (2) Similar to intact crayfish, animals with an isolated protocerebrum-eyestalk complex, exhibit competent circadian rhythms in the electroretinogram (ERG).
  • (3) In order to develop a sampling strategy and a method for analyzing the circadian body temperature pattern, we monitored estimates of the temperature in four ways using rectal, oral, axillary and deep body temperature from the skin surface every hour for 72 consecutive hours in 10 normal control subjects.
  • (4) The sensitivity of the Limulus lateral eye exhibits a pronounced circadian rhythm.
  • (5) These observations indicated a novel mechanism that in the absence of light-dark schedule, mothers taught the circadian rhythm to the pups as they raised them.
  • (6) In considering nutrition and circadian rhythms, time-of-eating behavior is an inherited, genetically controlled pattern that can be phase-shifted by conditioning or training.
  • (7) It was observed that the circadian rhythm was disrupted by injections of lithium at the beginning of the light as well as the dark phase of the LD cycle.
  • (8) The circadian rhythm of PS disappeared while that of SWS persisted unchanged.
  • (9) Time-qualified data series were analysed by means of chronobiological procedures in order to validate the circadian rhythm and to correlate the sinusoidal profiles.
  • (10) It was previously believed that the period of the circadian clock was primarily responsive to externally imposed tonic or phasic events.
  • (11) The results showed the following: 1) circadian rhythms of total cholesterol, triglycerides, FFA, HDL-, LDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein A and total proteins were detected in both TPN patients and controls, rhythms of apolipoprotein B and glucose in TPN patients only; in enteral nutrition patients, rhythms were detected for total proteins, glucose and triglycerides only; 2) a significant shift in triglyceride and FFA acrophases was observed in TPN patients, as compared with controls; 3) 24 h mean of both triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations remained unchanged after one month, in both TPN and enteral nutrition patients.
  • (12) Circadian rhythms in the height of the population spike were found in 8 out of the 12 animals studied.
  • (13) These data suggest that neither the pineal nor the eyes are central components of the circadian pacemaking system in Dipsosaurus, nor is melatonin critically involved in maintaining its organization.
  • (14) In conclusion, patients with hypertension and LVH often reveal a lack of blood pressure decline during the night, which may be the reason for the development of left ventricular hypertrophy (and thus should be managed by a different circadian blood pressure therapy) or which may be the consequence of progressive structural changes in the resistance vessels, along with the development of left ventricular hypertrophy.
  • (15) Circadian rhythms were detected in all groups with acrophases around 2 AM for melatonin and around 3 AM for 6-sulfatoxymelatonin.
  • (16) In the present study it is demonstrated that glutamate injections in the SCN cause phase shifts of the circadian activity rhythm of the hamster.
  • (17) Intramembrane faces were visualized in the marine dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra by the freeze-fracture technique, in order to test a prediction of a membrane model for circadian oscillations--i.e;, that membrane particle distribution and size change with time in the circadian cycle.
  • (18) In this open study we reviewed the circadian distribution of extra doses of narcotic analgesics in 61 bed-ridden patients with cancer pain.
  • (19) These spontaneous alpha, response beta, modulatory gamma, and frequency-divided delta rhythms reveal a collateral neuroendocrine hierarchy, characterized by the pineal feedsideward phenomenon, as a feature of interactions recurring with circadian and infradian frequencies.
  • (20) Rats trained to eat during a 4-hr period (9 am-1 pm) while housed under normal illumination showed changes in the timing of the circadian rhythm of cholesterol synthesis; in the liver the maximum rate of cholesterol synthesis occurred at 6 pm, 9 hr after the presentation of food, while the two sections of the intestine investigated exhibited a maximum synthetic response between noon and 6 pm.



  • (a.) Alt. of Rhythmical

Example Sentences:

  • (1) administration of the potent short-acting opioid, fentanyl, elicited inhibition of rhythmic spontaneous reflex increases in vesical pressure (VP) evoked by urinary bladder distension.
  • (2) The observation that phase reversals did not occur in area 29, together with the low incidence of phasic (rhythmic) theta-on cells, suggests that the posterior cingulate cortex does not independently generate type 2 theta.
  • (3) Preliminary rhythmic somatic stimulation has a predominantly facilitating effect on EPs appearing in response to tonal stimuli in the areas A1, S2, S1.
  • (4) We conclude that the pacemaker cells are necessary for rhythmic contractile activity and that cells outside this region do not contract spontaneously.
  • (5) Under best possible conditions of oxygen supply but in a later stage of perfusion, contractility during rhythmical stimulation is depressed more at lower than at higher rates.
  • (6) These data suggest that SCN plays a significant role in controlling the rhythmic activity of LHA, VMN and the pineal gland.
  • (7) Some organization schemes concerning locomotor and scratching rhythmicity generators are considered, such as: two half-centres with reciprocal inhibitory connections and tonic excitatory influences on these half-centres: two half-centres with inhibitory-excitatory connections and tonic excitatory influences on one half-centre; ring structures consisting of more than two functional groups of neurons with excitatory and inhibitory connections between them.
  • (8) It is shown that when a constant current is applied such that a stable equilibrium and rhythmic firing are present, the following predictions are inherent in the HH system of equations: (a) Small instantaneous voltage perturbations to the axon given at points along its firing spike result in phase resetting curves (when new phase versus old phase is plotted) with an average slope of 1.
  • (9) The relaxation achieved by rhythmic photoacoustic effects with the help of the device pre-supposes the regulation of the patient's respiration.
  • (10) When initiated, the two rhythmic activities continued with no further external stimulation although the intraoral self-stimulation differed.
  • (11) The clinical risks of the reperfusion syndrome are low, practically never rhythmic and only exceptionally haemodynamic.
  • (12) Disruption of the rhythmic activity of the inspiratory neurons and its replacement by a continuous and irregular discharge may lead to sustained contraction of inspiratory muscles and cessation of respiration.
  • (13) The rhythmic waves induced by these ions were recorded in the olfactory bulb.
  • (14) Different repercussion of drug therapy on rhythmic profile of patients with CHF.
  • (15) The spontaneous rhythmic contraction (RC) occurred consistently in the preparation taken from the thoracic aorta without external stimuli.
  • (16) This difference, however, did not influence the detection of rhythmical ictal activity in cheek and sphenoidal montages in our study, nor the assignment of side, site or time of seizure onset by unbiased readers.
  • (17) These observations indicate that the central neural mechanisms responsible for the generation and entrainment of circadian rhythmicity in the rat are not capable of either the functional or morphological plasticity characteristic of other developing neural systems.
  • (18) The same concentration of carbachol, after metabolic depletion by substrate removal, produced rhythmic contractions and action potentials.
  • (19) Critical features of the model include a non-monotonic relationship between recovery time during rhythmic stimulation and the state of membrane properties, and a steeply sloped recovery of membrane properties over certain ranges of recovery times.
  • (20) The preparation was spontaneously active under minimal resting tension (less than 150 mg) and at temperatures above 28 degrees C. Slow depolarizations led to a burst of spikes (multi-spike complexes), which corresponded to rhythmic contractions.

Words possibly related to "circadian"