(n.) To make a sudden, sharp noise, or a succesion of such noises, as by striking an object, or by collision of parts; to rattle; to click.
(n.) To utter words rapidly and continually, or with abruptness; to let the tongue run.
(v. t.) To cause to make a sudden, sharp noise, or succession of noises; to click.
(v. t.) To utter rapidly and inconsiderately.
(v. t.) A sharp, abrupt noise, or succession of noises, made by striking an object.
(v. t.) Anything that causes a clacking noise, as the clapper of a mill, or a clack valve.
(v. t.) Continual or importunate talk; prattle; prating.
Example Sentences:
(1) Clack was also a keen sportsman, and represented the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and his battalion at rugby.
(2) The church panels that inspired the petitions’ design can be seen in a dimmed room at nearby Yirrkala art centre, where it’s rumoured you can also see the typewriter that clacked out the petition in English and Yolngu – another seminal achievement.
(3) Earlier that day, my husband had driven to Indianapolis on business, so Molly and I sat in my living room with our dogs and our laptops, drinking tea and clacking away for hours.
(4) "Lieutenant Clack not only made the ultimate sacrifice doing a job he loved, but he did so serving his country, defending the security of the United Kingdom and its people."
(5) Photograph: University Museum of Zoology Cambridge “It does appear that if there had been a ‘gap’ it was much smaller than previously thought, and might have affected some groups less severely than others,” Clack told me, talking about the disappearance of many species at the end of the Devonian.
(6) Davis gives her character a bone-clacking, head-wobbling walk; she is fragile as well as brittle, pulling rank on the help one minute and clinging to "Mummy" the next.
(7) A British officer killed by a Taliban bomb outside the gate of his base in Afghanistan has been named as Lieutenant Daniel Clack of 1st Battalion The Rifles.
(8) There was an extinction event for many fish species, but no-one is really sure what caused it.” Clack and her co-authors found evidence in their rock cores that fires burned throughout the Tournaisian, challenging previous theories that low atmospheric oxygen during the time period caused extinctions.
(9) Then a four for Fleming with a crisp clack through mid wicket.
(10) There are two [animals with five digits] that we know for certain: Pederpes , and an isolated foot found by our project,” Professor Jenny Clack, Emeritus Professor at the University of Cambridge, explained the evolution of limbs and digits to me.
(11) Defence secretary Liam Fox added: "I was very saddened to learn of the death of lieutenant Daniel Clack, a young man who, it is clear from the tributes paid, was an officer of great quality, both liked and respected by his men.
(12) Clack studied at Exeter University and worked as a driver for a ski firm in Switzerland before joining the army in 2009.
(13) Only one species, Pederpes finneyae , was previously named from this time period, but Clack and colleagues have named five new species, and found many more fossils too fragmentary to formally identify.
(15) Mary is running late, so on the tape you can hear Melanie and I chit-chatting about obscure French knitwear labels and nibbling the cookies she has brought along and cooing over Walter, Mary and Melanie's schnoodle (poodle-schnauzer cross – black, of course), and then suddenly in the background there is the unmistakable clack-clack-clack of someone hurrying in high heels and the noise of a door bursting open – all so exaggerated and theatrical it sounds, on the machine, like a radio play – and then Mary's booming, head-girl tones as she cuts off our conversation, shouting, "Lies!
(16) Clack, 24, was leading a 10-man patrol to meet locals in a nearby village in Helmand province when he was hit by an improvised explosive device.
(18) She talks to me over the loud click-clack of printing machines, and the chatter of around 40 campaigners, working the phones – as befits an operation located on a trading estate, this is truly industrial electioneering.
(19) I´m following your min by min report from an internet cafe in Montevideo bus station (no TV), while trying to send emails, and prepare myself for watching England in a bar full of Uruguayans," says Neil Clack.
(20) With a click-clack of studs on concrete, the teams walk out on to the pitch.
(n.) A sharp, brief, ringing sound, made by a collision of metallic or other sonorous bodies; -- usually expressing a duller or less resounding sound than clang, and a deeper and stronger sound than clink.
(v. t.) To cause to sound with a clank; as, the prisoners clank their chains.
(v. i.) To sound with a clank.
Example Sentences:
(1) Lee Young-pyo executes an elaborate series of stepovers down the left - Cristiano Ronaldo eat your heart out - but just as he looks to have Maxi Pereira beaten, he lets the ball clank off his shin and out of play.
(2) Repeated noise at 1-4 cycles per second evokes an effortless heard rhythmic sensation which is often heard as "clanks" and "rasping."
(3) Muller then slides a ball into the area for Muller, who breaks clear with only Romero to beat, but lets the ball clank off his shin and towards Romero.
(4) In Houston, on any given day, entomologists can be found clanking open manhole covers, wading into ditches or walking through backyards of obliging residents.
(5) 78 min: That could have made things at least a little bit interesting: A clever reverse ball by Benzema releases Grosso down the left-hand side of the Rangers box, but the World Cup winning left-back lets the ball clank hopelessly off his shins and out of play.
(6) The ball clanks off the middle of the left-hand post, in super slow-motion technicolor, Rene Houseman hacks clear, and 51 seconds later, the referee blows the final whistle.
(7) The fourth season of Game of Thrones is looming like an armour-clanking phalanx, ready to maraud into your social life from 7 April onwards.
(8) 8.05pm BST 4 min: ... clank an idiotic effort straight into the wall.
(9) Giroud meets the set piece, but clanks a header well wide.
(10) It's not a great effort, but it clanks into the legs of Giroud, and the striker - just onside when the shot was taken - is suddenly one on one with Stockdale!
(11) The sound of their clanking on the metal floor of the blocks in Camp Delta is still fresh in my mind.
(12) The home team won 8-2 in an eerie atmosphere where foul balls clanked around empty grandstands and mammoth home runs were received in silence.
(13) Cameron and Clegg were more brutal and direct – in keeping with the clanking sounds emanating from the factory floor.
(14) Inside, however, the tiny store smells like smoke and echoes with the electronic clank of four video slot machines that occupy about a third of the floor space.
(15) Then, the wealthiest citizens clanked champagne flutes to their own good fortunes, while the majority of the population struggled in the proverbial alleyways.
(16) A deeper conundrum is that while crowdfunding is happy-clappy on the outside, inside beats the libertarian free-market clank of the Silicon Valley culture in which it was forged.
(17) Juan Mata's delivery is poor and enables Yayya Toure to go on one of his clanking runs down the pitch.
(18) Out of the corner of my eye I saw the motorbike clank over and skid a long way.
(19) They would be increasingly propelled into a world system already clanking away at full speed.
(20) The rain was pattering against the old windows, the steam heat was clanking in the old radiator, and I felt at peace.