(v./.) To ask for, or seek to obtain, by virtue of authority, right, or supposed right; to challenge as a right; to demand as due.
(v./.) To proclaim.
(v./.) To call or name.
(v./.) To assert; to maintain.
(v. i.) To be entitled to anything; to deduce a right or title; to have a claim.
(n.) A demand of a right or supposed right; a calling on another for something due or supposed to be due; an assertion of a right or fact.
(n.) A right to claim or demand something; a title to any debt, privilege, or other thing in possession of another; also, a title to anything which another should give or concede to, or confer on, the claimant.
(n.) The thing claimed or demanded; that (as land) to which any one intends to establish a right; as a settler's claim; a miner's claim.
(n.) A loud call.
Example Sentences:
(1) It afflicted 312,000 people and claimed 3200 lives.
(2) The previous year, he claimed £1,415 for two new sofas, made two separate claims of £230 and £108 for new bed linen, charged £86 for a new kettle and kitchen utensils and made two separate claims, of £65 and £186, for replacement glasses and crockery.
(3) It transpired that in 65% of the analysed advertisements explicit or implicit claims were made.
(4) Of the 622 people interviewed, a large proportion (30.5%) believed that the first deciduous tooth should erupt between the age of 5-7 months; the next commonly mentioned time of tooth eruption was 7-9 months of age; and 50.3% of the respondents claimed to have seen a case of prematurely erupted primary teeth.
(5) A recent visit by a member of Iraq's government from Baghdad to Basra and back cost about $12,000 (£7,800), the cable claimed.
(6) This week's unconfirmed claims that Kim's uncle Jang Song Thaek had been ousted from power have refocused attention on the country's domestic affairs; some analysts say Jang was associated with reform .
(7) This "paradox of redistribution" was certainly observable in Britain, where Welfare retained its status as one of the 20th century's most exalted creations, even while those claiming benefits were treated with ever greater contempt.
(8) Since 1887, winter green is claimed to have caused dermatitis and to have been responsible for "idiosyncrasy".
(9) Doctors may plausibly make special claims qua doctors when they are treating disease.
(10) "We presently are involved in a number of intellectual property lawsuits, and as we face increasing competition and gain an increasingly high profile, we expect the number of patent and other intellectual property claims against us to grow," the company said.
(11) We are better off in.” Out campaigners have claimed that the NHS could be badly hit by a decision to stay in the EU.
(12) The small print revealed that Osborne claimed a fall in borrowing largely by factoring in the proceeds of a 4G telecomms auction that has not yet happened.
(13) With such protection, Dempster tended professionally to outlive those inside and outside the office who claimed that he was outdated.
(14) Shorten said any arrangement needed to be consistent with international obligations, with asylum seekers afforded due process and their claims properly assessed.
(15) Gove said in the interview that he did not want to be Tory leader, claiming that he lacked the "extra spark of charisma and star quality" possessed by others.
(16) Much has been claimed about the source of its support: at one extreme, it is said to divide the right-of-centre vote and crucify the Conservatives .
(17) That’s when you heard the ‘boom’.” Teto Wilson also claimed to have witnessed the shooting, posting on Facebook on Sunday morning that he and some friends had been at the Elk lodge, outside which the shooting took place.
(18) The move was confirmed by a Lib Dem aide, who said Tory claims to be green were "already a lame duck and are now dead in the water".
(19) They also claim their electricity and water were cut off, despite frequent official complaints to police, who Lessena said served as middlemen between the owners and the tenants.
(20) In the UK, George Osborne used this to his advantage, claiming "Britain faces the disaster of having its international credit rating downgraded" even after Moody's ranked UK debt as "resilient".
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Stack
() a. & n. from Stack.
Example Sentences:
(1) Thin films (OD approximately 0.7) of glucose-embedded membranes, prepared as a control, showed virtually 100% conversion to the M state, and stacks of such thin film specimens gave very similar x-ray diffraction patterns in the bR568 and the M412 state in most experiments.
(2) The planar 7H-pyridocarbazole cations form stacks approximately parallel to b. Interactions between stacks occur by weak van der Waals forces.
(3) How does it stack up against the competition – and are there any nasties in the small print?
(4) Rayburn, who was also told by his jobcentre he would lose his benefits if he did not work without pay, said he spent almost two months stacking and cleaning shelves and sometimes doing night shifts.
(5) Carcinogen-modified oligodeoxynucleotides were single-stranded, but there were often considerable stacking interactions between the pyrenyl residues and the oligonucleotide bases, indicating that electrophoresed oligomers were single-stranded but in a native, versus random coil, conformation.
(6) Intermolecular contacts occur in both oligomers in the minor groove: in the B form through twisted guanine-guanine hydrogen bonding, and in the Z form through base-base stacking and the water network.
(7) If we were to have a plebiscite before the end of the year, and you were to reverse-engineer that, it would make interesting speculation about the timing of an election.” Abetz said in January he would need to see whether a plebiscite was “above board or whether the question is stacked” before deciding to heed any result in favour of marriage equality.
(8) Using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies we show in normal cells precursor forms of beta-gal in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and in the Golgi apparatus throughout the stack of cisternae.
(9) The AFB1 moiety is face-stacked in the major groove with its long axis approximately perpendicular to the helix axis.
(10) Between February and July of 1989, 22 patients underwent the use of the Stack autoperfusion catheter following acute occlusion or obstructive dissection during coronary angioplasty; in 20 cases conventional balloon was used in an attempt to correct the angiographic appearance followed by the use of Stack catheter when results were sub-optimal.
(11) The breaking up of the microtubular cytoskeleton is followed by vesiculation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and partial atrophy, as well as dispersion of the stacks of Golgi cisternae.
(12) She walks past stack after stack of books kept behind metal cages, the shelves barely visible in the dim light from the frosted-glass windows.
(13) The notochord, which is composed of a stack of flat cells surrounded by a connective tissue sheath, elongates dramatically and begins straightening between stages 21 and 25.
(14) However, AGC and AC in their hydrogenated form also caused aggregation and stacking of the stratum corneum lipid liposomes.
(15) Their lineup proved to be stacked, with breakouts from AL home run leader Chris Davis and doubles machine Manny Machado, who powered the O's through starting-pitching issues to hang in a tight division.
(16) Electron energy-loss spectroscopic element-distribution images are acquired from cytochemical reaction products in a variety of cellular objects: (1) colloidal thorium particles in extra-cellular coat material, (2) iron-containing ferritin particles in liver parenchymal cells, (3) barium-containing reaction products in endoplasmic reticulum stacks, (4) elements present in lysosomal cerium- and barium-containing precipitates connected with acid phosphatase (AcPase) or aryl sulphatase (AS) enzyme activity.
(17) We also observed slender tubules connecting Golgi stacks to neighbouring rough endoplasmic reticulum.
(18) I always get brown meat on the chicken, and when I do finally remember to stack the dishwasher, do I get any credit?
(19) (C13-A14-C15) segment at pH 8.9 establishes that X5 and A14 are directed into the helix, partially stack on each other, and are not stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
(20) Multiple jobseekers can work in one store at the same time, cleaning or stacking shelves and competing against each other for a potential offer of paid work.