(a.) Conducted with secrecy; withdrawn from public notice, usually for an evil purpose; kept secret; hidden; private; underhand; as, a clandestine marriage.
Example Sentences:
(1) Galli said there were already about 200,000 hospitalisations of women who have undergone a clandestine termination every year, and a suspected 1 million illegal abortions before the epidemic.
(2) A 4-methyl derivative of aminorex has recently appeared on the clandestine market as a designer drug.
(3) A series of clandestine lunches has been held by Stuart Wheeler, a former Tory donor who is now trying to persuade MPs to jump ship.
(4) Only 2 married men informed their female sex partner (regular partner) of their clandestine activity.
(5) The deep state originally meant the military, police and intelligence networks which assigned themselves the task of defending the secular Kemalist regime against both Islamists and leftists and often used clandestine means to do so.
(6) The microfilmed files obtained by the CIA – in what the Americans described as a "clandestine operation" which may have included a pay-off to a rogue KGB agent – are the key because they contain copies of the card indexes of the HVA, listing the real names of all the agents, informers and targets of the Stasi's foreign operations.
(7) We announce that there will be no differentiation between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ Taliban ,” he said, referring to the Pakistani military’s long history of clandestine support for those militant groups it believes support its own strategic objectives.
(8) Liberalization of abortion laws occurred to reduce or eliminate the disastrous effects of criminal abortions performed by unskilled people under clandestine and unsafe conditions.
(9) Ten more dead and 900 clandestine migrants ready to disembark,” Salvini said on Wednesday.
(10) Most importantly, he sat on the intelligence committee, the Senate’s sole oversight board of the clandestine agencies, where he was one of just a few dissenting members.
(11) The former Belfast IRA commander Brendan Hughes posthumously claimed in taped testimony, for the US university Boston College, that Gerry Adams gave the order for the widow to be shot dead but buried clandestinely in order to avoid any negative publicity for the republican movement.
(12) But those involved in the clandestine discussions over the past few days said there had to be secrecy, partly because Clegg had said he must talk to the Conservatives first.
(13) More alarmingly, since 2008, when a local tabloid newspaper published photographs of a clandestine gay wedding in Dakar, police have been cracking down, many homosexuals have gone into hiding or fled abroad (including to Gambia, whose president told them they should leave again within 24 hours or face decapitation), nine gay activists have been jailed after coming out, and the bodies of at least four gay men have been exhumed from their graves and dragged through the streets by jeering mobs.
(14) In surveys of poverty neighborhoods in New York City conducted in 1965 and 1967, it became apparent that clandestine abortions were more frequently reported as occurring when the woman was married and had one to three children than before marriage or after three children had already been born.
(15) Park said the ballooning would be done clandestinely, with the pace picking up in March when he expects the wind direction to become more favourable.
(16) It knew Iguala was a clandestine cemetery.” Omar Garcia, one of several Ayotzinapa students who survived the attack, said the incident had crystalised the widespread sense that political corruption was driving Mexico’s descent into violence.
(17) Infanticide remained clandestine in ages when the Church was powerful.
(18) In 2011 the army was humiliated by the unilateral US special forces raid on the lair of former al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden and the persistence of supposedly clandestine strikes by US drones, the advanced unmanned aircraft Washington has refused to share with Pakistan.
(19) Our meeting is not clandestine, exactly: we sit by the window to eat our open sandwiches.
(20) There were clandestine reporter meetings in Washington, Munich, and London.
(v. t.) To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight; to prevent the discovery of; to withhold knowledge of.
Example Sentences:
(1) Therefore, a mortality analysis of overall survival time alone may conceal important differences between the forces of mortality (hazard functions) associated with distinct states of active disease, for example pre-remission state and first relapse.
(2) The recorded APs were further subdivided into those exhibiting consistent antegrade conduction during sinus rhythm (overt APs: 50 left APs, eight right APs), those exhibiting intermittent antegrade conduction (intermittent APs: six left APs, two right APs), and those exhibiting only retrograde conduction (concealed APs: 33 left APs, two right APs).
(3) In patients under anti-epileptic therapy it is readily possible for the clinical picture to be concealed, and this may then result in irreversible damage due to the disturbance of metabolism remaining uninfluenced.
(4) If they included a warning in the package ‘tamper resistance’ feature that works by non-Apple-authorised repair services may be mistaken for tampering attempts, and lead to the phone being disabled’, then it would be purely a feature ... By concealing the feature prior to sales, and only even revealing it after being repeatedly pressured over it, Apple turned what could have been a feature into a landmine.” Apple shares have fallen more than 20% in the past three months as investors begin to doubt whether it can maintain the stellar growth posted since the iPhone first went on sale eight years ago.
(5) It created a very ugly atmosphere in society – as I was growing up in politics, I disliked the hypocrisy where people had to conceal their own identity.
(6) Years ahead of its time, it saw each song presented theatrically, the musicians concealed in the wings (although Bowie said that they kept creeping on to the stage, literally unable to resist the spotlight) and with Bowie performing on a cherry-picker and on a giant hand, both of which kept breaking down.
(7) The regulator said it did not find the evidence provided a basis to conclude Rupert Murdoch had acted in a way that was inappropriate in relation to phone hacking, concealment or corruption by employees.
(8) The evidence obtained in these patients was consistent with a concealed Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
(9) It is concluded that the site of unidirectional block in this patient is at the origin of the concealed accessory pathway in the ventricular septal muscle.
(10) Kipling deliberately concealed something of himself, but did not seek to conceal the truth about the nature of imperial power; Wodehouse exposed himself, and thereby inadvertently exposed something of the double standards of the system of power in which he unthinkingly believed.
(11) It is concluded that the loss in total thigh volume during inactivation in a cast is due to waste of the muscle tissue, and further that this loss is partly concealed by an unchanged fat thigh volume.
(12) Slower ventricular rates during atrial fibrillation would suggest an increased propensity for concealed conduction in the enhanced AV node conduction group than in the group with an accessory pathway.
(13) The same plant was seriously damaged by an earthquake in 2007, but the owners tried to conceal a radiation leak.
(14) It has since emerged that Brinsley had already been arrested 19 times for offences including concealing a weapon, and disorderly conduct.
(15) Expressions that included muscular activity around the eyes in addition to the smiling lips occurred more often when people were actually enjoying themselves as compared with when enjoyment was feigned to conceal negative emotions.
(16) Drug-taking was, in effect, decriminalised by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 , ever since when the authorities have deployed the rhetoric of toughness to conceal the truth that we are free to take drugs with impunity, knowing our crime will probably be ignored, or at worst not punished but "treated".
(17) The conduction disturbances were due to the association of concealed His bundle depolarizations (H') not propagated to atria or ventricles with first degree AV block in the His bundle.
(18) The measure would also lower the minimum age required to obtain a concealed weapons permit, from 21 to 19.
(19) Importantly, this abnormal state is concealed at rest and the choice of palliative shunting procedure appears to have little effect on normalizing pump performance.
(20) Such observations may conceal the fact that the amine N-oxide has undergone a sequence of deoxygenation and oxygenation reactions only to revert to the parental form and be excreted as such--a process that we propose to call metabolic retroversion.