(a.) Conducted with secrecy; withdrawn from public notice, usually for an evil purpose; kept secret; hidden; private; underhand; as, a clandestine marriage.
Example Sentences:
(1) Galli said there were already about 200,000 hospitalisations of women who have undergone a clandestine termination every year, and a suspected 1 million illegal abortions before the epidemic.
(2) A 4-methyl derivative of aminorex has recently appeared on the clandestine market as a designer drug.
(3) A series of clandestine lunches has been held by Stuart Wheeler, a former Tory donor who is now trying to persuade MPs to jump ship.
(4) Only 2 married men informed their female sex partner (regular partner) of their clandestine activity.
(5) The deep state originally meant the military, police and intelligence networks which assigned themselves the task of defending the secular Kemalist regime against both Islamists and leftists and often used clandestine means to do so.
(6) The microfilmed files obtained by the CIA – in what the Americans described as a "clandestine operation" which may have included a pay-off to a rogue KGB agent – are the key because they contain copies of the card indexes of the HVA, listing the real names of all the agents, informers and targets of the Stasi's foreign operations.
(7) We announce that there will be no differentiation between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ Taliban ,” he said, referring to the Pakistani military’s long history of clandestine support for those militant groups it believes support its own strategic objectives.
(8) Liberalization of abortion laws occurred to reduce or eliminate the disastrous effects of criminal abortions performed by unskilled people under clandestine and unsafe conditions.
(9) Ten more dead and 900 clandestine migrants ready to disembark,” Salvini said on Wednesday.
(10) Most importantly, he sat on the intelligence committee, the Senate’s sole oversight board of the clandestine agencies, where he was one of just a few dissenting members.
(11) The former Belfast IRA commander Brendan Hughes posthumously claimed in taped testimony, for the US university Boston College, that Gerry Adams gave the order for the widow to be shot dead but buried clandestinely in order to avoid any negative publicity for the republican movement.
(12) But those involved in the clandestine discussions over the past few days said there had to be secrecy, partly because Clegg had said he must talk to the Conservatives first.
(13) More alarmingly, since 2008, when a local tabloid newspaper published photographs of a clandestine gay wedding in Dakar, police have been cracking down, many homosexuals have gone into hiding or fled abroad (including to Gambia, whose president told them they should leave again within 24 hours or face decapitation), nine gay activists have been jailed after coming out, and the bodies of at least four gay men have been exhumed from their graves and dragged through the streets by jeering mobs.
(14) In surveys of poverty neighborhoods in New York City conducted in 1965 and 1967, it became apparent that clandestine abortions were more frequently reported as occurring when the woman was married and had one to three children than before marriage or after three children had already been born.
(15) Park said the ballooning would be done clandestinely, with the pace picking up in March when he expects the wind direction to become more favourable.
(16) It knew Iguala was a clandestine cemetery.” Omar Garcia, one of several Ayotzinapa students who survived the attack, said the incident had crystalised the widespread sense that political corruption was driving Mexico’s descent into violence.
(17) Infanticide remained clandestine in ages when the Church was powerful.
(18) In 2011 the army was humiliated by the unilateral US special forces raid on the lair of former al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden and the persistence of supposedly clandestine strikes by US drones, the advanced unmanned aircraft Washington has refused to share with Pakistan.
(19) Our meeting is not clandestine, exactly: we sit by the window to eat our open sandwiches.
(20) There were clandestine reporter meetings in Washington, Munich, and London.
(v. i.) To form a plot or scheme; to contrive to accomplish a purpose by secret artifice.
(v. i.) To carry on a secret and illicit love or amour.
(v. t.) To fill with artifice and duplicity; to complicate; to embarrass.
(v. i.) Intricacy; complication.
(v. i.) A complicated plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice; conspiracy; stratagem.
(v. i.) The plot or romance; a complicated scheme of designs, actions, and events.
(v. i.) A secret and illicit love affair between two persons of different sexes; an amour; a liaison.
Example Sentences:
(1) It is an intriguing moment: the new culture secretary, Sajid Javid, who was brought in to replace Maria Miller last month, is something of an unknown quantity.
(2) So I am, of course, intrigued about the city’s newest tourist attraction: a hangover bar, open at weekends, in which sufferers can come in and have a bit of a lie down in soothingly subdued lighting, while sipping vitamin-enriched smoothies.
(3) In this review, Warner Greene and colleagues discuss recent studies that have revealed an intriguing molecular interplay between two pathogenic human retroviruses, HIV-1 and HTLV-1, and certain cellular genes that normally control T-cell growth.
(4) Most intriguing of all is the potential for the mould to "expect" changes in its environment.
(5) The reports of rod-dominated psychophysical spectral sensitivity from the deprived eye of monocularly lid-sutured (MD) monkeys are intriguing but difficult to reconcile with the absence of any reported deprivation effects in retina.
(6) I was intrigued, and spent the next few weeks getting my teeth into the subject.
(7) Whether committed glial cells in situ can be induced to switch their lineage when normal CNS conditions are altered is an intriguing question that remains to be answered.
(8) The sustained regenerative responses are considered intriguing and may have relevance both for head-injured humans and for future studies of central nervous system regeneration.
(9) It also intrigues me that the reaction of some women when challenged on this question so uncannily echoes the defence of sexist men in the 60s and 70s: come off it, love, it's just a bit of harmless fun.
(10) The breathtaking response of the geosphere as the great ice sheets crumbled might be considered as providing little more than an intriguing insight into the prehistoric workings of our world, were it not for the fact that our planet is once again in the throes an extraordinary climatic transformation – this time brought about by human activities.
(11) Lastly, we can expect greater clarification about the importance of various 11q13 genes found coamplified in nearly 20% of primary breast cancers, and pursuit into the intriguing possibility that a cyclin-encoding gene represents the overexpressed locus of real interest in this amplicon.
(12) As a nod to the me-centred world we live in, the exhibition will also feature the responses to an altogether more contemporary Mass Observation directive from 2012, intriguingly entitled Photography and You , which was specially commissioned for the Photographers' Gallery show.
(13) I cannot see anything before October, or even the end of the year, because there remain some difficult topics to resolve.” Lozano is most intriguing on two things: the issue of justice, and what he sees as a potential impasse over economic policy and the role of multinational corporations, especially those wanting to extract Colombia’s significant riches in gold, emeralds, coal, hydrocarbons and minerals, or turn grassland into palm oil plantations.
(14) The repositioning of Ashley Young is particularly intriguing given that Sir Alex Ferguson uses him as a right-footed left-winger at Manchester United.
(15) That was the thing that intrigued us: rewarding obscure knowledge, while allowing people to also give obvious answers.
(16) Narcolepsy, with its specific symptomatology is an intriguing but often frightening disease.
(17) The production of the latter chemotaxin by mononuclear phagocytes is especially intriguing as these cells can mediate inflammatory cell migration by either directly generating IL-8, or by inducing its production from surrounding nonimmune cells.
(18) The journalist went on to make an intriguing and chilling comparison: "There was a guy who lived in a country in Europe back in the twenties and thirties and into the forties.
(19) This finding raises the intriguing possibility that protein-S might play a role in bone turnover and bone mass.
(20) "It may well have been entertaining or it may well not have been entertaining, but what I find the most intriguing point is that he went to work and thought it might be.