What's the difference between claudicant and limp?
(a.) Limping.
Example Sentences:
(1) The results confirm that physical training is clinically effective in patients suffering from claudication.
(2) The results of operative lumbar sympathectomy for both intermittent claudication and rest pain in 153 patients have been reviewed.
(3) Nine factors have been isolated whose varying combinations were most contributory to the risk of the development of CS in the studied population: cardiac diseases, transient disorder of the cerebral circulation, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, aggravated heredity for cardiovascular diseases, intermittent claudication, diabetes mellitus, systematic alcohol abuse, and hypodynamia.
(4) To evaluate isotope limb blood flow measurement in intermittent claudication we have assessed 58 non-diabetic patients comparing our new method with treadmill testing and Doppler assessment.
(5) Twenty-five patients with moderate to severe claudication have thus far undergone 27 procedures.
(6) The history and the physical examination are still at the basis of the approach of the patient suffering from intermittent claudication.
(7) To test this assumption we studied the effects of a beta 1-selective and a nonselective beta-adrenergic blocker on postexercise calf blood flow and symptoms of claudication in 19 patients with mild-to-moderate peripheral vascular disease.
(8) The stroke risk factors included in the profile are age, systolic blood pressure, the use of antihypertensive therapy, diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoking, prior cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease, cardiac failure, or intermittent claudication), atrial fibrillation, and left ventricular hypertrophy by electrocardiogram.
(9) There was no significant difference when patients were stratified for diabetes (log rank = 2.213, p = no significance [NS]), operative indication (disabling claudication vs. limb salvage) (log rank = 0.0005, p = NS), or outflow (no profundaplasty vs. profundaplasty) (log rank = 2.011, p = NS).
(10) The recently published PACK study was a randomized controlled trial of the effects of ketanserin in patients with intermittent claudication.
(11) Information from a geriatric health screening programme (Dunedin Program) was used to study the prevalence and risk factors predisposing to intermittent claudication (IC) in 1704 ambulatory elderly subjects.
(12) Ketanserin, a serotonin2-receptor blocker, was administered intravenously (10 mg) to 10 patients suffering from unilateral intermittent claudication in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design.
(13) The main conclusions drawn in relation to decision making are as follows: low-back pain is more frequent than sciatica or intermittent claudication, but the latter is more disabling; acute attacks are generally more disabling than chronic pain, and the frequency may be more closely related to poor prognosis than the duration; radiologic findings are of little value in differentiating the incidence and degree of the symptoms during life; myelographic or peridurographic abnormalities do not always suggest poor prognosis.
(14) Most of the patients with pathological Doppler examination were asymptomatic at a questionnaire for intermittent claudication.
(15) He subsequently suffered from mesenteric angina due to stenosis of the origin of the superior mesenteric artery and intermittent claudication due to aorto-iliac atheroma.
(16) Disabling claudication in patients who are at low operative risk is another acceptable indication for surgical treatment.
(17) for 21 months) on fibrinogen and other rheological variables, as compared to placebo, were studied in 44 patients with intermittent claudication due to peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
(18) Only one patient had symptoms of arterial occlusion (claudication), and one patient had symptoms of leg growth retardation (gait disturbance).
(19) While clinical signs of involvement of the bone structure are few, neurological ones, however aspecific, may be detected (pluriradicular irritation, neurogenic claudication).
(20) The circadian rhythm observed in patients with intermittent claudication has early evening peaks and a nocturnal trough with a nadir occurring after midnight and before 0400.
(v. i.) To halt; to walk lamely. Also used figuratively.
(n.) A halt; the act of limping.
(n.) A scraper for removing poor ore or refuse from the sieve.
(a.) Flaccid; flabby, as flesh.
(a.) Lacking stiffness; flimsy; as, a limp cravat.
Example Sentences:
(1) As it was, Labour limped in seven points and nearly two million votes behind the Conservatives because older cohorts of the electorate leant heavily to the Tories and grandpa and grandma turned up at the polling stations in the largest numbers.
(2) Everton ended with 10 men after Seamus Coleman limped off with all three substitutes deployed but there was no late flourish from a visiting team who, with Fernando replacing Kevin De Bruyne after the Irish defender’s departure, appeared content to settle for 1-2.
(3) He limped around in the beginning but the injury worsened.
(4) An actor dressed like one of the polar bears that figure in Coke ads limped up, wearing a prosthesis on one paw, a dialysis bag and tubing.
(5) Despite the 2 operations and extensive medical treatment with vasodilators, anticoagulants, and other medication, the pain and limp persisted and a cutaneous necrosis of the 1st and 5th left toes was observed.
(7) An obese man with a withered leg limps down Tollcross Road, eating pizza from a cardboard box.
(8) The Bruins, on the other hand, limped into the playoffs, with everyone wondering where their firepower had gone.
(9) More here: UK regulator urges banks to speed up swaps mis-selling compensation 8.40am GMT More reaction to the decision to send riot police to evict people from the offices of Greece's former state broadcaster this morning , starting with journalist Nick Malkoutzis: Nick Malkoutzis (@NickMalkoutzis) 5 mths after flicking switch on public broadcaster ERT, gov't tries to settle issue by sending riot police to remove remaining staff #Greece November 7, 2013 Nick Malkoutzis (@NickMalkoutzis) While #ERT will be off air for good after police intervention, the stain of how its closure has been handled won't wash away easily #Greece November 7, 2013 Lady Mondegreen (@amaenad) Like a mean stupid dog appeasing a cruel master, the Greek government wants to lay ERT's limp body at the troika's feet.
(10) The girl's mother, who I learned later, had recently arrived in Danané with her daughter after escaping the fighting in Abidjan, lifted the limp body and carried it out of the house to where we were parked.
(11) Their composure was shattered from the moment Alex McCarthy gifted the visitors an equaliser, all authority wrested away in the blink of an eye and Liverpool , suddenly focused where previously they had been limp and ineffective, the more persuasive threat in what time that remained.
(12) This team may have limped to the 50-point mark with their draw against the champions, but they have been pining for the end of this campaign for months.
(13) "It is spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black, the cobblestreets silent and the hunched, courters'-and-rabbits' wood limping invisible down to the sloeblack, slow, black, crowblack, fishingboatbobbing sea."
(14) If that happened, he could get up and limp across the street to the safety of the Indymedia centre, where he had spent the past three days filing reports on the G8 summit and on its violent policing.
(15) To determine whether limping is associated with decreased bone mineralization, the trabecular and integral bone densities (BDs) of 18 Caucasian children exhibiting computed tomographic evidence of tarsal coalition (14 boys, 4 girls, aged 9 years, 5 months to 16 years, 3 months) were compared with those of an age- and sex-matched control group.
(16) By then Wenger's frown lines had deepened in the wake of some heavy limping on Mikel Arteta's part.
(17) Today, he suffers from partial paralysis on the left side of his body, and has a limp and limited use his left arm.
(18) An analysis of the incidence and significance of leg shortening, limping, and abductor lurch is presented and some observations made on trochanteric overgrowth and the effect of surgery on the rate of femoral head reconstitution.
(19) In cultured cells, the general immunostaining patterns observed in vivo were maintained during the duration of the primary cultures for all five LIMPs.
(20) For Manchester City, Yaya Toure will return to their starting line-up, having been suspended for their match against Bayern Munich, but Micah Richards will miss today's game after limping off against Bayern with a hamstring injury.