What's the difference between clean and mouthwash?



  • (superl.) Free from dirt or filth; as, clean clothes.
  • (superl.) Free from that which is useless or injurious; without defects; as, clean land; clean timber.
  • (superl.) Free from awkwardness; not bungling; adroit; dexterous; as, aclean trick; a clean leap over a fence.
  • (superl.) Free from errors and vulgarisms; as, a clean style.
  • (superl.) Free from restraint or neglect; complete; entire.
  • (superl.) Free from moral defilement; sinless; pure.
  • (superl.) Free from ceremonial defilement.
  • (superl.) Free from that which is corrupting to the morals; pure in tone; healthy.
  • (superl.) Well-proportioned; shapely; as, clean limbs.
  • (adv.) Without limitation or remainder; quite; perfectly; wholly; entirely.
  • (adv.) Without miscarriage; not bunglingly; dexterously.
  • (a.) To render clean; to free from whatever is foul, offensive, or extraneous; to purify; to cleanse.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Squadron Leader Kevin Harris, commander of the Merlins at Camp Bastion, the main British base in Helmand, praised the crews, adding: "The Merlins will undergo an extensive programme of maintenance and cleaning before being packed up, ensuring they return to the UK in good order."
  • (2) After four years of existence, many evaluations were able to show the qualities of this system regarding root canal penetration, cleaning and shaping.
  • (3) Other recommendations for immediate action included a review of the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the General Medical Council for doctors, with possible changes to their structures; the possible transfer of powers to launch criminal prosecutions for care scandals from the Health and Safety Executive to the Care Quality Council; and a new inspection regime, which would focus more closely on how clean, safe and caring hospitals were.
  • (4) I usually use them as a rag with which to clean the toilet but I didn’t have anything else to wear today because I’m so fat.” While this exchange will sound baffling to outsiders, to Brits it actually sounds like this: “You like my dress?
  • (5) From the treatment group 23 patients could be assessed: 2 had discontinued clean intermittent self-catheterization due to urethral hemorrhage, 2 died during the observation period and 1 was lost to followup.
  • (6) The corresponding hydrides, mono-n-butyltin hydride, di-n-butyltin hydride, tri-n-butyltin hydride, monophenyltin hydride, diphenyltin hydride triphenyltin hydride, are detected by electron-capture gas chromatography after clean-up by silica gel column chromatography.
  • (7) Gassmann, whose late father, Vittorio , was a critically acclaimed star of Italian cinema in its heyday in the 1960s, tweeted over the weekend with the hashtag #Romasonoio (I am Rome), calling on the city’s residents to be an example of civility and clean up their own little corners of Rome with pride.
  • (8) Will the rate of late (four to five years) wound infection after operations done in a clean-air enclosure be lower than that after procedures done in a "normal" operating-room environment using preoperative, operative, and postoperative antibiotics?
  • (9) While there has been almost no political reform during their terms of office, there have been several ambitious steps forward in terms of environmental policy: anti-desertification campaigns; tree planting; an environmental transparency law; adoption of carbon targets; eco-services compensation; eco accounting; caps on water; lower economic growth targets; the 12th Five-Year Plan; debate and increased monitoring of PM2.5 [fine particulate matter] and huge investments in eco-cities, "clean car" manufacturing, public transport, energy-saving devices and renewable technology.
  • (10) Several studies have found that pollution and climate change disproportionately affect the poor , which means boosting clean energy generation and cutting pollution could also simultaneously reduce global inequality .
  • (11) The Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990 was signed into law by President Bush on November 15, 1990.
  • (12) She followed that with a job at Bibendum – she still talks of Simon Hopkinson, "such an elegant cook, so particular and clean and efficient", with deep reverence – and another at Roscoff in Northern Ireland.
  • (13) Data support the use of clean intermittent catheterization under the conditions used in this study, including the use of a sterile catheter each day and careful monitoring of infection and technique.
  • (14) During this period, the microbial flora of the isolator was unchanged, and the time required to clean the cages was reduced by 50%.
  • (15) Rayburn, who was also told by his jobcentre he would lose his benefits if he did not work without pay, said he spent almost two months stacking and cleaning shelves and sometimes doing night shifts.
  • (16) Although a clean step response or the ensemble average of several responses contaminated with noise is needed for the generation of the filter, random noise of magnitude less than or equal to 0.5% added to the response to be corrected does not impair the correction severely.
  • (17) Nick Nuttall, a spokesman for UNEP, said the latest findings should encourage more governments to follow moves by some politicians to invest billions of dollars in clean energy and efficiency as a way of curbing greenhouse gases.
  • (18) And that is why we have taken bold action at home – by making historic investments in renewable energy; by putting our people to work increasing efficiency in our homes and buildings; and by pursuing comprehensive legislation to transform to a clean energy economy.
  • (19) A government-commissioned review into the RET, headed by the businessman and climate change sceptic Dick Warburton, concluded that while it has largely achieved its aims and helped create jobs in clean energy, it should be either wound back or cut off entirely.
  • (20) The studies allow the interpretation that retention of food in the diverticula is not the reason for the bacterial miscolonization of the duodenum and the biliary tract, but in patients with diverticula a disturbed self-cleaning mechanism is present.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) The aim of this study was to compare the effect of the commercially available Veadent mouthwash and chlorhexidine on plaque formation.
  • (2) Furthermore, volatile sulfide and 2-ketobutyrate productions from methionine in a saliva putrefaction system were completely inhibited by the two-phase mouthwash; and consumption of methionine was decreased by 65 percent.
  • (3) Oropharyngeal topical anesthesia with viscous lidocaine (25 ml of 2% as a "mouthwash and gargle" 10 min before laryngoscopy) attenuated the pressor but not heart rate (HR) response during laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.
  • (4) These initial results are encouraging and, though not all results are statistically significant, appear to support the potential usefulness of benzydamine mouthwash in managing oral mucositis due to cancer therapy.
  • (5) The results showed considerable variation but no significant difference in gingival inflammation between hygienic treatment and a daily mouthwash with chlorhexidine-gluconate or povidone-iodine.
  • (6) These results suggested that allopurinol mouthwash regimen was well tolerated and effective for prevention of the chemotherapy induced stomatitis.
  • (7) The results indicated that neither mouthwash was very effective in controlling VSC production.
  • (8) The results of the trial demonstrated that the 3 active mouthwash preparations used as supplements to regular tooth cleaning measures markedly improved both the oral hygiene status and the gingival conditions of the participating human volunteers, compared to the control rinse.
  • (9) Kill-time determinations, used at half the concentration of the normal preparation, revealed a rapid lethal effect for all tested mouthwashes.
  • (10) All indices of gingival inflammation and plaque were significantly increased at days 12 and 19 with the 0.1% mouthwash formulation.
  • (11) A simple mouthwash procedure was shown to have no prophylactic benefit in the aerosol group.
  • (12) The trial was carried out over 33 days during which each subject used three different formulations of mouthwash: a high concentration (0.16% sodium chloride in an activating system), a low concentration (0.04% sodium chloride, comparably activated) and a placebo mouthwash (activating system alone).
  • (13) The activities of the various derivatives were compared with those of antiplaque agents commonly used as mouthwashes; cetylpyridinium chloride (CP) and chlorhexidine acetate (CH).
  • (14) However, absorption of the drug was low (less than 10 per cent of the dose) after its use by male subjects as a mouthwash, or after its application to female subjects as dermal cream and vaginal douche preparations.
  • (15) The 0.2% mouthwash produced the characteristic staining noted with most chlorhexidine preparations.
  • (16) The efficiency of the preparation on selected oral micro-organisms was tested against mouthwash solutions containing plain chlorhexidine (CHX) and sodium fluoride (F) in 45 military cadets who volunteered to participate in this double-blind cross-over study.
  • (17) The mouthwash study employed a 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution, a 0.5% astringent solution and a control mouthwash.
  • (18) Teeth were brushed ad lib throughout; four of the five groups used either an interdental cleaner, dental floss, an essential oil mouthwash or a cetypyridinium mouthwash.
  • (19) Statistical comparison of the results obtained in these two groups, treated with benzydamine and placebo mouthwash, revealed a marked difference in the clinical evolution of iatrogenic tissue damage.
  • (20) In six patients who experienced mucositis when treated initially with 5-fluorouracil, the use of an allopurinol mouthwash with subsequent courses resulted in a reduction of oral toxicity.

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