(1) He helped her cope when her mother and then her father, who had been an Anglican cleric, died in quick succession in 1981.
(2) Turkish police have stormed the offices of an opposition media group days before the country’s pivotal election, in a crackdown on companies linked to a US-based cleric and critic of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan .
(3) "Everyone calls him the Socialist Worker Padre," one bland senior cleric told me with a sly and dismissive laugh.
(4) Throughout his career he has continued to champion Crane, seeing him as the direct heir to Walt Whitman – Whitman being "not just the most American of poets but American poetry proper, our apotropaic champion against European culture" – and slayer of neo-Christian adversaries such as "the clerical TS Eliot" and the old New Critics, who were and are anathema to Bloom, unresting defender of the Romantic tradition.
(5) Even the most popular Shia cleric, Sayyed Mohammed Fadlallah , a man who has deeply affected the thinking of key Hezbollah leaders and cadres since the party's inception, now says in no uncertain terms that Shias and the country as a whole want to see, and should see, a strong Lebanese army as the nation's sole protector; and that the perpetually unstable confessional system must be ended as soon as possible.
(6) Minutes after David Cameron joined the attack on Wednesday by claiming Khan was close to a south London cleric, Suliman Gani, who “supports IS [Islamic State]”, Team Zac circulated a dossier alleging Khan’s links with convicted terrorists, homophobes, antisemites and hate preachers.
(7) The main works in the mine were classified as mining, dressing of ores, refining, and clerical work.
(8) Computerization of the instrument resulted in a decrease in staff nurses' time spent rating patients, improved accuracy of ratings, ease of auditing, improved management reports, and a decrease in clerical time.
(9) Appeal court judges say they will deliver their ruling before Easter on the latest attempt by the home secretary, Theresa May , to lift the legal block on deporting the radical Islamist cleric, Abu Qatada, back to Jordan.
(10) He was a self-proclaimed cleric, though he had no formal qualifications or any evidence to support his claims.
(11) The surge in violence comes at a time of heightened political tension as the preparations of the coalition government to step down and fight elections have been threatened by a religious cleric who plans to bring a massive protest march to the capital on Monday.
(12) "We see these new laws being adopted," said Obolensky, "and then many clerical representatives and nationalists say that LGBT people are sick and need to be healed.
(13) On the face of it, Giles Fraser is an unlikely looking cleric.
(14) Symptomatology was more frequent in female detergent workers than among the clerical staff but no difference among men in different jobs was noted.
(15) The people of Iran, the region, Israel, America and the world deserve better than a deal that consolidates the grip on power of the violent revolutionary clerics who rule Tehran with an iron fist.” Here’s what members of the Bush team have said individually about the deal, since its announcement on Monday and in the weeks that led up to the announcement: Paul Wolfowitz , deputy secretary of defense under George W Bush, on Fox News : A bad deal is much worse than nothing.
(16) The work-load of house officers could be reduced considerably by providing additional clerical and administrative support and a more widespread adoption of an extended role for nurses.
(17) Reasons for missing appointments included the patient forgot or was confused (7 cases), weather (5), transportation difficulties (5), clerical error (3), and refusal of further chemotherapy (1).
(18) His interviews with al-Qaida, won partly because of a family link through marriage to a radical cleric, had angered the US, which had depicted him as a member of al-Qaida's media arm, not as an independent reporter.
(19) When Desai and her colleagues walked out, they were not members of a union, but they soon joined the Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff (Apex), which, along with the wider trade union movement, gave the Grunwick women considerable support during the strike, which lasted almost two years.
(20) Some of the women priests appeared to have sourced phone cases to match the colour of their clerical robes.
(v. t.) Of or pertaining to the church. See Ecclesiastical.
(n.) A person in holy orders, or consecrated to the service of the church and the ministry of religion; a clergyman; a priest.
Example Sentences:
(1) He also became an early ecclesiastical adopter of Twitter.
(2) But this time warp is a Seville one, and all the statues of (ecclesiastical) virgins, winged cherubs, shrines and other Catholic paraphernalia, plus portraits of the late Duchess of Alba, give it a unique spirit, as do the clientele – largely local, despite Garlochí’s international fame as the city’s most kitsch bar.
(3) There was repeated failure to assess the risk he posed to children, to confine him to his abbey, to thoroughly investigate allegations of abuse, to notify the police and social services, and to share information between dioceses and report matters to the appropriate civil and ecclesiastical authorities.” The report also criticised an order of Catholic nuns, the Sisters of Nazareth.
(4) That is Ecclesiastes, 1:2, as you'll find it in the Common English Bible.
(5) Recently, the church authorities barred her from practising in ecclesiastical tribunals, which rules over marriage annulments.
(6) Pope Francis has directed the Vatican to act decisively on ecclesiastic sex abuse cases and take measures against paedophile priests, saying the Catholic church's credibility was on the line.
(7) This study focuses on the residents of three ecclesiastical homes for the elderly in 19th century.
(8) They were not ones to build monuments; instead, they took weighing scales with them and ingot moulds to melt down spare ecclesiastical treasures.
(9) Given his active support for the charismatic movement in his diocese, one can only be concerned that he could be prepared to ordain women … How can the pope maintain discipline in the church if he himself does not conform himself to prevailing ecclesiastical legislation?"
(10) So they could be about quite mundane issues of ecclesiastical organisation.
(11) The penultimate twist in his long and unpredictable ecclesiastical career came last Friday, two days before it emerged that he had been accused of "inappropriate acts" by fellow priests.
(12) Their opposition is above all a public and political stance which is intended to maintain ecclesiastical unity, particularly within the Anglican communion.
(13) Ketan Patel, senior investment analyst at Ecclesiastical Investment Management, which holds AstraZeneca shares in several portfolios, said: “The shift in R&D strategy from volume-driven to science-driven looks set to deliver growth in 2017 and beyond for the company, although the speculation on Pfizer returning to make another bid will continue in the background.” More than half of third-quarter revenues came from AstraZeneca’s five key areas: its new heart drug Brilinta, its diabetes portfolio, respiratory medicines, emerging markets, and Japan.
(14) The service drew on hundreds of years of ecclesiastical tradition, but the proceedings differed in one key respect: for the first time in the Church of England's history, its head was enthroned by a woman.
(15) Consider God’s handiwork: who can make straight, what He hath made crooked?” These words, from Ecclesiastes, pose a pertinent question.
(16) Particular church leaders do not have a seat in parliament by virtue of their ecclesiastical office, although this does not preclude them being elected to a seat by popular vote.
(17) It is time to invite the nation to save these ecclesiastical beauties and for committed Christians to put down roots elsewhere.
(18) Andreotti obtained a first-class law degree from the University of Rome in 1941, specialising in ecclesiastical law.
(19) The criticism from the MCB comes after the CofE last week attacked the government's lack of consultation over its gay marriage plans, saying senior ecclesiastical figures learned of them only when Miller announced them to parliament.
(20) The practice received official support in Madrid in 1804 with a Real Cédula (royal order) of Charles IV to the civilian and ecclesiastic officials of the Indies and the Philippines.