What's the difference between clover and flower?



  • (n.) A plant of different species of the genus Trifolium; as the common red clover, T. pratense, the white, T. repens, and the hare's foot, T. arvense.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The clover constituents chiefly incriminated for these effects are glycosides of the isoflavone derivatives genistein and its 4'-methyl ether biochanin-A, daidzein and its 4'-methyl ether formononetin, and pratensein; coumestrol and its 3'- and 4'-methyl ethers account for the estrogenic activity of alfalfa.
  • (2) The highest level of contamination with fungi was observed in the concentrate feed mixture followed by clover hay and rice straw.
  • (3) These natural matrix materials included samples of milk (containing 2 different levels of radioactivity), soil, air filters and clover.
  • (4) The presented results proof in tendency that oilseed-rape (00-rape seed), wheat, and barley as green plants can contribute in clostridial toxicosis in hares, whereas grass and beets are involved only partially, and clover is practically completely atoxigenic.
  • (5) We conclude that the structure of the acidic EPS does not control host-specific nodulation of white clover, hairy vetch, and beans for the strains of R. leguminosarum tested here.
  • (6) Together with biochemical and genetic data, these clones have been used to characterize the Li locus which controls linamarase activity in white clover.
  • (7) Southern blot analysis of Hind III digested genomic DNA shows that the white clover genome contains three genes with homology to the linamarase cDNA and that at least two of these genes segregate independently.
  • (8) This clover was chopped, dried, and formulated at 45% into an otherwise purified diet and fed to six guinea pigs for 90 days.
  • (9) Studies with monovalent antigen-binding fragments of anti-clover root antibody and Azotobacter vinelandii hybrid transformants carrying the unique antigenic determinant suggest that these polysaccharides bind R. trifolii to the clover root hair tips which contain trifoliin.
  • (10) Alfalfa, red clover, orchardgrass and timothy were harvested in the vegetative stage, wilted and stored as hay, or ensiled in small batch silos (20 kg) at 60, 40 or 20% (direct cut) dry matter and were analyzed for compositional differences.
  • (11) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activities were detected in purified particles of white clover cryptic viruses 1 and 2.
  • (12) Anomalous nodulation of Trifolium subterraneum (subterranean clover) roots by Rhizobium leguminosarum 1020 was examined as a model of modified host-specificity in a Rhizobium-legume symbiosis.
  • (13) The agglutinins from these legumes were recognized by antibodies raised against the agglutinins of alfalfa and sweet clover.
  • (14) The soil reaction (pH) was not noteworthy affected by application of clover or grass residues.
  • (15) Comparative analysis of various copies of these repeated sequences, from R. trifolii (the clover symbiont) and R. meliloti (the alfalfa symbiont), reveals the presence of domains of intra- and interspecific conservation within the promoter regions.
  • (16) The frequency of piperacillin inactivation according to the clover-leaf test was significantly higher among the strains with synergism than among all the others (p less than 0.02).
  • (17) Charles Clover of the Financial Times , who tried to protect her, was pushed, thrown to the floor and kicked, and Channel 4 correspondent Jonathan Miller was punched.
  • (18) ), 2) tall fescue-red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), or 3) tall fescue-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) or were barn-fed, 4) tall fescue hay, 5) orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)-alfalfa hay, or 6) tall fescue silage from late October to early April during each of 5 yr.
  • (19) Clover's personal portable inhaler is described and illustrated.
  • (20) The complete nucleotide sequence of red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV) RNA-1 has been determined.



  • (n.) In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy portion, usually of a different color, shape, and texture from the foliage.
  • (n.) That part of a plant destined to produce seed, and hence including one or both of the sexual organs; an organ or combination of the organs of reproduction, whether inclosed by a circle of foliar parts or not. A complete flower consists of two essential parts, the stamens and the pistil, and two floral envelopes, the corolla and callyx. In mosses the flowers consist of a few special leaves surrounding or subtending organs called archegonia. See Blossom, and Corolla.
  • (n.) The fairest, freshest, and choicest part of anything; as, the flower of an army, or of a family; the state or time of freshness and bloom; as, the flower of life, that is, youth.
  • (n.) Grain pulverized; meal; flour.
  • (n.) A substance in the form of a powder, especially when condensed from sublimation; as, the flowers of sulphur.
  • (n.) A figure of speech; an ornament of style.
  • (n.) Ornamental type used chiefly for borders around pages, cards, etc.
  • (n.) Menstrual discharges.
  • (v. i.) To blossom; to bloom; to expand the petals, as a plant; to produce flowers; as, this plant flowers in June.
  • (v. i.) To come into the finest or fairest condition.
  • (v. i.) To froth; to ferment gently, as new beer.
  • (v. i.) To come off as flowers by sublimation.
  • (v. t.) To embellish with flowers; to adorn with imitated flowers; as, flowered silk.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Urban hives boom could be 'bad for bees' What happened: Two professors from a University of Sussex laboratory are urging wannabe-urban beekeepers to consider planting more flowers instead of taking up the increasingly popular hobby.
  • (2) A case is presented of deliberate chewing of the flowers of henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) in the hope of producing euphoria, and an account is given of the poisoning so produced.
  • (3) Malvidin chloride (MC) a colouring agent from flowers of Malvaviscus conzattii Greenum was studied for male anti-fertility effects in adult langur monkeys (Presbytis entellus entellus Dufresne).
  • (4) At Wembley England fielded: Springett; Armfield, McNeil; Robson, Swan, Flowers; Douglas, Greaves, Smith, Haynes, Charlton.
  • (5) I believe Flower when he promises he would not repeat his mistake.
  • (6) In these tissues, the viral DNA replicated at the site of inoculation and was transported first to the roots, then to the shoot apex and to the neighboring leaves and the flowers.
  • (7) I salute you.” So clear-fall logging and burning of the tallest flowering forests on the planet, with provision for the dynamiting of trees over 80 metres tall, is an ultimate good in Abbott’s book of ecological wisdom.
  • (8) "They were the real flowers in the show - boys who I picked up in the park because they looked right."
  • (9) Parietaria judaica (Pellitory-of-the-Wall) is native to the U.K., flowering from June to September, but is not usually considered to be of any clinical importance by U.K. allergists.
  • (10) New management at Lifeline changed the expenses policy to make it legally compliant and asked Flowers to pay the money back.
  • (11) These are collected in her pollen baskets which she takes back to the nest to feed the young after fertilising the flowers.
  • (12) Angela Merkel , who turns 60 on Thursday, thanked a German reporter who sang the traditional birthday song at a news conference in Brussels, and revealed that other leaders had given her flowers.
  • (13) Frahm witnessed how every morning Weiwei puts a flower into the basket of a bicycle just outside his studio, which he will continue until he is free again to ride it out through the gates.
  • (14) It is that rare flower, a positive environmental story.
  • (15) Jane Baxter's stuffed courgette flowers Stuffed courgette flowers Photograph: Rob White You can't get much more summery than courgette flowers – Jane Baxter's take on these light crispy fried delights (use a vegetarian parmesan-style cheese ).
  • (16) This study documents a previously unrecognized potential source of occupational pesticide exposure and suggests that safety standards should be set for residue levels on cut flowers.
  • (17) We suggest that both vertical transmission of Ty1-copia group retrotransposons within plant lineages and horizontal transmission between different species have played roles in the evolution of Ty1-copia group retrotransposons in flowering plants.
  • (18) I cracked a few jokes because I thought we had been through such a terrible event we need to laugh.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest A man lays flowers outside the synagogue in Copenhagen after two deadly shootings.
  • (19) The carcinogenic activity of petasitenine, a new pyrrolizidine alkaloid isolated from young flower stalk of Petasites japonicus, was studied in ACI rats.
  • (20) In both experiments, videotapes of model monkeys behaving fearfully were spliced so that it appeared that the models were reacting fearfully either to fear-relevant stimuli (toy snakes or a toy crocodile), or to fear-irrelevant stimuli (flowers or a toy rabbit).