What's the difference between cogging and jogging?



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Cog

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Photograph: Polish Government Despite his clear-eyed approach to the looted artworks, Wächter maintains that his father was an unwilling cog in the Nazi killing machine, a position that has won him many critics.
  • (2) Radioimmunoassays carried out on acidic extracts of the same organs confirm the molecular results and lead us to conclude to the presence of substances strongly related to MK in the ovotestis as well as in the circumoesophageal ganglia (COG), and to ascertain that the MK-positive tentacular collar cells do not contain authentic MK.
  • (3) Recombination at his-3 in Neurospora crassa is thought to be initiated through a site designated cog which lies in the his-3 to ad-3 interval of linkage group I. Fragments of the his-3 gene were used to transform various his-3 mutant alleles to prototrophy in order to link the genetic map to the nucleotide sequence.
  • (4) On the other hand, the patient was noticed lethargic and showed parkinsonism i.e., rest tremor, cog-wheel rigidity, and hypokinesia.
  • (5) But this larger-than-life character was only a small cog in Fifa’s global money-making machine and the FBI successfully persuaded him to wear a wire tap and rat on his fellow officials – in a classic law-enforcement sting usually directed at mobsters.
  • (6) This protein was not detected in surface protein preparations of class 1 COG- mutants.
  • (7) It added: “A review of declarations of interest confirmed the CoG did not disclose these on the [2014] annual declaration.” In a letter dated 8 March, the government’s Education Funding Agency said there had been “serious breaches of the academies financial handbook, including serious concerns about financial management, control and governance”.
  • (8) We drive to the seafront, where two fishermen are toiling to the rear of the beach, turning cogs that wind a rope attached to their boat to tug it in from the sea over wooden planks.
  • (9) Selection for spontaneously occurring Cog- mutants gave rise to two phenotypic classes of mutants.
  • (10) You take a train from Interlaken to Wilderswil and then the cog railway to Schynige Platte at 2,000m for breakfast with spectacular views of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau.
  • (11) COG in combination with subsequent behavioral hearing screening was a sensitive strategy for detecting significant hearing loss: only one child was missed with this combination.
  • (12) The Spurs had a 11-point lead at one point here, James wasn't scoring, Wade had more turnover than points and Rashard Lewis was the biggest offensive cog.
  • (13) The helices are packed in such a way as to be embedded in each other as cog-wheels.
  • (14) These findings are confirmed by the COG study of prolonged 5-FU which shows prolongation of disease-free survival of borderline statistical significance for Dukes' C colon (P = 0.051) + rectum (P = 0.016).
  • (15) Although headache-index comparisons of the two active treatments showed no advantage for adding cognitive therapy to PMR, a measure of clinically significant change showed a trend for PMR + Cog to be superior to PMR alone.
  • (16) A total of 270 patients with metastatic malignant melanoma were entered into a randomized chemotherapy study conducted by the Central Oncology Group (COG) over a period of 2 years (COG protocol No.
  • (17) Doctors do not work in a void – we are part of a team, and every part of that team is a necessary cog in the machine.
  • (18) I would describe my role as a small cog in the gears.
  • (19) The Cards DH will be another important bat, Allen Craig, one of four Cardinals to hit over .300 this season, but a cog that missed the first two Cardinals postseason series with foot issues - this also turned out just fine for the Cardinals.
  • (20) Five months after head injury, when he was first admitted to us, he was stable with signs of oligokinesia, katatonic posture, speechlessness, rigid muscle tones and positive cog-wheel phenomenon.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Jog
  • (n.) The act of giving a jog or jogs; traveling at a jog.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Training must be based on physical exercises in endurance (jogging, bicycle) at the rate of 3 weekly sessions to reach a good level of intensity corresponding at least to an energy consumption of 2,000 calories per week.
  • (2) To determine whether recreational levels of training (jogging) will provoke short luteal phase menstrual cycles, a prospective study was conducted.
  • (3) On separate occasions, each subject walked (4.8 kph) or jogged (9.6 kph) for 25 min.
  • (4) Participation in vigorous sports activities, such as jogging, swimming, tennis, etc., helps to protect against the development of hypertension, even when other predisposing factors are present.
  • (5) The solution is for Hathaway to spend a year in sarky Manchester, where her attempts to go jogging will be thwarted by 324 days of rain, and if she so much as thinks about telling a Mancunian barmaid that she has poured those lagers fantastically well, she will swiftly learn an aloofness not taught in any American drama school.
  • (6) Patients' confidence in their ability to jog various distances was measured with a jog self-efficacy (SE) scale before a group exercise program was begun.
  • (7) In Portland, their routine starts with Farah and Rupp running 12 miles on grass before they jog to a running track that seems to have been dropped from 30,000 feet into the woods.
  • (8) In the present study, insulin action was determined using the euglycemic clamp technique in six untrained nonobese subjects before, during, and after long-term mild regular jogging.
  • (9) In the training group, patients performed 2 km walk-jog exercise everyday for 1 month, keeping their heart rate (HR) at 90-100% of that in the anaerobic threshold.
  • (10) 8.08pm BST 6 min: Baines goes on a wee jog down the left, and guides a cross-cum-pass into the area for Rooney, arriving late level with the left-hand post, ten yards out.
  • (11) They’d say: ‘Today he’s jogging but he doesn’t look quite right’.
  • (12) The levels of the thyrotropic and thyroid hormones were studied in the serum of 115 persons going in for jogging and in 271 persons not going in for jogging, using a radioimmunoassay.
  • (13) Under the name of "brain jogging", an economical programme is introduced for mental training, aimed at maintaining and improving basic central information processing capacities.
  • (14) The aerobic regimen consisted of walking, jogging, stationary bicycling, or any combination of these activities for 30 minutes, four times a week, at 65-80% maximal heart rate.
  • (15) These findings indicate that water walking could serve as an effective exercise mode, for example, for cardiorespiratory fitness for individuals who are unable to perform such weight-bearing activities as jogging, fast walking, cycling, and dancing.
  • (16) The change in the aggregation response was significant for t alpha at month 1 and for delta tmax at month 2 after starting the jogging.
  • (17) Endurance jogging reduced the sympathetic response to moderate exercise.
  • (18) Physiologic levels were maintained during the final 8 weeks and showed no differences between the CST and jogging groups.
  • (19) The training program consisted of three 45-min walking and jogging exercise sessions per week at an intensity of approximately 60-85% of the heart rate at peak VO2.
  • (20) Five healthy, mature, previously trained Standardbred horses were given no exercise (left in a stall) for 4 months, then jogged (slow exercise) for 3 weeks, and placed in a 6-week training period.

Words possibly related to "cogging"