(n.) A company of people transplanted from their mother country to a remote province or country, and remaining subject to the jurisdiction of the parent state; as, the British colonies in America.
(n.) The district or country colonized; a settlement.
(n.) A company of persons from the same country sojourning in a foreign city or land; as, the American colony in Paris.
(n.) A number of animals or plants living or growing together, beyond their usual range.
Example Sentences:
(1) Therefore, it is suggested that PE patients without endogenous erythroid colonies may follow almost the same clinical course as SP patients.
(2) A beta-adrenergic receptor cDNA cloned into a eukaryotic expression vector reliably induces high levels of beta-adrenergic receptor expression in 2-12% of COS cell colonies transfected with this plasmid after experimental conditions are optimized.
(3) Four of the 39 ticks in our colony were infected with a spirochete; presumably, Borrelia crocidurae.
(4) High-grade and low-grade candidemia were defined as 25 colony-forming units or more per 10 ml and 10 colony-forming units or fewer per 10 ml of blood, respectively.
(5) Cell lines specific for class I or class II loci of the MHC produced interferon and colony-stimulating factors.
(6) DNA from 9% (47 of 529) of the E. coli colonies tested hybridized with the ST probe, whereas only 5% (28 of 529) produced ST as measured by the suckling mouse bioassay.
(7) Proliferation of quiescent hematopoietic stem cells, purified by cell sorting and evaluated by spleen colony assay (CFU-S), was investigated by measuring the total cell number and CFU-S content and the DNA histogram at 20 and 48 hours of liquid culture.
(8) When an expression vector containing plasminogen cDNA is transfected into baby hamster kidney cells, the number of drug-resistant colonies as well as the levels of plasminogen secreted by those colonies is lower than observed in similar transfections of other protease precursor genes.
(9) Alterations in DNA synthesis induced by a single dose of cyclophosphamide in normal and tumorous tissues in vivo paralleled in many respects the changes seen when the more time-consuming techniques of the LI or granulocyte colony formation were employed.
(10) Coup leader Captain Amadou Sanogo on Friday pleaded for foreign help to preserve the territorial integrity of the former French colony, a major gold and cotton producer.
(11) We isolated soft agar colonies (a-subclones) and sub-clones from foci (h-subclones) of both hybrids, and, as a control, subclones of cells from random areas without foci of one hybrid (BS181 p-subclones).
(12) As compared with solvent-treated control, no significant increases were observed in the number of revertant colonies in all tester strains in both systems with and without mammalian metabolic activation (S9 Mix).
(13) When PMC purified to greater than 99% purity were cultured in methylcellulose with IL-3 and IL-4, approximately 25% of the PMC formed colonies, all of which contained both berberine sulfate-positive and berberine sulfate-negative mast cells.
(14) Viruses isolated from ticks (Ixodes uriae) from a seabird colony on the Isle of May, Scotland, were shown by complement fixation tests to be related to the Uukuniemi and Kemerovo serogroups.
(15) The genetic management of the African green monkey breeding colony was discussed in relation to the difference in distribution of phenotypes of M and ABO blood groups between the parental (wild-originated) and the first filial (colony-born) populations.
(16) When foods such as dairy products contain large numbers of egg yolk-negative strains of S. aureus, the PPSA agar has the advantage over egg yolk containing media such as Baird-Parker agar that fewer suspect colonies have to be confirmed.
(17) Control-operated cells with centrosomes left in the karyoplast progress through the cell cycle, duplicate the centrosome, and form clonal cell colonies.
(18) However, the blasts formed mixed colonies consisting of erythroblasts, granulocytes, macrophages, and immature blasts when cultured in methylcellulose with PHA-leukocyte conditioned medium.
(19) Direct testing, using colonies of N. gonorrhoeae mixed with the Phadebact gonococcus test reagents, produced noninterpretable results in many cases.
(20) With the H-2+ cells, treatment with each modality significantly increased the number of metastatic colonies.
(n.) Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling; independent right of possession, use, and control; sovereignty; supremacy.
(n.) Superior prominence; predominance; ascendency.
(n.) That which is governed; territory over which authority is exercised; the tract, district, or county, considered as subject; as, the dominions of a king. Also used figuratively; as, the dominion of the passions.
(n.) A supposed high order of angels; dominations. See Domination, 3.
Example Sentences:
(1) One exception to this rule is France, which once counted the Central African Republic amongst its dominions.
(2) The Dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa have assented to the new legislation, and the Free State Dail meets to-day.
(3) Thus, individual preganglionic axons do not require exclusive dominion over a particular part of a postsynaptic cell in order to maintain their connection with the cell.
(4) The Court upheld Pennsylvania's law defining medical emergency, as construed by the Court of Appeals; allowed a 24-hour waiting period for women who must 1st hear information about pregnancy and abortion to insure thoughtful informed consent; allowed a parental consent provision, with a judicial bypass; and allowed a recordkeeping and reporting requirement; but disallowed a spousal notification requirement, noting that "[a] State may not give to a man the kind of dominion over his wife that parents exercise over their children."
(5) A news helicopter hovered overhead, along with a swarm of television news trucks in what is ordinarily a tranquil meadow in a large, wooded section within sight of a roller coaster at the Kings Dominion amusement park along Interstate 95.
(6) Fortunes were made by the likes of Rockefeller, Mellon and Carnegie, living standards rose and, in 1890, the US Bureau of Census announced that there was no longer a frontier – the US, its laws and its dominion stretched "from sea to shining sea".
(7) The idea of taxing anybody on this "remittance basis" was introduced when income tax was first imposed - in 1799 - in order to allow those who owned land in his majesty's dominions to escape tax on their colonial wealth unless they brought it back to England.
(8) Some contentious issues may be clarified if this area of human dominion, namely control over genetic expression among offspring, is acknowledged to be the legitimate persisting concern of those who have produced sperm and ova after storage commences.
(9) It also insists that exercising the dominion granted to humankind in Genesis means tilling “ the whole Earth ”, transforming it “from wilderness to garden and ultimately to garden city”.
(10) When I met Boris in his office, the nucleus of his dominion, I glanced at his library.
(11) Ukip's total victory has transformed the electoral landscape for ever, from a world of three-party politics to a single-party dominion set to last 500,000 years.
(12) Mastery is a human response to difficult or stressful circumstances in which competency, control, and dominion have been gained over the experience of stress.
(13) Thomas Jefferson believed that the constitution should expire after 19 years, so that the dead would not have dominion over the living.
(14) But with the results out of the way, and the first chapter of what promises to be a long-running accounting inquiry complete, new boss Dave Lewis feels it is now safe to leave the country, at least for a couple of days, to inspect his dominion.
(15) This is in response to an increasingly aggressive China, which claims dominion over vast areas of the Pacific that the US considers international waters, and has alarmed smaller Asian neighbours by reigniting old territorial disputes, including confrontations over the South China Sea.
(16) If men turned away from "softness, play, emotional connection, all the so-called feminine attributes", society would reward the traditional man, if not with material wealth and political prominence, at least with dominion over wife and children.
(17) Another is the Canzuk concept, the dream of a free trade and free movement zone between the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – three nations from what used to be called the “white dominions”.
(18) Nine of 25 runners in the 1989 Old Dominion 100-mile Endurance Race took 800 mg of cimetidine 1 hr before the start and at 50 miles.
(19) They hit hard, as if their aim was to establish an "illimitable dominion over all".
(20) As Rick Santorum explained at an energy summit in Colorado : "We were put on this Earth as creatures of God to have dominion over the Earth … for our benefit not for the Earth's benefit."