(1) A similar interference colour appeared after incubating sections of rat skin with chymase.
(2) What we’re doing is designed to improve people’s lives.” "I don't see race, colour or creed, and neither do my children," he added.
(3) They retained the ability to make this discrimination when the coloured stimuli were placed against a background bright enough to saturate the rods.3.
(4) Mendl's candy colours contrast sharply with the gothic garb of our hero's enemies and the greys of the prison uniforms – as well as scenes showing the hotel later, in the 1960s, its opulence lost beneath a drab communist refurb.
(5) On 17 December Clegg will set out his own script for the year ahead, testing the idea that coalition governments can function even as the two parties clearly show their separate colours.
(6) The Brandenburg Gate was lit up in the colours of the German flag.
(7) In his notorious 1835 Minute on Education , Lord Macaulay articulated the classic reason for teaching English, but only to a small minority of Indians: “We must do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.” The language was taught to a few to serve as intermediaries between the rulers and the ruled.
(8) Bound biocytinyl-E2 is detected after binding of streptavidin-peroxidase and colour production by the enzyme.
(9) Significant biases in the distribution of cases of babesiosis were found with regard to season (P < 0,05), sex (P < 0,001) and coat colour (P < 0.01).
(10) In order to map the mental state in the early puerperium the authors gave to a group of 100 women for five days after delivery Lüscher's colour test.
(11) Trichophytosis (T. equinum) is characterized as typical numerous small and round patches, covered by small, bran-like, asbestos-coloured scales.
(12) Malvidin chloride (MC) a colouring agent from flowers of Malvaviscus conzattii Greenum was studied for male anti-fertility effects in adult langur monkeys (Presbytis entellus entellus Dufresne).
(13) The conclusion is to warn the orthopaedic surgeons to look carefully what model is behind the pretty coloured results.
(14) His bracelets and his hair, neatly gathered in a colourful elasticated band, contrast with his unflashy day-to-day uniform of checked shirts, jeans or cheap chinos and trainers.
(15) Blunt homicide predominated amongst White females, who were substantially older than the Coloured and African subjects.
(16) Variation of scrotal colour was not due to changes in melanocyte number or dispersion of melanosomes.
(17) Most striking finding was his difficulty in identifying common objects and colours along with a profound alexia.
(18) In three the diagnosis was only suspected when the colour Doppler study showed dilated intraseptal and epicardial vessels and an abnormal flow signal into the pulmonary artery in diastole; this latter signal localised the exact site of communication, which was not apparent on angiocardiography.
(19) The verbal coding and recognition of colours of a group of chronic schizophrenics and their normal controls were investigated.
(20) Scott insisted he was an abstract painter in the way he felt Chardin was too: the pans and fruit were uninteresting in themselves; they were merely "the means of making a picture", which was a study in space, form and colour.
(n.) An apparition; a specter.
(n.) The several colored and other rays of which light is composed, separated by the refraction of a prism or other means, and observed or studied either as spread out on a screen, by direct vision, by photography, or otherwise. See Illust. of Light, and Spectroscope.
(n.) A luminous appearance, or an image seen after the eye has been exposed to an intense light or a strongly illuminated object. When the object is colored, the image appears of the complementary color, as a green image seen after viewing a red wafer lying on white paper. Called also ocular spectrum.
Example Sentences:
(1) Hypothyroidism complicated by spontaneous hyperthyroidism is an interesting but rare occurrence in the spectrum of autoimmune thyroid disorders.
(2) Along the spectrum of loyalties lie multiple loyalties and ambiguous loyalties, and the latter, if unresolved, create moral ambiguities.
(3) As May delivered her statement in the chamber, police helicopters hovered overhead and a police cordon remained in place around Westminster, but MPs from across the political spectrum were determined to show that they were continuing with business as usual.
(4) The reference library used in the operation of a computerized search program indicates the closest matches in the reference library data with the IR spectrum of an unknown sample.
(5) This transient paresis was accompanied by a dramatic fall in the MFCV concomitant with a shift of the power spectrum to the lower frequencies.
(6) Achilles tendon overuse injuries exist as a spectrum of diseases ranging from inflammation of the paratendinous tissue (paratenonitis), to structural degeneration of the tendon (tendinosis), and finally tendon rupture.
(7) Symptoms consistent with major affective disorder were present in one half and depressive spectrum diagnoses were made in one fourth of the cases prior to final diagnosis.
(8) The power spectrum of the EMG was analyzed during isometric contractions of the shoulder muscles.
(9) However, two methodologic factors might account for the covariation of these 'schizophrenia spectrum' personality traits and measures of brain function.
(10) The spectrum of one of these species ressembles that of a N(5)-C(4a) dihydroflavin adduct.
(11) Cefuzoname seems to be among the middle ranks of beta-lactam agents as far as penetration rate is concerned; however, when its potent antibacterial activity and broad spectrum are taken into account, the concentrations in CSF in patients with meningitis seem worth examining.
(12) (Tokyo) 58, 227), yields a protein mixture that has a time-dependent 13C-NMR spectrum.
(13) Respiratory muscle endurance at a given level of load was assessed from the time of exhaustion and from the time course of the change in the power spectrum (centroid frequency) of the diaphragm electromyogram (EMG).
(14) Sodium taurolithocholate, a monohydroxy bile salt, does not affect the CD spectrum of CEase, and neither the di- or the monohydroxy bile salt activates the enzyme.
(15) Broad-based secular comprehensives that draw in families across the class, faith and ethnic spectrum, entirely free of private control, could hold a new appeal.
(16) Starting from the observation that the part above 6 Hz of the power spectrum of force tremor during isometric contractions can be related to the unfused twitches of motor units firing asynchronously, an attempt was made to study the usefulness of force tremor spectral analysis as a global descriptor of motoneurone pool activity.
(17) This technique may help to a better understanding of the spectrum of abnormalities in each type of neurofibromatosis, thus facilitating the evaluation of this complex condition.
(18) An unusual spectrum of craniofacial and foot abnormalities has been detected within a large midwestern Amish kindred.
(19) No new peak appears in the ultraviolet spectrum (240 approximately 300 nm) while mycobacillin is inactivated.
(20) The sequential resonance assignment of the 1H NMR spectrum of the antihypertensive and antiviral protein BDS-I from the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata is presented.