

  • (n.) An axis to which a carpel of a compound pistil may be attached, as in the case of the geranium; or which is left when a pod opens.
  • (n.) A columnlike axis in the capsules of mosses.
  • (n.) A term applied to various columnlike parts; as, the columella, or epipterygoid bone, in the skull of many lizards; the columella of the ear, the bony or cartilaginous rod connecting the tympanic membrane with the internal ear.
  • (n.) The upright pillar in the axis of most univalve shells.
  • (n.) The central pillar or axis of the calicles of certain corals.

Compare columella with other words:

columella vs. columelliform

columella vs. mobile

columella vs. involucre

columella vs. fungi

columella vs. sporangium

columella vs. septa

calyx vs. columella

columella vs. coral

columella vs. whorl

columella vs. gastropod

columella vs. tympanum

columella vs. vibration

columella vs. septum

columella vs. columnar