What's the difference between common and symbol?



  • (v.) Belonging or relating equally, or similarly, to more than one; as, you and I have a common interest in the property.
  • (v.) Belonging to or shared by, affecting or serving, all the members of a class, considered together; general; public; as, properties common to all plants; the common schools; the Book of Common Prayer.
  • (v.) Often met with; usual; frequent; customary.
  • (v.) Not distinguished or exceptional; inconspicuous; ordinary; plebeian; -- often in a depreciatory sense.
  • (v.) Profane; polluted.
  • (v.) Given to habits of lewdness; prostitute.
  • (n.) The people; the community.
  • (n.) An inclosed or uninclosed tract of ground for pleasure, for pasturage, etc., the use of which belongs to the public; or to a number of persons.
  • (n.) The right of taking a profit in the land of another, in common either with the owner or with other persons; -- so called from the community of interest which arises between the claimant of the right and the owner of the soil, or between the claimants and other commoners entitled to the same right.
  • (v. i.) To converse together; to discourse; to confer.
  • (v. i.) To participate.
  • (v. i.) To have a joint right with others in common ground.
  • (v. i.) To board together; to eat at a table in common.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) One hundred and twenty-seven states have said with common voice that their security is directly threatened by the 15,000 nuclear weapons that exist in the arsenals of nine countries, and they are demanding that these weapons be prohibited and abolished.
  • (2) The patterns observed were: clusters of granules related to the cell membrane; positive staining localized to portions of the cell membrane, and, less commonly, the whole cell circumference.
  • (3) Melanoma is the second most common cancer, after testicular cancer, in males in the U.S. Navy.
  • (4) Some common eye movement deficits, and concepts such as 'the neural integrator' and the 'velocity storage mechanism', for which anatomical substrates are still sought, are introduced.
  • (5) Low birth weight, short stature, and mental retardation were common features in the four known patients with r(8).
  • (6) In a debate in the House of Commons, I will ask Britain, the US and other allies to convert generalised offers of help into more practical support with greater air cover, military surveillance and helicopter back-up, to hunt down the terrorists who abducted the girls.
  • (7) The common polyamines, spermidine and spermine, and histones were not substrates.
  • (8) Peripheral vascular surgery has become an increasingly common mode of treatment in non-university, community hospitals in Sweden during the last decade.
  • (9) The populations of Asia-Oceania have some features of the class II RFLPs in common, which are distinctly different from Caucasoids.
  • (10) The observed relationship between prorenin and renin substrate concentrations might be a consequence of their regulation by common factors.
  • (11) Patient or fetal cord serum is commonly used as a protein supplement to culture media used in in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • (12) We conclude that chloramphenicol resistance encoded by Tn1696 is due to a permeability barrier and hypothesize that the gene from P. aeruginosa may share a common ancestral origin with these genes from other gram-negative organisms.
  • (13) Community owned and run local businesses are becoming increasingly common.
  • (14) Historical analysis shows that institutions and special education services spring from common, although not identical, societal and philosophical forces.
  • (15) Topical and systemic antibiotic therapy is common in dermatology, yet it is hard to find a rationale for a particular route in some diseases.
  • (16) Herbalists in Baja California Norte, Mexico, were interviewed to determine the ailments and diseases most frequently treated with 22 commonly used medicinal plants.
  • (17) Obesity in the Pimas is familial and has complex relationships with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, a common disease in this population.
  • (18) A simple method of selective catheterization of the superficial femoral artery (SFA) following antegrade puncture of the common femoral artery is described.
  • (19) The main clinical symptom was pain, usually sciatica, while neurological symptoms were less common than they are in adults.
  • (20) These are particularly common in the field of sport.



  • (n.) A visible sign or representation of an idea; anything which suggests an idea or quality, or another thing, as by resemblance or by convention; an emblem; a representation; a type; a figure; as, the lion is the symbol of courage; the lamb is the symbol of meekness or patience.
  • (n.) Any character used to represent a quantity, an operation, a relation, or an abbreviation.
  • (n.) An abstract or compendium of faith or doctrine; a creed, or a summary of the articles of religion.
  • (n.) That which is thrown into a common fund; hence, an appointed or accustomed duty.
  • (n.) Share; allotment.
  • (n.) An abbreviation standing for the name of an element and consisting of the initial letter of the Latin or New Latin name, or sometimes of the initial letter with a following one; as, C for carbon, Na for sodium (Natrium), Fe for iron (Ferrum), Sn for tin (Stannum), Sb for antimony (Stibium), etc. See the list of names and symbols under Element.
  • (v. t.) To symbolize.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A tiny studio flat that has become a symbol of London's soaring property prices is to be investigated by planning, environmental health and fire safety authorities after the Guardian revealed details of its shoebox-like proportions.
  • (2) In Tirana, Francis lauded the mutual respect and trust between Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox Christians in Albania as a "precious gift" and a powerful symbol in today's world.
  • (3) They operate on a mystical and symbolic plane, which is foreign to the practice of "Western" medicine.
  • (4) They include the Francoist slogan "Arriba España" and the yoke-and-arrows symbol of the far right Falange, whose members killed the women.
  • (5) Plasma drug concentrations, subjective self-ratings, and the digit symbol substitution test (DSST) were evaluated during 24 hours after dosage.
  • (6) YOH shifted the healthy subjects' mood towards feeling panicked, elevated systolic blood pressure and plasma prolactin concentrations, reduced digit symbol substitution, and induced drowsiness and passiveness.
  • (7) Brazil and Argentina unite in protest against culture of sexual violence Read more The symbolic power of so many women standing together proves that focusing on victims does not mean portraying women as passive.
  • (8) There on the street is Young Jo whose last words were, "I am wery symbolic, sir."
  • (9) Third, the appropriation of these symbolic forms of society, self, and the emotions by the current Iranian Islamic state and the role of the state in defining the meaning and legitimacy of emotions and their expression is analyzed.
  • (10) The philosopher defended his actions by referring to Pierre Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence, naturally enough, but it didn't wash with HR.
  • (11) This museum is a symbol of the artistic vitality of Paris.
  • (12) The best was the oral version of the Symbol Digit Modalities test, which by itself accounted for 70% of the variance of the full-sized-vehicle driving score.
  • (13) The performance tests included tracking, choice reaction, flicker fusion, exophoria, nystagmus, digit symbol substitution and the subjective assessment of mood.
  • (14) Besides, Francis says, once their reformation had gone on longer than their initial career, the rest of the band were starting to feel wary about just playing the old material, particularly when they found themselves booked to play a Canadian casino, the kind of venue that is traditionally the preserve of oldies acts: "It was just sort of symbolic, like ha-ha, here we are, at the casino.
  • (15) To investigate this issue, data from two previous papers were reanalysed to investigate the complete time course of precuing target location with either: (1) a peripheral cue that may draw attention reflexively, or (2) a central, symbolic cue that may require attention to be directed voluntarily.
  • (16) This more recent system has developed embedded wlithin the posteriorly located analytic and mnemonic cortical tissues and provides for communications between individuals within the species at symbolic, verbal levels.
  • (17) The top of the fence can also be manipulated in certain ways such as including curvature outward at the top of the fence to make scaling it much more difficult for most.” Some critics, including Washington DC congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, have warned against excessive fortification, but the report argues: “We recognise all the competing considerations that may go into questions regarding the fence, but believe that protection of the President and the White House must be the higher priority.” “Every additional second of response time provided by a fence that is more difficult to climb makes a material difference in ensuring the President’s safety and protecting the symbol that is the White House.” The panel also urges that a new head of secret service, to replace ousted head Julia Pierson, be brought in from outside the agency, ensuring it is better staffed and trained in future.
  • (18) "They said I was speaking about things I should not be speaking about ... insulting national symbols.
  • (19) It would be symbolic – not legally binding – but Pearson’s proposal is not just constitutional poetry.
  • (20) The task was to discriminate the orientation of the middle [symbol: see text].