What's the difference between compact and pact?



  • (p. p. & a) Joined or held together; leagued; confederated.
  • (p. p. & a) Composed or made; -- with of.
  • (p. p. & a) Closely or firmly united, as the particles of solid bodies; firm; close; solid; dense.
  • (p. p. & a) Brief; close; pithy; not diffuse; not verbose; as, a compact discourse.
  • (v. t.) To thrust, drive, or press closely together; to join firmly; to consolidate; to make close; -- as the parts which compose a body.
  • (v. t.) To unite or connect firmly, as in a system.
  • (n.) An agreement between parties; a covenant or contract.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The estimated DNA compaction ratio (approximately 3-fold) is consistent with a significant degree of nucleosome unfolding in the hyperstimulated BR genes.
  • (2) DNA compactization by protamines and histones HI is discussed in terms of the results obtained.
  • (3) At S-L clefts, paranodal-nodal regions, and Schwann cell nuclei, the axonal areas were smaller and the NF densities were higher than at compact myelinated regions.
  • (4) A compact attachment for microscope-type instruments is described enabling to introduce, rapidly and qualitatively, minute biological speciments into melted embedding medium and ensuring the safety of optics.
  • (5) Laminin was already present on the cell surface at the 2-cell stage, while nidogen was first detectable on compacted 8- to 16-cell stage morulae.
  • (6) Both types of molecules are compact and globular in shape and apparently contain beta-pleated sheet conformation.
  • (7) The tail region appeared to be cleaved off, making the head region less compact.
  • (8) Qualitatively the cell aspirator collected epithelial cells which were better preserved morphologically, but also a larger number of compact cell clusters.
  • (9) The ultrastructural study of nucleoli and ribonucleoprotein-containing structures in human seminiferous tubules revealed that the nucleoli of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and Sertoli cells exhibited a tripartite structure consisting of: a fibrillar center, a compact granular portion, and a reticular portion containing both pars fibrosa and pars granulosa.
  • (10) Compaction of the morula is a prerequisite for subsequent differentiation of the mouse embryo.
  • (11) Most double-helical segments were reactive to cobra venom ribonuclease to some degree; the exceptions were the five "long-range" helices that are probably compactly folded within the structure.
  • (12) During powder compaction on a Manesty Betapress, peak pressures, Pmax, are reached before the punches are vertically aligned with the centres of the upper and lower compression roll support pins.
  • (13) Based on these results we propose that the linearization of the DNA elution dose-response curve observed after chromatin decondensation reflects a reduction in the degree of chromatin compactness in the nuclear complexes that leads to a relatively uniform distribution of the DNA on the filter and reduces trapping of elutable material in the compact nuclear structures otherwise present.
  • (14) Cleavage to the compacted and cavitating stages was achieved in 78% and 69%, respectively, of human embryos cocultured in 24-48 hour human ampullary subcultures as compared to 50% and 33%, respectively, for embryos grown in culture medium alone.
  • (15) These observations strongly suggest that (i) GCN4 specifically recognizes the central base pair, (ii) the optimal half-site for GCN4 binding is ATGAC, not ATGAG, and (iii) GCN4 is a surprisingly flexible protein that can accommodate the insertion of a single base pair in the center of its compact binding site.
  • (16) In fact, the large scattering angle we chose, theta = 135 degrees, allowed us to assemble a very compact source-detector device.
  • (17) A monoclonal antibody to the cell adhesion molecule, E-cadherin, which mediates mouse embryo compaction, completely blocks compaction induced by these activators of PKC.
  • (18) At rostral levels, one third of the tracts are loosely built forming a king of curtain, while they become more compact at caudal levels.
  • (19) This shows that the compaction of chromatin associated with transcriptional inactivation does not require phosphorylation of H3 and suggests that the level of basal phosphorylation of H1 is not correlated with the intensity of transcription or DNA replication.
  • (20) After 8 days of incubation, SM subdivides into superficial (compact) and deep (disperse) sublaminae.



  • (v.) An agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Unfortunately, under the Faustian pact we have witnessed a double whammy: fiscal policy being used to reduce government spending when the economy is already depressed.
  • (2) On 21 August 1968, armies of five Warsaw Pact countries – the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and East Germany – invaded Czechoslovakia to crush democratic reforms known as the Prague spring.
  • (3) The EU and Ukraine are scheduled to sign the political part of their association pact at the summit on Friday.
  • (4) The Hollande team maintained that all topics were on the table and also held open the prospect that France could refuse to ratify Merkel's fiscal pact compelling debt and deficit reduction in the eurozone unless eurobonds were recognised as a possible tool.
  • (5) More than half of Ukrainians oppose Poroshenko’s peace plan, according to a recent poll Second, Poroshenko appears to have made a “non-aggression” pact with Svoboda, the radical Ukrainian nationalist party .
  • (6) A political official, who asked not to be named, described a pact between elite white and black residents: “There’s an unwritten deal in place,” she said.
  • (7) Russia Aligned to the Warsaw Pact bloc Sometimes you just have to applaud Russia's diplomatic genius.
  • (8) The row has weakened Martine Aubry, who declared her presidential bid last week, but had a pact with Strauss-Kahn and could be pressured to stand aside for him.
  • (9) They complained that while in Washington Cameron launched another round of Brussels-bashing when he was supposed to be promoting the merits of a potential gamechanging trade pact between the EU and the US.
  • (10) But the Turnbull government has muted its public support for the trade pact since Donald Trump won the US presidential election.
  • (11) At the time, Christie called the pact “gimmicky” and harmful to business interests.
  • (12) These parties, with an electoral pact, could win an election to form a one-term coalition to introduce a fair form of proportional representation, after which they could disband.
  • (13) Despite their crimes, Sharif’s faction of the Pakistan Muslim League has been accused of striking electoral pacts with them in his heartlands of Punjab province.
  • (14) Zschäpe was arrested in November 2011, after the bodies of Mundlos and Böhnhardt were found in a burnt out caravan in Eisenach, following a bank robbery that went badly wrong, after which the men apparently killed each other in a suicide pact.
  • (15) The Green party’s only MP, Caroline Lucas , has called on Labour to support multiparty politics by entering into “progressive pacts” with other parties in certain constituencies.
  • (16) A Tory win could deliver an EU referendum which Ukip has always wanted – potentially through a pact between the parties – but destroy its raison d’être if the UK decides to stay in.
  • (17) "The party will fight the next general election in Great Britain as an independent party without any pacts or agreements with any other party and presenting our manifesto as the clear and distinct basis for liberal government."
  • (18) He spoke about his "responsibility pact" to reduce charges for business and cut red tape in exchange for promises that they will employ more staff.
  • (19) A series of Tory figures have canvassed the possibility of a formal or informal pact, including leading backbencher Nicholas Boles, former prime minister John Major and leader of the Lords, Lord Strathclyde.
  • (20) She says that frontbenchers started selling the idea of a pact with the Tories to MPs this morning.