(n.) One who accompanies or is in company with another for a longer or shorter period, either from choice or casually; one who is much in the company of, or is associated with, another or others; an associate; a comrade; a consort; a partner.
(n.) A knight of the lowest rank in certain orders; as, a companion of the Bath.
(n.) A fellow; -- in contempt.
(n.) A skylight on an upper deck with frames and sashes of various shapes, to admit light to a cabin or lower deck.
(n.) A wooden hood or penthouse covering the companion way; a companion hatch.
(v. t.) To be a companion to; to attend on; to accompany.
(v. t.) To qualify as a companion; to make equal.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the companion paper, we quantitatively account for the observation that the ability of a solute to promote fusion depends on its permeability properties and the method of swelling.
(2) Headache, vegetative und neurological symptoms are frequent but not necessary companions.
(3) The preceding companion paper presents a biochemical study of two abnormal protein 4.1 species from individuals with the red blood cell disorder, hereditary elliptocytosis.
(4) A companion paper further discusses the nature of peaks B and C materials.
(5) I used to tease him with the suggestion he had chosen me as walking companion because I had no mathematics at all and so he was safe from prying questions, but in fact now and then he did used to tell me about what he was doing – and how clear it all seemed when he spoke!
(6) His companions eventually apologised to me, but only after apologising to my boyfriend, and only after being kicked out by restaurant staff who reinforced that the behaviour was unacceptable.
(7) These results are compared with experimental data on angular scattering from liver, muscle, and blood, reported in a companion paper [J. Acoust.
(8) The sources of data are the 1982 and 1984 National Long Term Care Surveys and the companion 1982 Informal Caregivers Survey.
(9) Microliths are rarely encountered in tracheal washings from companion animals.
(10) This is the first report of companion cell lines, one malignant and one normal, established from the same organ.
(11) These results form a base line with which luteolytic changes described in the companion study (Paavola, L.G.
(12) Money was tight and hunger was a constant companion.
(13) Findings based on applying the procedure to simultaneously recorded spike and event trains are described in a companion paper (Frostig et al.
(14) Her companion, a man in his fifties, also refused to give his name to the “Lugen Presse” (liar press, a term coined by the Nazis and frequently chanted at Pegida events), but is quick to add: “We’ve nothing against helping foreigners in need, like those poor people in Syria, but we should be helping them in their own country, not bringing them over here.” The demonstrations feel like an invitation for anyone to voice any grievance.
(15) In a companion microneurographic study (Schmidt et al.
(16) He throws confessions about his love of guns or his lust for violence into restaurant conversations, but his inanely sophisticated companions carry on conversing about the varieties of sushi or the use of fur by leading designers.
(17) This paper is a companion to an earlier report on prenatal visiting patterns in Aberdeen, Scotland (McKinlay, 1970).
(18) At that time, more patients were depressed and had a lower income, fewer wanted a transplant, and five had lost their living companion.
(19) The people who were persecuting him and his companions and his sympathizers.
(20) Discrimination between individual strangers and companions was examined in day-old domestic chicks.
(n.) One who works with another; a co/perator.
Example Sentences:
(1) Make Quinn stay with B613 I think it would be difficult to bring her back to the fold at Pope and Associates (unless they’re playing the long con and her infiltration of B613 is part of the plan), but her anger would be well utilized against her former coworkers.
(2) This communication reviews the almost 40 years of studies by Jack Metcoff, MD, and coworkers to unravel the causes of fetal malnutrition and their efforts to prevent it.
(3) The pulmonary diffusing capacity (DLCO) was measured in 13 healthy subjects during heart catheterization by the steady-state method (according to Bates and his coworkers).
(4) The deletion patterns in DMD and BMD patients are different and well in accordance with the "reading frame theory" of Monaco and coworkers.
(5) The equations of membrane potential developed by Kobatake and coworkers have been applied to the literature data on the resting membrane potential of the crayfish and Myxicola axons to derive values for the surface charge density present on the axon membranes.
(6) The study of the 40 Hz activity of the brain which was begun by Adrian (1942) has been furthered for the past years with several new approaches: A neural model for the generation of 40 Hz activity in attention has been published by Freeman (1975) whereas new possibilities in clinical applications and exploration of cognitive processes in an extended manner was proposed by Galambos and coworkers (1981).
(7) An immunofluorescence procedure recently elaborated by Aarden and coworkers, which utilizes the kinetoplast of the hemoflagellate Crithidia luciliae as substrate, was employed.
(8) Kinetic and inhibition characteristics resembled those reported by Nakayama and coworkers (1982) for guinea pig lung CBR.
(9) Considering only subjects with repeatable measurements, FEV1 was lower among textile workers with byssinosis and machinists with chronic bronchitis than among their asymptomatic coworkers.
(10) The recent discovery by De Bold and coworkers that hypervolemia (by atrial distension) induces the release of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) suggests an important physiopathological, and perhaps therapeutic, role for this natriuretic peptide in kidney transplantation.
(11) Preliminary condition for therapeutic success is a close coworking between pediatric nephrologist, pediatric urologist, family doctor and parents.
(12) However, less than half of those same people said they would feel comfortable hearing LGBT coworkers talk about their social lives, dating or a related subject.
(13) Our results are compared with those of Traut and coworkers (Traut, R. R., Tewari, D. S., Sommer, A., Gavino, G. R., Olson, H. M., and Glitz, D. G. (1986) in Structure, Function and Genetics of Ribosomes (Hardesty, B. and Kramer, G., eds) pp.
(14) Magilligan and coworkers (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1976;72:690) introduced the modern era of large series of combined lung-brain resection with low mortality (3%) and a 5-year outcome of 21%.
(15) Many of his disciples and coworkers became first rate scientists, owing a lot to his encouraging personality.
(16) An analytical stereophotogrammetry (SPG) technique has been developed based upon some of the pioneering work of Selvik [Ph.D. thesis, University of Lund, Sweden (1974)] and Huiskes and coworkers [J. Biomechanics 18, 559-570 (1985)], and represents a fundamental step in the construction of biomechanical models of diarthrodial joints.
(17) This finding differs from that of Ashby and coworkers on rabbit muscle AMP deaminase, probably due to a difference in the properties of rat and rabbit muscle AMP deaminase.
(18) The role of early prophylactic ERC has become more clear when in 1988 Carr Locke and coworkers presented a prospective series of patients randomised for different management modalities and stratified according to severity of the pancreatitis.
(19) We refined the mouse ear-heart transplant model developed by Fulmer and coworkers and tested cyclosporine as a sole immunosuppressive agent in this model.
(20) Hegemann's technique of funnel chest correction using transsternal metal bar stabilization was adapted from the method published by Sulamaa and coworkers in 1958.