(1) When response properties of individual units were examined, a variety of profiles was observed with regard to rate and trial sensitivity: units were either not sensitive to stimulus rate, inversely sensitive, directly sensitive, or complexly sensitive.
(2) Also, an important conclusion is that the neonate should be considered a complexly functioning adult in the embryonic stage rather than an amorphous living creature.
(3) Particularly useful are sets of complexly overlapping deletions that have been recovered in radiation mutagenesis studies, propagated in breeding stocks, and genetically analyzed; these have constituted prerequisites for molecular genetic studies aimed at development of the DNA structure-function relationships for important genomic regions.
(4) The interstitium grows in parallel to the myocardial growth, beginning with a thin network surrounding each fibre that progressively in time is transformed in a complexly arranged and more densely packed structure.
(5) Seizures, epilepsy, and alcohol are complexly interrelated.
(6) The serum level of immunoglobulins in chronic pyelonephritis should be complexly interpreted, together with the other clinical and laboratory data.
(7) The authors conclude that 1) the relationship can be attributed to a reluctance on the part of the review team to physically relocate aged patients, and 2) long-term care patients with complexly intertwining medical and social needs might be most appropriately placed in facilities which offer a spectrum of services and multiple levels of care.
(8) Among amniotes, the myomeres divide to form a number of discrete muscles that may be complexly arranged.
(9) Excellent and good results were obtained in 80% of patients treated with sound waves complexly with other methods, in 40% when only drugs were used and 53% when only electric stimulation was used.
(10) These results support the hypothesis that growth cone motility and neurite elongation can be regulated by voltage-gated Ca2+ fluxes and suggest that the dynamics of neurite morphology may be complexly regulated by an array of neurotransmitters, as is functional electrical activity.
(11) The usual methods of psychiatric consultation in a medical-surgical ICU setting were found to be inadequate to deal with the complexly interrelated issues of patients' emotional reactions to severe injury and the simultaneous stresses on the staff who care for such critically ill patients.
(12) It is emphasized that instructional quality is a relative term, multifaceted, with subjective elements and complexly conditioned.
(13) Because these cells are involved in important adaptive behaviour it is inferred that these behaviours will be complexly affected by the intensity and duration of the stimulation of the receptive fields of the pleural sensory neurons.
(14) The fetus reacts at the onset of asphyxia with a remarkable series of responses, primarily a complexly regulated redistribution of blood flow that serves to limit the deleterious effects of oxygen limitation in vital organs.
(15) Function was poorest among those with a lifetime history of high body mass, and changes in body mass were complexly associated with subsequent function.
(16) Each sense organ is associated with a complexly folded system of membranes delimiting extracellular space continuous with space surrounding the dendritic process of the receptor.
(17) This may be a more complexly pleiotropic syndrome than suggested by the roentgenograms, since one of Sedaghatian's patients also had "microphthalmia, asymmetry of ears, depressed nasal bridge, broad nose, short neck, prominent sternum, and short lower extremities."
(18) The results support the notion that visual association cortex consists of a number of separate, but complexly interrelated, subdivisions.
(19) The authors conclude that while the difference in suicide rate between men and women is complexly determined, the weight of the evidence suggests that more men than women intend to commit suicide.
(20) The fields Pml2, Pe and epm are built more complexly: the cells are organized in 4 layers, more complexly differentiated by their form and size than in the field Pmm and correspondingly more various (long axonal densely branching cells are observed: pyramidal and spindle-like--of the cortical type and bushy--of the subcortical type, as well as long axonal rarely branching reticular cells).
(adv.) In a simple manner or state; considered in or by itself; without addition; along; merely; solely; barely.
(adv.) Plainly; without art or subtlety.
(adv.) Weakly; foolishly.
Example Sentences:
(1) But in 2017, to borrow another phrase from across the pond, there simply is no alternative.
(2) We recently demonstrated that functional change in SSI was possible simply by replacing the amino acid residue at the reactive P1 site (methionine 73) of SSI.
(3) To many he was a rockstar, to me he was simply 'Dad', and I loved him hugely.
(4) Anything not eligible is simply ignored or assumed to be someone else’s responsibility.
(5) The binding parameters indicate that the principal activating effect of UMP is not simply to increase the affinity of the enzyme for glucose.
(6) Because the HRG level is increased in Child A liver cirrhosis, we suggest that other mechanisms, other than simply a decreased synthetic capacity of the liver, contribute to the changes in HRG levels in patients with liver disease.
(7) I am rooting hard for you.” Ronald Reagan simply told his former vice-president Bush: “Don’t let the turkeys get you down.” By 10.30am Michelle Obama and Melania Trump will join the outgoing and incoming presidents in a presidential limousine to drive to the Capitol.
(8) This may have been a pointed substitute programme, management perhaps imagining a future where electronic presenters will simply download their minds to MP3-players.
(9) "I have tried to borrow the money, but it was simply impossible."
(10) Statistical diagnostic tests are used for the final evaluation of the method acceptability, specifically in deciding whether or not the systematic error indicated requires a root source search for its removal or is simply a calibration constant of the method.
(11) Her speech suggested the kind of Republican who would truly "raise the conversation", and if it seems like settling to want an opposition party to simply not be so utterly vindictive, well, yes, I will settle for that.
(12) And what did you have to do to get fired for Libor fiddling, rather than simply disciplined?
(13) They also dismiss those who suggest that the current record-low interest rates mean countries could safely stimulate growth by raising their borrowing levels higher: Economists simply have little idea how long it will be until rates begin to rise.
(14) Evidence is presented that the type-specific antibody to the adenovirus hexon is not simply the antibody with the highest activity for cross-reactive determinants, but is a distinct, minority population that recognizes seperate determinants.
(15) They have not remotely done this so far, largely from fear of domestic political consequences that cannot be simply dismissed.
(16) If X rays and neutron doses are separated by times long enough to allow the full repair of sublethal injury then the combined effect is simply additive.
(17) Instead the textbook simply reads: "Traditional industries, such as shipbuilding and coal mining, declined ... during her premiership, there were a number of important economic reforms within the UK".
(18) These letters are also written during a period when Joyce was still smarting from the publishing difficulties of his earlier works Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” Gordon Bowker, Joyce’s biographer, agreed: “Joyce’s problem with the UK printers related to the fact that here in those days printers were as much at risk of prosecution on charges of publishing obscenities as were publishers, and would simply refuse to print them.
(19) For data sampled at a high rate (approximately 200 Hz) pupil velocity deviations from zero can simply be used, giving a satisfactory inaccuracy of about 5 ms. For data sampled at a low rate (less than 50 Hz), e.g.
(20) We simply do whatever nature needs and will work with anyone that wants to help wildlife.” His views might come as a surprise to some of the RSPB’s 1.1 million members, who would have been persuaded by its original pledge “to discourage the wanton destruction of birds”; they would equally have been a surprise to the RSPB’s detractors in the shooting world.