(1) The 8 men and 3 women were clinically stable, were known to be compliant, and had no clinical evidence of aluminum overload; they were not receiving vitamin D supplements; and they had been on dialysis for an average of 65.6 months (range: 13-188 months).
(2) The Russians call it [the Crimea operation] ‘fast power’ – there are no democratic encumbrances, executive power is sovereign, the legislature, the military, the media, the judiciary are compliant.
(3) New management at Lifeline changed the expenses policy to make it legally compliant and asked Flowers to pay the money back.
(4) "While some lenders were MMR-compliant ahead of the official launch at the end of April, using May data to assess the impact of the new rules is perhaps premature," he said.
(5) Increasing deterioration of qualitative PPG values of deep-valve assessment was found in both compliant and noncompliant patients at each testing interval.
(6) The lungs of the group treated with thyrotropin-releasing hormone plus steroid and the rabbits treated only with steroid were more compliant than the controls without surfactant therapy, and showed significant improvements in protein leak.
(7) With increasing age, the airways were found to be less compliant, and the tracheal relaxation time constant was observed to decrease.
(8) Stress reduced the quality of problem solving in both compliant and noncompliant parents, but even under high stress, compliant parents demonstrated better problem-solving abilities than noncompliant parents.
(9) In relatively stiff lungs, an even distribution of elastance may increase susceptibility to barotrauma, because the more compliant zones are subjected to a greater strain.
(10) It measures the biologic action of treatment among compliant persons.
(11) They wanted food, beverages and personal products to be sharia-compliant, but showed more flexibility in products and services such as finance, insurance and travel.
(12) All customer letters from DG Solicitors were compliant with the OFT debt recovery rules, and made clear that the firm was a trading name of HSBC and that its people were HSBC employees.
(13) That process could see Kenya’s national anti-doping agency being declared non-compliant – although insiders were keen to stress the chances of the country being removed from the Olympics were slim because the International Olympic Committee would need to kick Kenya out.
(14) However, although NA is correlated with health compliant scales, it is not strongly or consistently related to actual, long-term health status, and thus will act as a general nuisance factor in health research.
(15) A ""steal phenomenon'' or passive collapse in compliant coronary lesions during vasodilatation seems unlikely; in fact, patients were free from coronary symptoms, and the electrocardiographic alterations occurred only in seven patients in Group 2, who had a greater left ventricular mass index and required a larger pressure drop to return the diastolic pressure to normal.
(16) (Guardian Australia) Government ads could be outside the guidelines The independent advertising watchdog has warned that some of Labor's pre-election advertising campaigns for its disability and education reforms may not be compliant with the government's own advertising guidelines.
(17) It said “terminating a sub-contract agreement is the strongest message we can send to those who are found to be non-compliant”.
(18) Pressure-volume curves from nine ferrets (including the above six) revealed almost infinitely compliant chest walls so that lung and total respiratory system curves were essentially the same.
(19) Initial measurements of the time-varying wall shear rate at two sites in a compliant cast of a human aortic bifurcation are presented.
(20) The Cohen CAD Scale, based on Horney's psychoanalytic theory, measured compliant, aggressive and detached interpersonal orientations.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interest
(a.) Engaging the attention; exciting, or adapted to excite, interest, curiosity, or emotion; as, an interesting story; interesting news.
Example Sentences:
(1) A group of interested medical personnel has been identified which has begun to work together.
(2) Hypothyroidism complicated by spontaneous hyperthyroidism is an interesting but rare occurrence in the spectrum of autoimmune thyroid disorders.
(3) It is quite interesting to analyse which gene of the virus determines the characteristics of the virus.
(4) Another interested party, the University of Miami, had been in talks with the Beckham group over the potential for a shared stadium project.
(5) "Britain needs to be in the room when the euro countries meet," he said, "so that it can influence the argument and ensure that what the 17 do will not damage the market or British interests.
(6) Angle closure glaucoma is a well-known complication of scleral buckling and it is of particular interest when it occurs in eyes with previously normal angles.
(7) Today’s figures tell us little about the timing of the first increase in interest rates, which will depend on bigger picture news on domestic growth, pay trends and perceived downside risks in the global economy,” he said.
(8) To this figure an additional 250,000 older workers must be added, who are no longer registered as unemployed but nevertheless would be interested in finding another job.
(9) Whittingdale also defended the right of MPs to use privilege to speak out on public interest matters.
(10) David Cameron has insisted that membership of the European Union is in Britain's national interest and vital for "millions of jobs and millions of families", as he urged his own backbenchers not to back calls for a referendum on the UK's relationship with Brussels.
(11) But if you want to sustain a long-term relationship, it's important to try to develop other erotic interests and skills, because most partners will expect and demand that.
(12) One of the most interesting aspects of the shadow cabinet elections, not always readily interpreted because of the bizarre process of alliances of convenience, is whether his colleagues are ready to forgive and forget his long years as Brown's representative on earth.
(13) While the majority of EU member states, including the UK, do not have a direct interest in the CAR, or in taking action, the alternative is unthinkable.
(14) And the irony of it is it doesn't interest me at all.
(15) Further exploration of these excretory pathways will provide interesting new insights on the numerous cholestatic and hyperbilirubinemic syndromes that occur in nature.
(16) The information about her father's semi-brainwashing forms an interesting backdrop to Malala's comments when I ask if she ever wonders about the man who tried to kill her on her way back from school that day in October last year, and why his hands were shaking as he held the gun – a detail she has picked up from the girls in the school bus with her at the time; she herself has no memory of the shooting.
(17) Our interest in the role of association brain structures during this behavior is not occasional.
(18) Apart from their pathogenic significance, these results may have some interest for the clinical investigation of patients with joint diseases.
(19) Photograph: AP Reasons for wavering • State relies on coal-fired electricity • Poor prospects for wind power • Conservative Democrat • Represents conservative district in conservative state and was elected on narrow margins Campaign support from fossil fuel interests in 2008 • $93,743 G K Butterfield (North Carolina) GK Butterfield, North Carolina.
(20) Interestingly, different mechanisms of nucleated and non-nucleated TC directed lysis by CD4+ effectors were implied by distinct patterns of sensitivity to cholera toxin (CT) and cyclosporin A (CsA).