(1) The distribution and configuration of the experimental ruptures were similar to those usually noted as complications of human myocardial infarction.
(2) Hypothyroidism complicated by spontaneous hyperthyroidism is an interesting but rare occurrence in the spectrum of autoimmune thyroid disorders.
(3) Use of the improved operative technique contributed to reduction in number of complications.
(4) report the complications registered, in particular: lead's displacing 6.2%, run away 0.7%, marked hyperthermya 0.0%, haemorrage 0.4%, wound dehiscence 0.3%, asectic necrosis by decubitus 5%, septic necrosis 0.3%, perforation of the heart 0.2%, pulmonary embolism 0.1%.
(5) The origin of the aorta and pulmonary artery from the right ventricle is a complicated and little studied congenital cardiac malformation.
(6) There was one complication (4.8%) from PCD (pneumothorax) and no deaths in this group.
(7) Angle closure glaucoma is a well-known complication of scleral buckling and it is of particular interest when it occurs in eyes with previously normal angles.
(8) During this period he developed autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, a rare complication of myelofibrosis.
(9) In this study, standby and prophylactic patients had comparable success and major complication rates, but procedural morbidity was more frequent in prophylactic patients.
(10) Writing in the Observer , Schmidt said his company's accounts were complicated but complied with international taxation treaties that allowed it to pay most of its tax in the United States.
(11) Trismus may be a complication from local anesthesia.
(12) The course of urogenital tuberculosis is complicated by unspecific bacterial infections of the urinary tract and nephrolithiasis.
(13) Four patients died while maintained on PD; three deaths were due to complications of liver failure within the first 4 months of PD and the fourth was due to empyema after 4 years of PD.
(14) The decline in the frequency of serious complications was primarily due to a decrease in the proportion of patients with open fractures treated with plate osteosynthesis from nearly 50% to 19%.
(15) This method, which permits a more rapid formation of anastomoses, has been used to form Roux-en-Y jejunojejunostomies without extensive complications in six patients.
(16) Such complications as intracerebral haematoma or meningeal haemorrhage may occur during the usually benign course of the disease.
(17) Surgical removal was avoided without complications by detaching it with a ring stripper.
(18) The use of an absorbable material may alleviate potential late complications associated with implantation of nonabsorbable materials.
(19) The patient later died from complications of burns.
(20) The course was further complicated by administration of gentamicin, an antibiotic known to potentiate neuromuscular blocking drugs.
Example Sentences:
(1) My new contraption simulated smoking, I learned, through a battery which heated and vaporised liquid nicotine in water and propylene glycol.
(2) Anja Vestergaard brings out the robot and I come foot-to-wheel with the contraption that is supposedly revolutionising Denmark's care for the elderly.
(3) The bike is hideous, a vast contraption with an illuminated panel that flashes your heart-rate at you.
(4) Over the last few years, at the kinds of conferences where the world's technological elite gathers to mainline caffeine and determine the course of history, Google has entertained the crowds with a contraption it calls Liquid Galaxy .
(5) He tried to capture its character – which he described as a “diabolical contraption, a dusty hunk of electric and mechanical hardware that reminded me of the disturbing 1950’s Quatermass science fiction television series” – in a near-lifesize two metre by three metre Portrait of a Dead Witch, which he also intended as a joke about the contemporary craze for computer-generated art.
(6) In the build-up to the Broncos game, Tomsula made Okoye take on blockers inside this contraption.
(7) British artist Matt Hope has designed a “breathing bicycle” , a home-made Heath Robinson-style contraption that filters air as you pedal along and feeds it through a tube into a fighter-pilot breathing mask.
(8) Originally released as an unfinished beta version, players had to wade through software bugs and mechanical uncertainties, using the game's complex crafting system to build homes and contraptions, but having to share information on what worked where – there was no tutorial.
(9) You can see the bite marks.” Clapper sits me down at a conference table with some chocolate biscuits and begins puffing on a black contraption with a window through which I can see a yellow-brown liquid sloshing.
(10) The device the doctor held in his hand was not a contraption you expect to find in a rural hospital near the banks of the Nile.
(11) Known as bathing machines, and looking like beach huts on wheels, these contraptions became a ubiquitous feature of the Victorian seaside, helping to protect the modesty of generations of our forebears until it became socially acceptable to walk across the beach in a bathing costume.
(12) Photograph: Robert Goddyn Architecture Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age From the glamorous glazed living rooms of Californian Case Study houses, perched precipitously above the twinkling lights of 1950s LA, to the rusting contraptions of the German industrial belt, this expansive survey of architectural photography will show a broad cross-section of images from the 1930s to the present day.
(13) Looking further afield, both in distance and eccentricity, the Malaysian entries include an invention to make cows more conspicuous at night and a complex gadget that finds the end of a roll of adhesive tape, while Adam Ben-Dror of New Zealand offers a contraption that allows bored or lonely goldfish "to roam freely on land" inside a tank with wheels.
(14) We see the moment Reese volunteers to save John Connor’s mother – and his future kind-of girlfriend – and then he gets blasted back to 1984 in a massive, and I mean massive , blue time-travel light-beam contraption.
(15) In a best-case scenario, the contraption should be operational by Monday.
(16) As a vision of the imminent future, it might strike a chill into Europhobic hearts: a German contraption measuring 140 metres (460ft) in length, designed to drive into the very core of the City within months.
(17) Culture A bunch of Mayan villagers are hanging out in the jungle, improbably hunting big game with a zany Indiana Jones-style contraption that looks like a giant sideways meat tenderiser.
(18) Over the next few days cranes will attempt to lower the 100-tonne contraption around 5,000ft (1,500 metres) to the sea floor and position it over a leaking pipe that has been gushing 210,000 gallons of crude a day into the Gulf.
(19) He didn’t succeed, but one of his contraptions did develop into the heart-lung machine so crucial for open-heart surgery.
(20) But after the first 10 shots he hit me to the body, covered in this bullet‑proof contraption, I walked away and laughed from deep within my stomach – without noise.